13 April 2023

Alina Samulska-Kholina
Alina Samulska-Kholina Copywriter bei Stripo

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2 Kommentare
Ethan Lessiter vor 1 Jahr
How can we copy the Karcher Quiz you made?
Alina Samulska-Kholina vor 1 Jahr
Hello, Ethan! We have a template with very similar mechanics “Spin to win” that you can edit yourself for your task. In addition, we will soon publish in our blog a manual on how to create a roulette game for Gmail, Yahoo and Apple Mail, as well as with a fallback for other mailers. Using the manual, you will be able to create such a game step by step from scratch.
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Für E-Mail-Marketing-Teams und Einzelersteller von E-Mails.


Für Produkte, die von einem integrierten White-Label-E-Mail-Builder profitieren könnten.