Human resources email templates

Looking for compelling, orderly structured HR email templates to save time on email communication with candidates and employees? You’ll find the necessary ones here in our compilation. Edit them in accordance with your corporate style and stay consistent across all correspondence.

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Building emails to new hires, candidates and employees is time-consuming yet this is not your core activity. You have many other things to do every day. 

This means that using our free HR email templates will be of great use for you — now emailing will take half as much time. 
Why makes us so sure about it? When building our templates for HR professionals, we took care of the two things:

1. HR email design

Yes, even for such correspondence, design matters.

  • Structures for professional human resources email templates

All HR newsletter templates are structured. 

Every module is divided by separators from other modules which makes it easier to perceive information in such emails. 

  • Header to make your human resources newsletter templates unique

Human resources email templates for internal use have situative header — festive for holidays,  traditional for announcing events.

All human resources newsletter templates have a classical style header for external use — as these emails represent your company. 

You will only have to replace your company logo in these templates. You may leave the header image that is already used in the HR email template if it fits your corporate design.

  • Signature to add a personal touch to your  human resources email templates

Design of the signature in all human resources email templates complements email design.

Just enter your name, contact information, your photo and your email is ready to go!

2. Human resources email templates automation

Helping our customers save time on email production is our number 1 priority.

  • Library of modules to save time on human resources email templates creation

Once you customize your HR HTML email template in accordance with your brand book, entered your valid information, you may now save its samples to your personal content library. Normally, our users save header, footer, signature, company description, etc. 

When crafting a new email, you just drag these samples to new email template — it significantly saves your time.

You can also store entire templates — when starting over a new email, you just slightly edit its content and your email is ready to go.

  • Embedded photo editor for attention-grabbing HR email design

You need to add a new hire’s photo in your human resource email template, but all images have different dimensions? You can easily edit these images and set unite size with our embedded photo editor. No third-party tools required.

  • Synchronization of human resource emails and social media profiles

HR managers are like office 911 — we all contact them whenever we need something. 

Which is why it is crucial to add your contact information to all HR emails. 

You enter this information once in your Stripo profile — and then our system automatically adds correct links in all the templates you build with us. Not only do we add correct links, but also stick to the design style you set when entering your social media information. 

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