18 May 2023

What processes affect email production time in email marketing teams

Create professional emails

We all — you and us — understand the complexities of the email marketing landscape — it resembles a multitude of mini-factories, producing diverse, high-volume emails, with an incredible number of processes and a lot of tools used. 🙂

And since Stripo directly helps to optimize many processes, we decided to find out exactly what the workflows are in different email teams and further identify areas for simplification.

Why do we do it?

We find it important because:

  1. Managing all the processes inside teams is the core duty of a manager.
  2. We ourselves and I personally got interested in whether there are fundamental differences in approaches and processes. If so, which ones and where? How can you optimize them and reduce email production time? What can we do about this? And how.

Time distribution within teams

We wanted to know how long companies take to produce an average email campaign. So, we talked to our partners to learn about their work process. Then, I asked ChatGPT for information about email creation time and also searched online to see what other people knew about this.

The revelation was indeed surprising. Across various teams, crafting each type of email takes anywhere from a single day to multiple weeks. More specifically, respondents (consider, for instance, a promotional email campaign) reported a preparation span ranging from a couple of days to three weeks. ChatGPT suggested that the average creation time for a promotional email varies from a few days to a week, while online resources indicate that crafting one promotional email demands approximately 18.5 hours. This equates to nearly three full workdays. Regarding the complete cycle, copywriting commands 32% of the time, design takes up 30%, and the remaining 38% is allocated across other processes.

What affects the email campaign production time

Okay, myriad factors contribute to the striking different in the email production times. These range from the characteristics of the audience, the inherent nuances of the email marketing strategy, and its primary KPIs to the competencies within the team itself. And so, I decided to figure out how many people are involved in email production, what they are working on to create one newsletter, and why the time intervals for completing the task vary so much.

Throughout our engaging dialogues with partners, we discovered that typically email teams have three to 7 dedicated individuals.

The crux of the matter isn't rooted as much in the market or audience needs as it is in the internal processes employed within the teams themselves. For instance, one team may meticulously record every action within a task management system. Another might have extensive documentation detailing every post-process. Yet another could use a simple technical specification, treating it as a template to expedite their workflow. A fourth team might resolve everything through instant messaging, significantly cutting down on time taken for each process step, albeit at the cost of potential systematization of the process.

Wrapping up

Every team has its own unique path, from strategic planning to execution, featuring diverse post-work activities, from widely varying analytics to exhaustive accounts of campaign undertakings with detailed insights. All these factors invariably influence the entire operation.

Hence, we are going to dive deep into the daily grind of email teams across various sectors. We aim to discern their daily challenges, identify processes that are at peak optimization, and pinpoint areas for improvement. We will meticulously explore campaigns and emails to gain a holistic understanding of the "email industry" and eagerly share our findings with you.

We invite you to share insights into your team's processes, as your feedback and experiences are invaluable to us. Thank you 🙂

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