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Liberar 4.05
- The controls for managing the text size are added in the «Appearance» tab – «Header» and «Footer»;
- The hint about the location of the exported email in the mailing service is added;
- The «Export» button on the «Code Editor» panel is added which makes it even easier to export emails.
- IN:032537. Editor. The drop-down list with merge-tags is moved at a small screen resolution;
- IN:032699. Editor. The font style and text size are not displayed for headings in the email;
- IN:032700. Editor. When changing the background of the email, the comment responsible for its displaying in the MS Outlook is broken;
- IN:032692. Editor. There is no possibility to select the «Info area» for the strips;
- IN:032482. Editor. The width of the «Banner» basic block is not changed when the width of the email is changed;
- IN:032701. Editor. When the code editor is open, the email cannot be scrolled to the end;
- IN:032626. Editor. The displaying area of the saved blocks in the «Library of blocks» is recalculated when you hover over the saved block;
- IN:032695. Editor. The «Code Editor» is not displayed when you open the «My HTML» template;
- IN:032660. Editor. The performance of the user’s device is reduced while the editor is opened.
Liberar 4.04
- The new «My templates» tab is added which allows you to manage your personal templates in a separate menu;
- The ability to view simultaneously two tabs HTML and CSS in the code editor is added;
- The ability to delete text using the «Backspace» key is added in the «Banner» basic block;
- The new label to display the email area is added when hovering over the strips in the email.
- IN:032630. Editor. Manually typed HTML classes started with «esd» are not cut when exporting an email;
- IN:032634. Editor. When the Internet connection is not stable, the images are not loaded into the email;
- IN:032598. Editor. When inversion of containers in the mobile version is turned on, the indentation of the first container disappears;
- IN:032580. Editor. In the empty container, when the email is re-opened, the default message «Drop content here» appears;
- IN:032397. Editor. Images from the «Bank» tab in the «Gallery» of images are added to the email without confirmation in the Mozilla Firefox browser;
- IN:032597. Сabinet. The ID of the emails is copied with space;
- IN:032550. Cabinet. Users avatars are not displayed in the organization settings.
Liberar 4.03
- «Supscript», «Subscript» controls were added to the CKEditor panel of the «Text» basic block as well as the icon to clean text formatting;
- The new icon «Blogger» is added to the «Social networks» basic block.
- IN:032491. Editor. The external paddings in the «Button» basic block cannot be changed via settings panel;
- IN:032140. Editor. The weight of the image is not displayed after it’s been added to the «Image» basic block;
- IN:032492. Editor. The CKEditor panel does not open when you click on a text block;
- IN:032518. Editor. The settings panel of the Stripe automatically scrolls to the «Gallery» of images;
- IN:032493. Cabinet. The protocol is not automatically added to the entered domain name in the project settings;
- IN:032344. Cabinet. The drop-down lists are slowly opened in the project settings;
- IN:032511. Cabinet. The thumbnails of emails are broken if they have long names;
- IN:032486. Cabinet. The preview of a new email does not work.
Liberar 4.02
- More controls in the «Appearance» – «Adaptivity» tab are added, this allows you to manage the text size for each area of the email for mobile version;
- The merge-tags are added to the «Text» basic block for personalization;
- The image size is displayed now in the tooltips when you hover them;
- The spinner is added to editor when you open an email;
- IN:032478. Editor. The tag br is not added to the HTML code of the email when creating a paragraph in the «Text» basic block.
Liberar 4.01
- The ability to use your own domain for links to created email templates is added. The option is especially useful for companies that send links to created email templates to their clients for approval, and do not want the link URL to contain the domain;
- Controls for managing emails and own templates have been changed within the user’s account;
- New icon for deleting links is added in the text formatting panel;
- «Border of content» control is added in the settings of the stripes;
- The ability to manage the access key to the API in the project settings is added.
- IN:032312. Editor. The content in the structure is shifted when the control «Adaptive structure» is turned off;
- IN:032358. Editor. The structure of the email breaks when the content of the container is deleted;
- IN:032341. Editor. The width of the email is broken when adding a border to the container, in which there is a «Picture» basic block;
- IN:032365. Editor. The ability to control the «Internal indents» control in the «Button» basic block is lost;
- IN:032147. Editor. The size of the picture does not change after editing it through the «Aviary» editor;
- IN:032145. Editor. Images are uploaded to the «Gallery» with an invalid extension;
- IN:032403. Editor. Two identical containers are displayed unevenly on the mobile with the turned off «Adaptive structure» control;
- IN:032397. Editor. Images from the «Bank» tab in the «Gallery» of pictures are added to the email without confirmation;
- IN:032139. Editor. The part of the text is cut off in the «Banner» basic block;
- IN:032359. Editor. When editing the size of the container in the structure, all the pictures inside the structure are set to a size of 1px;
- IN:032264. Editor. The Developer Console displays a «editor.css» error while working with the editor;
- IN:032414. Editor. «Gallery» of images and the «Image» basic block controls are displayed in the settings panel simultaneously;
- IN:032390. Editor. When the «Keep aspect ratio» control is turned off in the «Banner» basic block the image is displayed in the original size;
- IN:032263. Editor. A border appears around the pop-up closing button when copying all the HTML code of the email;
- IN:032372. Editor. The comments in the CSS tab in the «Code Editor» are deleted;
- IN:032424. Cabinet. Pop-up is not displayed when the invited user is invited to the organization again.
Liberar 4.0
- The «Users» tab is added to Settings menu, in which it is possible now to invite new users to your organization;
- The ability to manage containers inside the structure is added: adding, removing containers and changing their sizes;
- The possibility of saving templates from emails is added;
- In the «Gallery» of images, the button for calling the «Aviary» editor is added when hovering over the image;
- The new control «Internal paddings» is added in the «Appearance» tab – «Button» section;
- The ability to search for text inside the «Code Editor» is added;
- The service phrase «Drop a block from the «Content» tab here» is cut out of the code if the email contains an empty container when exporting an email.
- IN:032244. Editor. The «display: none» style does not disappear when adding an image to the empty «Image» basic block;
- IN:032290. Editor. The conditional comment for MS Outlook is not changed in the «Code Editor» when changing the width of the email;
- IN:032267. Editor. An image that is not stretched over the entire width of the container is marked with the class «esdev-stretch-width»;
- IN:032323. Cabinet. The current pricing plan cannot be reduced to the «FREE» tariff plan.
Liberar 3.15
- Changed the behavior of the sticky zones in the base «Banner», the option is activated when the Ctrl key is held;
- The “Keep aspect ratio” control is added to the «Banner» basic block and allows to increase/decrease the additional image without preserving the proportions;
- The «Line height» control is added to the «Banner» basic block;
- The additional text fields are added in the «Banner» basic block;
- «The size of the text of the items in the «Menu»» basic block control is added to the «Appearance» – «Adaptability» tab;
- The «Responsive spacer» control is added to the «Spacer» basic block.
- IN:032156. Editor. The pop-up window for adding new icons in the «Soc. networks» basic block does not close when clicking outside the pop-up area;
- IN:032149. Editor. The image size in the «Image» basic block reset when changing the width of the email;
- IN:032201. Editor. The «Demo template» is not loaded in Internet Explorer 11;
- IN:032216. Editor. The structure of the email breaks when the data is received via URL in the «Smart-structures»;
- IN:031956. Editor. The stripe is flashing when the code editor is open;
- IN:032226. Editor. The contents of the «Smart-structure» are deleted if entered invalid product link;
- IN:032144. Editor. The banner becomes transparent after its generation.
Liberar 3.14
- The «Minimize HTML» option is added which allows you to reduce the weight of the HTML code of the exported email;
- Improved the performance of the editor (especially in the Mozilla Firefox browser).
- IN:032143. Editor. The control «Underlining links» in the «Appearance» tab becomes inactive when you change the CSS code of the email;
- IN:031262. Editor. The «Hide on mobile» control for the items of the «Menu» basic block does not always work immediately;
- IN:032081. Editor. The editor does work in the Internet Explorer 11 browser;
- IN:032162. Editor. The tooltip on the «View» button is stuck within editor;
- IN:032166. Editor. Some service classes are not cut when exporting an email.
Liberar 3.13
- The ability to export email templates as HTML file is added;
- The max value of the font size is increased in the «Banner» basic block;
- Two new icons (WeChat and Weibo) are added in the «Soc. networks» basic block.
- IN:032009. Editor. The style «background» of the strip is deleted if the background color of the content is «transparent»;
- IN:031991. Editor. Images from the «Bank» tab in the «Gallery» of images are added to the background of the strip without confirmation;
- IN:031984. Editor. The Bold font button is removed in the «Button» basic block;
- IN:032021. Editor. The structure of the email breaks when the image is added to the «Smart-structure»;
- IN:031939. Editor. The width of the structures in the email does not decrease when «Adaptive structure» control is turned off;
- IN:032103. Editor. Inversion of containers occurs when the control «Adaptive structure» is turned on/off;
- IN:032097. Editor. The «span» tags are deleted when editing text in «Smart-structure»;
- IN:032120. Editor. An additional «width» style is added in the «Image» basic block in structures with more than one container;
- IN:031992. Editor. The manually typed «span» tags can not ve saved in the «Code Editor»;
- IN:031611. Editor. The name of the saved blocks is truncate in the «Library of blocks»;
- IN:032069. Cabinet. The deletion of the email could be confirm several times.
Liberar 3.12
- The final HTML code for the «Text» basic block is significantly simplified when different styles of formatting are added — for each added style separate tags are not created anymore from the CKEditor panel, which significantly reduces the final size of the email;
- All retrieved images into Smart-structures through URL are automatically optimized and added to the Gallery (hosted on Stripo servers);
- Added two new fonts to the «Banner» basic block.
- IN:031942. Editor. Gaps and some of the text are cut off in the «Banner» basic block;
- IN:031904. Editor. The quality of the image is lost when the «Banner» basic block is added to the small container;
- IN:031879. Editor. When trying to preview an email, an error occurs in the developer console: «Can not read property ’getTamplate’»;
- IN:031993. Editor. When editing HTML code in a container, all the HTML code of the container is automatically allocated;
- IN:031994. Editor. The changes made in the CSS selector of one «Smart-structure» are duplicated to all existing «Smart-structures» of the email;
- IN:031934. Editor. A double page scroll appears when tags are added to the «Library of blocks»;
- IN:032044. Editor. Spaces are cut when you create a link in the «Text» basic block;
- IN:031981. Editor. The style of the edited text does not apply to the link created in it;
- IN:032020. Editor. The font «The Bravery Lite Ver» does not work in the «Banner» basic block;
- IN:032037. Editor. The background color of the content does not apply to the «Banner» basic block , if the added image has a transparent background;
- IN:031849. Editor. The button for creating a link in the CKEditor panel is not active when you select text with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A;
- IN:031777. Cabinet. The icon of a new project could not be downloaded from the first time.
Liberar 3.11
- Implemented the ability to delete images in the «Gallery» of images;
- The «Use» button in the «Bank» tab is now added to confirm the selection of an image from the «Gallery» of images;
- More fonts are added for the Banner basic block;
- Changed the step of switching values for the «Border» in the «Button» basic block to 1px;
- The pop-up confirmation window is appeared to confirm deleting emails and templates
- The «Alignment on the mobile» control has been added to the «Image» and «Video» basic blocks.
- IN:031892. Editor. The entered information in the «CSS selector» field disappears when adding a new «CSS selector» to the variable in the «Smart» structure;
- IN:031859. Editor. The «Appearance — General» tab sticks in the «Settings Panel»;
- IN:031953. Editor. The tooltips on the «Undo / Redo» buttons are shifted;
- IN:031932. Editor. A pop-up message appears with a suggestion to exit the email when you try to add an image to an email from the «Bank» tab in the «Gallery» of images;
- IN:031741. Editor. Tooltips are frozen on different elements inside the Editor;
- IN:031940. Editor. Can not export the message if the email name contains the character «|»;
- IN:031954. Editor. The text selection resets when it is edited in the «Text» basic block.
Liberar 3.10
- The ability to specify the «Email area» is added to the strip for the automatic applying of styles from the tab «Appearance»;
- The mechanism of connecting non-standard fonts is changed for their correct displaying in MS Outlook mail clients;
- Container interaction controls are now displayed in the Settings panel in the «Structures» section instead of «Blocks» section;
- The HTML code of border styles of containers is modified for correct displaying of the mail in MS Outlook mail clients.
- IN:031914. Editor. There are borders at the icons in the «Menu» basic block;
- IN:031912. Editor. The layout of the email in MS Outlook mail clients breaks when the background color of the email is changed.
Liberar 3.09
- The possibility of inversion of containers in the structure with two containers for the mobile version of the email is added. Now you can specify which container should be displayed at the top and which one at the bottom for mobile version of email;
- An «Adaptive Structure» control has been added that allows you to enable/disable the displaying of containers of the structure one under one on mobile devices;
- The «Paddings» control in the «Appearance» – «General» tab affects only newly added structures;
- The CKEditor panel for text formatting is moved to the top of the editоr;
- The «Hide on mobile» control has been added to the «Banner» basic block.
- IN:031846. Editor. There is no possibility to enter a value in the «Border radius» control for the«Button» basic block;
- IN:031838. Editor. An outline is displayed around the item names in the«Menu» basic block ;
- IN:030956. Editor. When the browser window is reduced, the names of the tabs of the «Settings Panel» in the «Demo Editor» disappear;
- IN:031836. Editor. When you turn on the control «Paddings», the added image is stretched over the entire width of the container in the«Image» basic block;
- IN:031834. Editor. The size of the image reduces when adding paddings in the «Image» basic block;
- IN:031835. Editor. The size of the image cannot be restored after adding paddings in the «Image» basic block ;
- IN:031560. Editor. The size of the image/video cannot be restored by increasing the width of the email through the control «Email width» in the «Appearance» – «General» tab;
- IN:031883. Editor. The size of the image cannot be changed if it is added to the email from the «Library of Blocks»;
- IN:031774. Cabinet. The «Prepared templates» are blocked if the user has the AdBlock extension installed in the browser.
Liberar 3.08
- Displaying notifications about the disabled pop-up window function in the client’s browser, when he tries to export it to GMail;
- The preview quality of images on the «Bank» tab is improved in the «Gallery» of images.
- IN:031755. Cabinet. The new email is automatically saved when the template is opened, even if no actions have been taken in it;
- IN:031720. Editor. When you enter a new tag in the «Library of Blocks» and press the «,» button on a keyboard, the tag is automatically saved;
- IN:031601. Editor. When editing the base «Banner» block in the settings panel, there is a button for opening the «Aviary» editor;
- IN:031598. Editor. It’s not possible to place the cursor at the desired location of the added text field in the «Banner» basic block if an URL was specified for it;
- IN:031635. Editor. The “Banner” basic block has the black background if the uploaded image within it has the transparent background;
- IN:031600. Editor. You can not edit the added text in the «Banner» basic block in the Safari browser.
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