Acoustic Campaign email templates

Looking for a sophisticated Acoustic Campaign email template? Pick from our rich collection. Edit it if necessary and export to the aforementioned ESP with just 1 click.

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Acoustic Campaign, a product of IBM, is a world-known marketing automation software.

You can easily, with 1 click, export all emails from Stripo to IBM’s Acoustic Campaign.

What makes Stripo useful:

1. Collection of acoustic campaign email templates

Stripo offers a wide variety of Acoustic Campaign newsletter templates

You pick any, customize its content — and your email is ready to be sent.

2. Collection of content modules for acoustic campaign email templates

If you like, you can combine diverse content elements form various templates. They all are all crafted by our professional coders, and designers and are stored in our Library of Content Modules. Pick the ones that you like best and pull them in the template you are working with. Slightly edit them to make your Acoustic Campaign email design unified and consistent. 

3. Set of tools for designing acoustic campaign emails

Here, you will find a bunch of tools for working on your free IBM’s Acoustic Campaign newsletter templates, from photo editor to banner generator

No third-party tools needed — work on imagery directly in Stripo.

4. Drag-n-Drop blocks for acoustic campaign email templates

Building Acoustic Campaign email templates has never been easier as Stripo offers 12 blocks. 

You just pull them into your Acoustic Campaign newsletter templates, and edit content right away. 

The blocks that Stripo offers are as follows:

  • image — here you can upload images from your servers, from your computer and also find one in our bank of 100,000 images. Edit these images if you like;

  • text — set spacing, choose fonts that fit your Acoustic Campaign email design best, upload custom fonts;

  • button — you choose whether to add rounded or square-shaped buttons to your emails, apply CSS-animation and shadow effect to your button;

  • spacer — to visually divide your email into sections;

  • video — just paste your URL and Stripo will automatically fill out all the necessary fields, like title, alt, and thumbnail image with proper information. Plus — you can upload custom thumbnail image if you like;

  • social — let your customers follow you on social networks. Please remember you can synchronize your Stripo account with all your social media channels. When building an Acoustic Campaign HTML email template next time, our editor will fill out this information for you;

  • banner — embedded tools for building complex, multi-layered banners directly in Stripo;

  • timer — timers in emails increase revenue by 9%. Build and design them right in our editor;

  • menu — well, menus navigate users to necessary pages on your website;

  • HTML — this block allows you embedding custom email elements that you build with some third-party tools but without any HTML skills;

  • AMP carousel — get ahead of the game by using innovative email elements for your campaigns. AMP carousel allows showing up to 16 banners in one screen. Building this carousel requires no coding skills at all;

  • AMP accordion — is meant to visually structurize your email content. Again, no coding skills needed here.

As you can see, Stripo helps to build sophisticated Acoustic Campaign Email templates effortlessly in literally no time.

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