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Notas de la versión de Stripo




Version 2.1.0

  • Added parameter support for Modules Library.
  • Added support for moveBlockAvailability parameter.
  • Added parameter support for ON/OFF Message Settings and its settings.
  • Added support for Title, Hidden Preheader parameters.
  • Added support for the enableXSSSecurity option parameter.
  • Error in the console when using the onSettingsPanelPositionChanged function.
  • Hidden categories of modules in the settings are displayed.
  • Adding a single custom social network to the socialNetworks option does not work.
  • The content of the image gallery tab is not displayed if the folder is not accessed.
  • After two calls to the onCodeEditorVisibilityChanged function, an error occurs in the console.
  • The codeEditor parameter does not work.
  • An error in the console when initializing the plugin with the modulesDisabled option active.
  • Error in the console when opening the letter.
  • The onCodeEditorVisibilityChanged parameter is called without activating the code editor.
  • Autosave works when it is turned off manually or automatically with a Free plan.
  • A new line is created when adding text after a link in the "Text" block.
  • Extra lines are added when copying text in the "Text" block.
  • A user with the "Viewer" role has access to edit UTM tags.
  • Errors in the console when working with the "Banner" block.
  • Image proportions are not preserved when copying the "Video" block.
  • The Auto value in the Background Height control in the structure or strip background image settings is not displayed.
  • The size of the "Banner" block does not change after changing the image settings on mobile.
  • Error when deactivating the Responsive Image control in the "Banner" block.




Version 2.0.0 for New Plugin



A new stage of plugin development is here. We are pleased to present you the first beta version, which will become the foundation for all subsequent updates and improvements. We look forward to your feedback and suggestions that will help us make the plugin even better, more functional and more convenient, making your Stripo experience flawless.

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Editor Stripo
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Plugin de Stripo
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Editor Stripo

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Plugin de Stripo

Para productos que podrían beneficiarse de un creador de correo electrónico de marca blanca integrado.