Hotels Email Templates

Use any of our Hotel Email Templates to keep in touch with your customers. Customize the templates down, and send out only personalized messages.

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Every business needs to keep in touch with customers and clients, and Hotel business is not an exception here. Well, in this business, clients are called guests.

The best and the easiest way to reach out to your guests is email newsletters.

Here, you will find appropriate hotel email template for any occasion.

The commonly used hotel email templates are event-triggered ones. By using them you confirm reservation or ask the guests for a feedback.

Due to our open HTML/CSS code, you can easily embed a survey form into your hotels HTML email template. An embedded questionnaire is the best and the easiest way to ask your guests if they enjoyed staying with you. Besides, this feature is only becoming the number 1 trend for 2018.

Typically, the hotels email design is bright and colorful.

With you can create unique perfect banners, write promo texts over them applying festive fonts. Embed image carousels to display all the new rooms and new services you offer to the guests.

With our combined HTML and drag-and-drop editors, you can implement your brave ideas to make the templates stand out.

Yet, event-triggered newsletters design is sterner and less creative than the design for promo emails.

But the footer and header for all the kinds of emails remain the same. And this is great as it saves you lots of time. You may create a header and a footer that fit your hotels newsletter templates, save these samples to your Library of blocks and use them whenever you need.

For more ideas and examples, please read our Hotel Design: Tips and Tricks article.

By using our free hotels newsletter templates, you will create beautiful and orderly-shaped emails within less than 10 minutes!

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