08 May 2022

Email Marketing News of March-April 2022

Create professional emails

Spring is in full swing, and the email marketing industry is busier than ever. A lot has happened in the last two months, and we have created this compilation to highlight the most important news of March and April in the email marketing industry.

Deliverability Summit

If you have problems delivering emails, then this summit is for you. This two-day event took place March 28-29 and was entirely devoted to this issue. The conference was rich in various interviews, training sessions, presentations, and panel discussions. Event attendees could meet other email marketers through online events and in-person networking sessions. The list of sessions of this event was quite extensive, but the most significant were:

  • Professionals Panel: Deliverability Mastery;

  • Leveling Up into Deliverability;

  • Busting Blocklist Myths Chat with Live Q&A;

  • What is the deal with expiring emails?;

  • Keynote: What GDPR and Schrems II mean for Email;

  • Deliverability Best Practices in 2022.

And as a cherry on the cake: Recordings of the summit are available online on the official website. So if you missed the live event, we recommend that you check out the recordings that will provide you with useful insights into the field of email marketing.

EiQ conference

This one-day event took place on April 5 and was filled to the brim with powerful conferences with a ton of useful information regarding both marketing in general and email marketing in particular. The following conferences were on the agenda:

  • Connect to Keep: Brand Panel on how to keep customers connected today;

  • Make Some Noise: Open the Throttle & Dominate Your Marketplace on how brands can improve their competitiveness and avoid commoditization;

  • Human Connection Through Technology Enabling Personalization about the impact of technology in marketing;

  • Content is King: Building Community Through CX about creating powerful content to promote brands;

  • Edge of the Inbox about various trends and innovations driving email engagement today.

This is not the whole list of conferences. The most interesting thing is that you can watch all of them on the official website of the event in the recording absolutely free.

Impact of Apple’s MPP on the market 

HubSpot conducted a poll among email marketers about the impact of Apple's new MPP feature and the GDPR rules. The main idea of ​​this innovation is that users can hide their IP address and privately interact with the content they receive via Apple Mail.

Many marketers were worried that this would kill the open rate, but the survey showed that for 47% of marketers surveyed the impact update has been neutral, for 29% of respondents the new feature had a negative impact, and only 24% positively.

Most marketers have stated that these innovations have reduced access to data which is essential for creating and tracking email campaigns.

(Source: Hubspot)

The Retail Touchpoint's article about the importance of AMP in email marketing

AMP for email gives marketers endless possibilities to incorporate various interactive elements into their emails. Melissa Sargeant from Litmus wrote an interesting article on why AMP should be must-have in every marketer's barn. In short, AMP elements help to:

  • more conveniently collect the necessary data (to conduct surveys);

  • increase user engagement;

  • provide seamless reading experiences.

However, to fully understand all the benefits of AMP elements, we recommend that you read her article as well as our ultimate guide on 20 ways to use AMP technology in email marketing.

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20-best-ways-to-use-amp-in-emails-with-examples20 Examples of AMP Emails

Email platform expansion launch from Validity

Validity has released a platform to the public that provides access to the data needed for successful email marketing campaigns. At its core, this is a major extension of the company's existing platform called Everest. The features presented in the extension will be extremely useful for small and medium businesses that want to get an edge in the growing competition through email marketing. In total, the extension announced three features:

  • monitoring of the sender reputation to help you avoid blacklists;

  • checking the list of email addresses to detect inaccurate addresses;

  • inbox placement insights by the mailbox provider.

You can get acquainted with this wonderful extension on the official website of the company.

(Source: Validity)

Brand new email deliverability tool from Emailable

In April, Emailable debuted on the market of digital email marketing solutions with its new creation Deliverability.

The main goal of this platform is to help you fix inbox placement issues. The platform has a detailed dashboard that allows users to analyze their mail server settings, get a detailed spam report, and find out the actual placement of their emails. In addition, Deliverability allows you to control your domains and IP addresses.

This tool already has quite high ratings and positive customer reviews, which only demonstrates the high quality and usefulness of Deliverability.

The end of the third-party cookie and its impact on email marketing 

As everyone already knows, the files should leave us in the near future. While it won't happen until 2023, email marketers are already talking about the impact this event will have on their campaigns. Loyalty Research has conducted research among marketers in various industries, and email marketers are no exception. In a survey, 84% of email marketers said that they suffered a high or medium impact on their email marketing due to their depreciation. 90% of marketers say they rely on these cookies to track site visits and to understand cross-channel activities.

Against the backdrop of this news, it is also worth noting the rampant trend toward an increased spending on email marketing. About 70% of marketers surveyed say they intend to increase their email marketing budgets.

This report is an excellent representative of industry sentiment, and we highly recommend it for you to read.

Google Docs presented an email template for point drafting emails

After the announcement in February, already in early March, Google introduced an email template specifically for Google Docs that has direct integration with Gmail. The template has a rather simple and at the same time businesslike design that is suitable for various corporate emails and important notifications.

In addition, the Gmail integration works with the click of a button, which opens an email submission form right in Google Docs, making it faster to send emails with this template.

However, if you need something more and more versatile, Stripo offers over 1000 email templates for dozens of industries and occasions. You can easily push them to your ESP to run your email campaign right away.

Create unique emails with more than 1000 templates
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The RecordSnail beta release allows attaching audio to your emails

Progress does not stand still, and the development of emails goes along with it. Until recently, we were excited about the ability to add interactive elements and simple games to emails. Today we can attach audio messages to your emails, thanks to RecordSnail.

This Chrome extension went into beta release at the beginning of March and allows you to record an audio message and send it to your email recipients. RecordSnaill inserts a button with a link to the record in the email. When the recipient opens the email, they can click on the button to listen to your message. You can come up with quite a lot of applications for such functionality (for example, audio advertising or an invitation by voice to some kind of event, and much more). The creators constantly update the extension, which makes the existing product even better.

Final words

These two months have been pretty eventful, but this is where the news comes to an end. We are looking forward to next month to see new events, innovations, and exciting developments in the field of email marketing. In the meantime, you can upgrade your email design process with the help of Stripo.

Create unique emails with full-fledged email design platform for free