Email templates with gamification

Explore our email templates with gamification to find just the right one for you. Customize it! Utilize gamification to get ahead of competitors by bringing fun into emails.

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With regard to email marketing, countless brands are attempting to get a serious edge. As a result, even the most fascinating drawings in email marketing may lose their appeal and become not as viable as in the past. That is the reason email marketers attempt to amaze their audience now and again. One of the approaches to do that is with gamification.

Through this post, we'll clarify what gamification is and how to utilize it in email marketing. 

Additionally, we will give the best ideas and examples that you can apply for your email gamification, email templates, newsletter templates, email design & much more.

What is email gamification?

Gamification is the utilization of a gaming technique to unravel non-gaming assignments, for example, training, workers' inspiration, education, audience commitment, and others. 

However, Gamification depends on three center standards: 

  • сompetition;
  • progress;
  • rules/manual;
  • reward.

It simply implies that individuals will engage in a gaming event that they like itself, particularly if there's a reward, and they will automatically get used to it. In short, learn innovatively.

To learn more about utilizing gamification in email campaigns, please read our blog post on Gamification in email marketing.

Best ideas to utilize gamification email templates with Stripo

1. New subscribers — always an added advantage in gamification email marketing

Probably the greatest undertaking for an email advertiser is to develop their subscriber's day-by-day. Complimentary gifts and lead magnets don't generally function admirably, and numerous clients join just for these rewards, and afterward quit or disregard your email messages.  

Gamification can make all the difference here as it stands out for users and gives a new point of view to email design and newsletter templates.

2. Game mechanics incite enthusiasm in an individual

Sometimes, individuals become acclimated to freebies and regularly disregard them, yet to make a markdown among the customers, you add a prize for your game. Permit clients to win a markdown ― this will fabricate inspiration which makes the reward more attractive.

3. Working up an expectation for gamified email campaigns

When there's a need to remember a significant date, gamification assists with making an air of energy and expectation. A genuine sample is an email crusade through renowned companies, who can convey a progression of messages with puzzles to draw in more individuals to their email marketing.

4. Entertaining clients with game mechanics — a WIN-WIN situation

Although gamification depends on inspiration and the craving to get some sort of grant, gamers are regularly pulled in for the sole motivation behind entertainment. If your assignment is to make your email stand apart among the others, at that point the great aspect of this game will prove to be useful. 

You can do so by providing free newsletter templates or HTML email templates that can attract users right away.

Types of gamification for email marketing campaigns

Here are the best ideas and examples that you can explore out and create with Stripo builder

  • trivia;
  • daily quizzes;
  • scratch-freebies;
  • intellectual tests;
  • mind games;
  • IQ tests & many more.

Final thoughts

Remember to get remarkable results from gamification, it is suggestive to choose an informative strategy that will innovatively attract your audience: you have to comprehend types of games and strategies that will attract clients and utilize those in email marketing.

Recall these ideas in your messages and you have the establishment of an extraordinary mission.

Let’s begin your email campaign through Gamification.

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