Zapier email templates

Looking for a Zapier email template to save time on email production? Choose any from our compilation, customize it. Stripo’s integration with Zapier allows synchronizing any ESP with our tool — build your email campaigns with Stripo and send via your ESP.

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Zapier is the world known service that integrates and connects any kind of tools.

Why would you need it?

1-click export of your Zapier newsletter templates

When we are using the tools that have no direct integration, Zapier is of great help.

It prevents us from copying, pasting necessary data — Zapier does it automatically for you! And you choose the trigger of an action.

Stripo is integrated into a number of ESPs and CRMs. But when yours is not on the list, you need to download your email template, paste in your ESP. Quite often necessary styles get lost.

Now due to our integration with Zapier, you may just build any type of email template, which can be delivered to your ESP with just one click. 

300+ Zapier email templates at your service

Yes, we offer over 300 Zapier email templates. They are divided into categories, types, seasons, and even industries.

We offer free Zapier newsletter templates for all occasions. Any business will find a set of the most matching templates.

Embedded microtools to work on Zapier email templates

We offer a set of embedded micro tools which allow you to work on Zapier email design without leaving our editor: 

Also, we offer a set of tools that reduce the time you spend on Zapier newsletter templates production:

  • library of content modules — save individual elements of your emails to your personal file storage that Stripo provides;
  • countdown timer block — build and design timers directly in Stripo;
  • settings for the mobile view — to set necessary parameters for emails on mobile screens;
  • code editor — customize Zapier HTML email templates and see the changes right away in the WYSIWYG mode without the necessity to switch between editors.

We want to remind you that all the templates that you build with us, you can easily export to any ESP due to our integration with Zapier.

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