Zero-effort export to Salesforce Marketing Cloud email builder

Clean code

Stripo templates have clean code with no service symbols that may conflict with :integration_url_name email builder. No misplaced email elements. No manual code setup. Work with Salesforce Marketing Cloud email builder and other ESPs simultaneously and hassle-free.

Bulk export

This is a handy time-saving feature if you don’t want to export each template individually. You can also simultaneously update some elements across all Salesforce Marketing Cloud email templates — for example, contact information in all footers — before exporting.

Export & replace feature

If you export a template with the same name as an email in your Salesforce Marketing Cloud account, Stripo will ask if you want to replace the existing email with the new one.

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Download as HTML or AMP HTML

The option helps to locate containers within a structure one below the other for mobile view.

Download as an Image (JPG, PNG)

The option helps to locate containers within a structure one

Download as PDF

The option helps to locate containers within a structure one below the other for mobile view.
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