29 September 2023

Interactive module generator: Wheel of Fortune

Create exceptional emails

Remember the American game show Wheel of Fortune? Quite interesting and entertaining. So we thought and decided to add one of the main elements of this show to our generator. However, instead of playing hangman, you can now give discounts and promo codes to your recipients in a fun way — through the wheel of fortune.

In this article, we will explain in detail how you can generate your own wheel of fortune with our interactive module generator,. Then, we will introduce effective ways to use the generator in your newsletters. Let’s dive right in.


How you can use the wheel of fortune in your emails

So, we have a simple and intuitive tool for generating a wheel of fortune. But how exactly can you use the latter in your email campaigns? We've put together several options. Just take it and use it for the benefit of your newsletters.

Giving promo codes

The first option that immediately comes to mind is using the wheel of fortune to give out promo codes. Simply add the required discounts to the sectors of the wheel of fortune and display the corresponding promotional codes after the wheel stops—plain and simple.

Guessing games with emojis

Since emojis can be added to our wheels of fortune, why not play a guessing game? Add emojis to your wheel of fortune and challenge your recipients to guess what you mean by each emoji. These emojis can be clues for movies, products, countries, events, and much more. Emojis are a powerful tool, and there are enough of them to describe anything you want. And they also look funny.

Giving presents 

In addition to their use for promo codes, wheels of fortune can help as you give gifts to your subscribers. Let’s imagine that you have several types of merchandise that you want to give away and that the recipient can only take one thing. Add a pinch of intrigue by assigning a number to each gift, showing the recipient which number belongs to which gift, and inviting the recipient to spin the wheel of fortune. The number that appears on the wheel will show the recipient exactly what they’ve won.

Granting rewards using hyperlinks and dedicated landing pages

Use hyperlinks to your advantage! They can be attached to any text in sectors within and under the wheel of fortune. This is quite useful for increasing the amount of traffic flowing to your website and for creating a separate landing page for an email marketing event. Each link can lead to a dedicated landing page in which each recipient will receive their own gift or promo code. However, the kind of gift each recipient receives is decided by the wheel of fortune.

Advising countries to visit

The tourism industry can also upgrade their emails using wheels of fortune. For example, discounts on various tours can be revealed via a wheel of fortune can reveal. In addition, you can create an email newsletter in which one of several tours to another country are offered, with the locations hidden until after the wheel is spun.

How to generate an interactive wheel of fortune

The main idea of our generator is to give users the opportunity to quickly generate interactive modules without coding and through a convenient UI. See for yourself how easy it is to create your own wheel of fortune.

1. Work on the content of the sectors 

The name speaks for itself. In this section, you can customize the content of the sectors inside your wheel of fortune. A total of two values can be configured:

  1. Sector value. The value that will appear on the wheel of fortune after it stops.
  2. Sector text. The text that appears under the wheel of fortune after it stops.

You can add any number of sectors by clicking on the green plus button. You can delete sectors by clicking on the trash can next to the numbers of the sectors you want to delete.

Important note: You can attach links to the sector value and sector text as well as different emojis (currenty, emojis can be added via third-party resources such as Emojipedia. Soon, you will be able to add them through the UI).

2. Configure your start and stop buttons

This generator section allows you to configure the button to start the rotation of the wheel and the method of stopping it.

  1. Start button name. Here, you can enter the text that’ll be displayed on the “Start” button.
  2. Stop button name. This allows you to enter text that will be displayed on the “Stop” button.

Our wheel of fortune can be stopped not only through a separate button—you can enable a function that stops the wheel on its own after a certain time.

By toggling the Stop by timer button, you will see a setting block for this timer where you can choose the interval after which the wheel of fortune will stop itself (2, 3, 4, or 5 seconds).

3. Work on the design of your wheel of fortune 

The “Appearance” tab is all about changing the looks of your wheel of fortune. We wanted to give you ample options to customize your game so that it would be easier to fit the design of your email. Start by clicking the “Appearance” button in the upper right corner.

Let's look separately at each element that you can customize.

Wheel skins

In our generator, you can choose a wheel of fortune skin from the list of pre-made options or upload your own by leaving a link to the image for the Hidden and Revealed sectors.

Important note: The uploaded image must be in PNG, JPG, or GIF format. In addition, the size of the uploaded file should not be bigger than 3 MB, and dimensions should not exceed 4000 x 4000 pixels.

Pointer customization

The pointer is an important part of the game and can also be customized. You can adjust its position in the wheel of fortune (Left, Top, Right, or Bottom).

In addition, you can choose a pointer skin from pre-created ones or upload your own image that will serve as a pointer in the wheel of fortune.

Important note: The uploaded image must be in PNG, JPG, or GIF format. In addition, the uploaded file size should not be bigger than 3 MB, and dimensions should not exceed 4000 x 4000 pixels.

Buttons customization

This section will help you customize the appearance of the start and stop buttons for the wheel of fortune. You can choose:

  • text color inside buttons;
  • button background color.

Wheel background 

You may be surprised by this, but the wheel of fortune generator does not have a wheel background setting. And actually the reason is quite simple — the wheel will inherit the email background color when you add it to the email template in the editor.

4. Download and add the game to your email

Our generator gives you a module with a game that contains the following:

  • An AMP version of your email. This works in Gmail, Yahoo, and FairEmail;
  • An interactive fallback. This works on all devices and email clients that support HTML5 and CSS3. It also works in Apple Mail and Samsung Email; and
  • A text fallback version. This works in email clients that do not support HTML5 and CSS3, such as some Outlook apps.

The process of adding a game is also quite simple and does not take much time. We described this in detail in our first manual, “How to create interactive content without code hassle”. Click on this article and look for Step 6, where we describe the entire process in detail.

Wrapping up

A wheel of fortune can add extra engagement to your emails and surprise your recipients. Create your own game using our generator and see for yourself how easily you can transform your emails using interactive modules.

We’re continuing to develop our interactive module generator, so stay tuned for updates that bring you different games and modules for use in email newsletters.

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