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RequestStripo Release Notes
Release 4.124
- You now can export email messages/templates to the ActiveTrail email service provider.
- You now can export email messages/templates to the ReachMail email service provider.
- In order to prevent email messages/templates via the “Share” link from being used for phishing and scamming purposes, we added a restriction of the “View” option for the “Free” subscription plan. However, there is an exception: the option is active and available for those users with the “Free” subscription whose profiles have been automatically pre-approved by the AI algorithm.
- S25-2780. Editor. The pop-up window that confirms the exit from the email is not displayed with the autosave function disabled.
- DEV-501. Editor. The display of the “i” character disappears in the “Timer” basic block.
- DEV-512. Editor. The preview of images is distorted in the “Carousel” basic block.
- S25-2528. Editor. An error occurs when exporting an email message/template with an emoji to the “Mautic” email service provider.
- You now can update/replace email messages/templates that have been previously exported to the Mailchimp email service provider.
Release 4.123
- The ability to export email messages/templates to the “” email service provider has been added.
- S25-2758. Editor. A hint does not appear when you mouse over a Module Preview in the modules section.
- S25-2773. Editor. Internal paddings — left and right — do not get removed from the “Button” basic block with the “Full-width buttons” option on.
- S25-2771. Editor. The "Only" button got shifted in the "Modules" section and in the drop-down list for searching for special images in the "Common" tab in the "Image Gallery”.
- KB-609. Cabinet. Data is not displayed in the previously created “Data Services” in the “Data” — “Services” menu.
- S25-2788. Cabinet. An error occurs when editing the name of the Module Category in the Plugin Settings if the latter was built long ago.
- S25-2746. Cabinet. A toast message for the email messages/templates translation process disappears.
- The “Winter”, “Book Lovers Day”, “International Day of Families”, and “Day of the Dead" email template categories have been added to the “Season” section.
Release 4.122
- Now you can open the “Options Menu” for email messages/templates by right-clicking on them.
- Now you can choose the “Email Group” when exporting email messages/templates to the Oracle Eloqua email service provider.
- The “How-to” videos have been added to the Demo Editor.
- Validation of email messages/templates that are being exported to the "HubSpot" mail service has been updated.
- S25-2766. Editor. Extra spaces appear in the email message/template in the “Text” basic block.
- DEV-455. Editor. The “Export to Image” pop-up window gets closed if you hit the “Enter” button.
- S25-2709. Editor. Indents that were previously set for the bulleted lists disappear after the email has been exported to Gmail.
- KB-604. Cabinet. The “Dynamic Site” option does not for in “Smart Elements”.
- DEV-471. Cabinet. The last Stripe of an email message/template is not displayed in the newly generated “Brand Guidelines” archive.
Release 4.121
- The ability to set a merge tag as a link to an image from the “Gallery” of images has been added.
- Two new email template categories — “German Unity Day” and “Ferragosto” have been added to the “Season” section.
- DEV-457. Editor. When using the function “Translate”, extra code appears in the body of the email message/template.
- DEV-451.Editor. Modules are no longer displayed in the “Modules” section.
- S25-2686. Editor. The text is not added to the “Button” basic block after clearing the input field and adding an icon.
- S25-2783. Editor. The < p > tag gets deleted when pasting text to the “Text” basic block.
- S25-2495. Editor. The changes cannot be applied for some “Brush Types” while editing images in the “Pixie” image editor.
- S25-2778. Cabinet. Exported email messages/templates to the “HubSpot” email service do not get to the “Custom” section for creating campaigns.
- The correction of displaying the email message/template in horizontal position in the “Gmail App” mail service has been removed.
- The separate parameter “id” of the email message/template when exporting via “Webhook” has been added.
- The processing of translation of long email messages/templates has been improved.
Release 4.120
- The way the mobile version of the email renders in the Preview Mode has been altered for those who disable the “Responsive Design” option.
- The font size of the code has been increased and the “AutoFill” option has been enabled for the code editor.
- HTML tags Validation has been enabled for the Smart Elements option.
- The “Border radius” control has been enabled for Structures.
- KB-592. Editor. If an old template was used as a base for a new email message, Modules do not appear in the “Modules” section.
- It is now possible to export new types of email messages to the “ExpertSender” email service provider.
- Users with the “Proofreader” and “Designer” roles can now do bulk to email messages/templates.
Release 4.119
- A new pop-up window with how-to videos appears when a user opens the editor for the first time.
- Now you can export email messages/templates with AMP content to the ExpertSender email service provider.
- S25-2761. Editor. It is impossible to save a “Smart Module” without a link to the product.
- S25-2764. Editor. An email template ID is displayed when building an email based on the template via API.
- S25-2757. Editor. Users are directed to the wrong tab in the “Modules” section after having saved a new module to their personal library.
- S25-2487. Editor. The controls’ names do exceed their boundaries for some locales.
- S25-2742. Editor. The buttons in the email preview mode are shifted on devices with a small screen resolution.
- S25-2713. Cabinet. It is impossible to save the changes in email messages/templates if their names exceed the 100 character limit.
- DEV-447. Cabinet. If the "Include in HTML" option is on, no previews of emails and templates are displayed.
- DEV-446. Cabinet. The pop-up notification that informs that the changes in email have been successfully saved is not displayed after the email has been exported if the Autosave option is disabled.
- We added the “Business” category with a number of ready-to-use email templates to the “Basic” templates in the editor.
- The “id” parameter is now added to email messages/templates that are being exported via "Webhook".
Release 4.118
- Bulk actions with email messages/templates. You can now export several email messages/templates at once.
- You now can translate email messages/templates from one language to another right in your Stripo account automatically due to our integration with Google Translate. Help proofreaders and marketing teams see translations right in email templates to make sure the translations fit the context of the email perfectly well.
- The ability to export email messages/templates to the “Sendsay” email service provider has been added.
- The ability to export email messages/templates to the “ExpertSender” email service provider has been added.
- You can now export the mobile version of an email message/template as a PDF file.
- S25-2733. Editor. When creating an email message based on a template that contains custom styles, single quotes get removed from the CSS styles for the email’s background.
- S25-2729. Editor. Extra spaces appear between the characters in the “Timer” basic block when it is used in the Arabic language.
- S25-2725. Editor. The “Display Conditions” get removed from the email that was used as a base for a new email.
- S25-2745. Editor. Extra tags from the “Grammarly” browser extension get added to the code of AMP HTML email.
- S25-2744. Editor. The “Subject Line” is not displayed in the email message/template exported to the “Outlook” app on macOS.
- The direct integration with the "Acoustic Campaign" email service provider has been fixed — now everything works correctly.
- The direct integration with the "Tripolis" email service provider has been fixed — now everything works correctly.
- Now users can choose from a wider range of servers when exporting email messages/templates to the “Braze” email service provider.
Release 1.6
- Added Titles for panels (they will be displayed for any selected element, not only for selected blocks, but also for structures, stripes, containers)
- NE-394. Editor. It is impossible to pull in a video from Vkontakte.
- NE-305. Editor. The stroke around the selected block blinks when its values are being changed on the Settings panel.
- NE-538. Editor. Few controls' names are displayed in two lines.
- Now the Social Network icons are displaeyd with Colored logos.
Release 1.5
- Designed Image Gallery Container
- NE-521. Editor. The browser page does not load when you are editing Margins.
- NE-486. Editor. Image controls are not displayed after the Image block has been dropped in the email message/template.
- NE-523. Editor. The Icons' size and width are doubled-sized.
- NE-481. Editor. The Video block goes up and down when its size is being edited.
- It is now possible to move the drop-down lists by 3px.
- Optimized performance of the Appearance Tab and its controls.
Release 4.117
- The ability to delete a user's account has been added to the "My Profile" section.
- A new input field for entering financial email addresses has been added to the “Billing” section in users’ accounts with Stripo, where invoices will be automatically sent to.
- A new stripe/row with the “Made with Stripo” label appears now in email messages/templates viewed through the “Share” option/Web version of emails. Users can disable the display of this label in the “Share” menu.
- KB-564. Editor. It is impossible to export email messages/templates to the Amazon Pinpoint email service provider.
- S25-2662. Editor. It is impossible to set a transparent color for the Success/Failure notifications in the “Form” basic block "Form".
- Now users can contact our customer support service via Chat in the Demo version of the editor.
- Now users export email messages/templates to the Sendgrid email service provider with the Subject Lines when pushing emails to the “SingleSend” section.
Release 4.116
- The limit has been set on the number of attempts to change the password on the "My Profile" page.
- The ability to automatically pull data from your website into the smart elements in emails by using OG:tags has been added.
- The “Share” button has been added to the “Preview” mode.
- The menu of the “Modules” section has been improved.
- The menu of the Basic email templates in the Stripo editor has been changed. New email templates have been added to the “Basic email templates” library.
- The Slovak language has been added to the “Timer” basic block.
- PP-548. Editor. The vml-code with the old class-name was displayed after adding a module with the "Button" basic block to the email message/template.
- PP-544. Editor. AMP errors were displayed in our prebuilt AMP email templates.
- DEV-356. Editor. The synchronized modules would not get updated in the AMP version of the email.
- DEV-217. Editor. It was impossible to remove the Hover CSS styles for the "Button" basic block if they have been added once.
- DEV-317. Cabinet. It took a while to load the “Google” button in the “Source” menu.
Release 4.115
- The ability to choose a destination for email when exporting it to the Mailchimp email service provider.
- A new custom font, that has been used in an email/template, is automatically added to the Project Settings when the email/template is being saved.
- The “stripoVmlButton” service class has been replaced with the “sdevVmlButton” class for the “Support of Outlook” option.
- Two new email template categories — “Video Game Day” and “Giving Tuesday” have been added to the “Season” section”:
- S25-2704. Editor. Indents between icons in the “Menu” basic block were incorrect with the “RTL” option on.
- S25-2645. Editor. A new indent appeared between values when editing them through the code.
- DEV-351. Editor. An error occurred when exporting an email/template to the SendLoop email service provider without the “Unsubscribe” link.
- DEV-354. Editor. An email with the “Display Conditions” option ON would look distorted after being exported to the eSputnik email service provider.
- S25-2690. Editor. Images would not appear in the “Common” section in the “Image gallery” in Demo editor.
- S25-2694. Editor. An error occurred when exporting email/template through Custom Webhook.
Release 1.4
- Added the Menu block along with its controls to the new editor.
- NE-376. Editor. There's too much spacing in the Font Size dropdown list.
- NE-390. Editor. The "Drop Here" inscription is not displayed if the Image block has been added.
- NE-328. Editor. The Image Size is displayed incorrectly when switching between Image blocks.
- NE-475. Editor. Large fonts are overlapping one another in the dropdown list.
- NE-345. Editor. Image uploading is not working in the Image block.
- NE-427. Editor. The Link type dropdown list expands when you are switching between folders.
- NE-388. Editor. It is impossible to copy the block with the Drag-n-Drop option.
- NE-492. Editor. The "Delete Text" icon does not work in inputs.
- NE-480. Editor. Alignment on Desktop control is disabled.
- NE-496. Editor. It is impossible to drop an image in the dropzone if the mouse pointer is on the image.
- NE-483. Editor. It is impossible to pull in the same video for two Video blocks.
- Optimized the Responsive Image logic.
- Customized the quote settings for HTML files. Now by default, the "Double quotes" are used only.
Release 4.114
- The ability to export email messages/templates to the “SendWithUs” email service provider has been added.
- The ability to export email messages/templates to the “Pabbly” email service provider has been added.
- The ability to export email messages/templates to the “” email service provider has been added.
- The ability to export email messages/templates to the “Zoho MarketingHub” email service provider has been added.
- It is now possible to add fewer than 5 “Extra Users”.
- The new icon “Buy Me a Coffee” has been added to the “Social” basic block.
- The ability to set the "Authentication Token" for the "External Storage Resources" in the "Data" — "Services" menu has been added.
- The new email template categories have been added for the “Season” section: “Fashion Week”, “First Day of Fall”, “International Programmer’s Day”.
- DEV-221. Editor. It was impossible to enter more than 65 characters in the “Subject/Title” and “Hidden Preheader” input fields.
- DEV-328. Editor. The indent between containers used to disappear when enabling/disabling the “Responsive Design” option.
- DEV-363. Editor. When exporting email messages/templates through Stripo API, the UTM tags would get removed.
- S25-522. Editor. It was impossible to export email messages/templates to the “Zoho” email service provider from the accounts that used the domain.
- S25-2617. Editor. The styles would get removed from the code when custom merge-tags were used.
- S25-2649. Editor. Labels were corrected for the “Timer” block in the Arabic language.
- S25-2665. Editor. The thumbnail image would not work in the “Video” block for the videos taken from Vimeo.
- S25-2608. Editor. Extra indents would appear when changing colors for the “Button” block in the Firefox browser.
- DEV-321. Cabinet. It was impossible to build an email message based on the Stripo template through Stripo API.
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