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Stripo Versionshinweise




New features of merge-tags, improved notifications

We made merge-tags even more functional, expanded their possible use through "Special links" that can now be created in the settings

  • Added "Special links" to merge tags in the "Groups", "Personalization" menu.
  • Added the ability to click on the entire inscription area on the notification when opening an AMP email in a new editor.




UI improvements, bug fixes with synchronized modules and VML code

Alter Redakteur
  • Added an explanation under the "Link" control regarding the operation of link protocols in various email clients.
  • The content of the synchronized module is not updated after trying to update it.
  • Image save buttons in the "Gallery" of images on small screens go beyond the browser.
  • There is duplication of VML code in existing emails.
  • The "Only" button is overlaping on the long module category name.




Support for new currencies and bug fixes

We continue to expand the number of supported currencies, and after Brazilian reals, Mexican pesos, Indian rupees and Polish zlotys have received support


  • Added the ability to pay in new currencies (Mexican pesos, Indian rupees, Polish zlotys).
  • Changed the way to save letters exported to Hubspot.
  • New template categories have been created (Refugee Day, Higher Education Day, Doughnut Day, Cancer Survivors Day, Childhood Depression Awareness Day, Harry Potter Day)


  • A request is not sent when changing the color on the plugin settings page.
  • Updated pricing for local currencies for extra services on the billing page.
  • The last changes in the duplicated email are not displayed if the duplication happened before the screenshot of the email was updated.
  • Supported a small number of test clients in Email on Acid.




GIPHY integration, block bug fixes and other improvements

Neuer Editor


  • Added integration with GIPHY stock images. Now there is an option in the image gallery to choose a GIF type image.
  • Error adding some Vimeo links to the "Video" block.
  • The entire table is deleted when deleting text in any cell.
  • The color of the list markers, which were set in the general settings of the email, changes when the font color of the list is changed.
  • The value "-1" is displayed in saved modules with the "Banner" block.
  • An additional image is hidden when copying the "Banner" block.
  • Activated the "Flip" control for an additional image in the "Banner" block in the email created from a custom template.
  • The main and secondary images of the "Banner" block are not displayed in the editor, preview, test email, "Share link".
  • A block settings error is displayed when switching between blocks of the same type.
  • Impossible to change the styles of the "Text" block in the structure after changing the styles of the "Text" block in the attached structure in the same stripe.
  • An error in the code editor when inserting the custom email code.
  • Impossible to enter text into a block after removing the merge tag from that block.
  • An error in the console when creating a smart element.
  • Error deactivating "Responsive design" control in user template.
  • Links with custom fonts are not removed after changing them to regular ones in the new editor, if the fonts were specified in the old editor.
  • Indentation is displayed in a structure of three containers with zero indentation value between containers.
  • The media section is now deleted if the last style from that block is deleted.
  • Text is deleted when editing a block with a tag.




Team interaction on the main page, a dashboard with a changes history and bug fixes

  • Replaced Basic oauth with oauth2 for ESP Mautic.
  • Added an information panel for the letter displaying the history of changes.
  • Added the ability to interact with team members on the main page.
  • Email versions are not created correctly in ESP when the user re-exports the same translated email/template with different settings.
  • Removed [if !mso] tag when exporting to MailerLite.
  • Fixed the problem on the main page when the PayPal icon climbed onto the price.




Fixing the "Button" block and lists in emails sent to Outlook

Alter Redakteur
  • VML comments in the "Button" block and hidden element are not removed after deactivating "Support for Outlook" and removing the "Hide on mobile" property.
  • Additional indents are displayed in the lists in the mail sent to the Outlook mail.




Big update with bug fixes with blocks, modules and other improvements

Neuer Editor
  • The code inserted in the header of the email is deleted.
  • A value of 20 is set for the outline indentation in the general settings of the email that was created from a template with zero indentation in the general settings.
  • Error when saving the synchronized module with the banner block.
  • Impossible to apply the "bold" style to text copied from the clipboard (Word, WebPage) if part of the pasted text has the "bold" style.
  • Changed the sequence of added code in the "HTML" block.
  • The [object Object] value is displayed instead of the icon in the "General modules" tab.
  • Horizontal scrolling is displayed in the new editor after switching from the old editor.
  • Text without spaces breaks the display in the tooltips in the "My modules" tab.
  • Added a closing VML tag after the non-hidden-to-desktop structure.
  • The font size is not changing in the settings and editor in the "Text" block in the user's email.
  • The size of the "Image" and "Video" blocks not changing when dragging them using the copy button, when copying the block into a container with a larger size.




Update Account translations, bug fixes for the "Proofreader" role and more

  • Added the ability to open the change history from the "View information" menu for an email/template.
  • Updated translations of Account settings.
  • A user with the "Proofreader" guest role can edit the entire content of the email.
  • A user with the "Proofreader" guest role can't delete images from the "Image gallery" in the "Email" folder.
  • Impossible to remove "Email address" from the project settings in the "Contact information" section.




Update with lots of editor bug fixes

Neuer Editor
  • The text in the "We didn't find the... by the link" message when creating a smart structure is partially cut off.
  • The value of "Expression" in smart elements is not saved after changing the link and reopening the config.
  • There is a transition to another line when trying to enter letters with umlaut.
  • Impossible to call the image gallery a second time in the "Menu" and "Social" blocks.
  • Styles are removed when opening an email from the old editor in the new editor
  • Removed the text from the block name pop-over.
  • The indentation value between the link and the icon in the menu block is displayed incorrectly when changing the positioning of the icon first in the old and then in the new editor.
  • An error in the code editor when adding double quotes to the "Text" block in the email.
  • A new line is created when adding text to a link in the editor.
  • Changes the size of "Line Height" to the default value after changing the font size in the "Text" block.
  • When adding an additional image to the banner, an empty error appears in the settings panel.
  • A zero value of the image size with a rollover effect is displayed.
  • The underlining of the link is not added/removed when the "Underline link" control is activated/deactivated, if the link was created after applying text styles.
  • Activated the "Flip" control for the text in the "Banner" block, in a letter created from a custom template.
  • An error occurred when activating the "Synchronized module" control in the new editor, in a module that was created in the old editor.
  • "Broken" styles of the "Text" block when reopening the email.
  • Impossible to change stock images in image blocks.
  • Cursor moves when entering text in the lines created with the CTRL+ENTER combination.
  • The text from the "Text" block is not displayed in the code editor and preview of the test email.
  • Duplicated tags in the "Head" section are now deleted when the email is opened.
  • Deactivated "Adjust to width on Mobile" control in the general button settings, when copying an email or creating a template from an email.




Minor bug fixes to improve stability and provide flawless operation.

Alter Redakteur




Improvement of export process in "Pardot" and "Mindbaz"

  • Added checkbox "Leave Title field empty" when exporting to "Pardot".
  • Added changes to authorization fields when exporting to "Mindbaz".
  • Removed integration with "Sendsay".
  • Removed integration with "FreshMail".




Bug fix with button text editing

Alter Redakteur
  • The text is duplicated when the underlined text in the button is changed.




Bug fixes for "Button", "Text" blocks and other fixes

Neuer Editor
  • Added the ability to move the structure that is the only one in the stripe through the Container-Structure-Stripe drop-down menu.
  • The text entered in the empty lines created by the Shift+Enter combination is not displayed in the code editor.
  • Removed the limit of the allowed number of characters in the "Button text" field in the "Button" block.
  • An error occurred when inserting text into the "Text" block.
  • The space in the "Button text" field is removed when editing this field.
  • Displayed symbols instead of some emojis in the "Title" and "Hidden preheader" fields.
  • Focus disappears from the "Title" field after editing the value in this field in the "Text" block.




More flexible two-factor authentication settings, but fixes for demo editor bug fixes, roles settings, and more

  • Added the ability to configure the activation of two-factor authentication at each login.
  • Removed Sendsay and FreshMail integrations from the list.
  • Updated logos of Acumbamail, Constant Contact, CleverReach, Zeta Global.
  • Fixed a bug when a user tries to open a shared email in the demo editor.
  • Fixed an error that appeared after using a space in the name of the folder for images.
  • Invoices are not downloaded if the account language is Italian.
  • The error occurs when a user tries to delete a custom role when someone with that role has created a email\template.
  • The image with additional options does not load in the image gallery.

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