Interactive Email Templates

Have no time, nor coding skills for utilizing Interactivity in newsletters? — Use our Interactive email templates. ? Choose one, and then modify it so that it meets your expectations best. It will take you under 10 minutes. Delight your customers with trend emails.

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Most articles on email design trends say that interactive emails are the number 1 trend for today. But how do you create one?

Ways to create interactive emails

There are two ways to do it:

Way 1. Coding one on your own

In our "8 Examples of Interactive Content in Emails" blog post, we shared a detailed manual on how to build elements as follows on your own:

  • CSS-animated button;
  • star rating;

(This kind of interactivity is fully compatible with all major email clients, both on desktop and mobile devices)

(Source: Email from Mercedes-Benz)

Following the steps from our guide, you are able to build an effective interactive email on your own.

Utilize interactivity in your future newsletters


Way 2. Using our prebuilt interactive email newsletter templates

This one is even easier. You simply choose any of the templates that we have thoughtfully created for you, modify it in accordance with your goals and needs.

You will only have to replace our images with yours, with no need to deal/edit/customize with HTML code.

How to edit an interactive email template

In some cases, but not all, you will have to deal with the code. No worries! You will not have to edit the code, you will just be asked to replace our images/colors with your through the code.

We will show you how to edit Stripo's free interactive email templates

1. Merry Christmas template with falling snowflakes

To edit the background color behind the snowflakes you just need to click the "Stripe" button to activate the settings for the entire stripe, then choose the necessary color in the settings panel.

Additional images, text, and all you also edit/customize in the settings panel. Piece of cake.

Use this template for your Christmas campaigns surprise — spread the Holiday Vibe

2. The "Useful Video" email template

Do you want your users to do the same right in their emails without the need to leave their inboxes?

(Source: Email from Adidas)

Then you will need to use our  "Useful Video" interactive HTML email template.

How do you send your videos instead of ours?


  • open the template in the editor;
  • click on the video element right in the email;
  • open the HTML code to work with the code of this particular email element;

  • replace links to our videos with links to your videos.

LINK 1 — stands for the custom thumbnail image for your embedded video to make it even more noticeable;

LINK 2 — link to an MP4 video, uploaded to your or any external site;

LINK 3 — is a link to a fallback video, normally a link to your video on Youtube or any other video hosting site. Yes, for those users whose devices/email clients do not support this kind of interactivity. They will be directed to Youtube or any other video hosting website;

LINK 4 — is a link to your fallback thumbnail image. In case the videos differ.

As for the "Remove this line" part... That link is a link to your video for mobile devices. But it is necessary only if your MP4 video is not adjustable for mobile devices. However, normally, it is.

Embedded videos increase conversion


3. The "Top Courses for the education industry" email template

Accordion makes your emails look organized and well structured.

So, how do you edit this interactive email template?

You can edit text via code or in the settings panel. And edit colors right in the settings panel.


Utilize interactive accordions in emails to make them more appealing

All other interactive HTML email templates that Stripo offers can be edited through the settings panel. 

Final thoughts

As you can see, it's not that difficult to edit/use our templates.

Did you know that you can create an interactive template on your own, save it in your personal account and reuse it for further campaigns?

Utilize interactivity in your newsletters to amaze recipients with fresh email ideas

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