Super Bowl

A compilation of high-quality, ready-to-use Super Bowl email templates. Pick any, customize according to your brand style, and reach out to customers with beautiful emails.

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Super Bowl is one of the most awaited events in the world of sports. Hence, there is no way you skip it and miss out on your chance to reach out to customers with promo emails. 

So, what makes good Super Bowl email templates?

Three key ingredients do.

Here they are:

  1. Proper design. And this is not about just visual elements or appealing fonts. An email marketing campaign, even with the best design, will not bring any results if graphics are not displayed correctly both on desktop devices and mobile ones. Stripo is not just a drag-n-drop email editor but a platform that has a testing tool. This means better campaigns, happier customers, and more conversions. Learn more about the testing tool here.
  2. Proper content. You can create standard Super Bowl marketing email copy with promotions, discounts, or some really good deals. Or you can spice up a big game day with interactions like games or quizzes. To quickly build such a campaign, use our Super Bowl email templates with AMP features. Customize templates as you like and send them out to subscribers.
  3. Proper send time. Obviously, this means finding the most proper date prior to the Super Bowl weekend. It's hard to imagine football fans missing a second of such an event.

So, let's examine these ingredients.

1. Proper design of a Super Bowl email campaign


In Super Bowl emails, there’s no place for Italic and other decorative font types, no matter if we're talking about banners or product cards. This type doesn't reflect the atmosphere of this big game. Be bold instead! Or use regular font type.

Creative Super Bowl Email Template Design for any Brand

Use our prebuilt Super Bowl templates to design festive emails faster
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Football is an emotional game. So why not add some emotions to your emails?

For our free Super Bowl email templates, we prepared big bright banners with shots of the memorable and bright moments of the game and photos of the players just like from big screen TVs.

Banners for Super Bowl Email Templates for Brands Commercials

Banners are the heart of emails. Use ones built by professional designers
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If you like, you can build one from scratch. And our short video tutorial will teach you how to make it happen.

How to Create a Banner with Stripo

Design thematic banners for your Super Bowl emails
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Super bowl emails with videos of the most memorable and emotional moments of the previous season will remind your subscribers of the most valuable game moments and set the right tone for the message.

Super Bowl Email Templates with Videos

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Create an atmosphere of a Super Bowl party for your subscribers, and the results will be impressive. Get the most out of your Super Bowl email campaigns with videos and GIFs.

2. Proper content for a Super Bowl email marketing campaign


The email depends on the day when you send your emails. We have such tips:

If sent on Day X

The shorter, the better if you send them on Day X because:

  • customers tend to read these emails during timeouts;
  • the emails are for the fans who anticipate the game. They are all hyped up on the game's tension through big-screen TVs, so they won't have enough patience to read.

If sent long before Day X

If you send emails before the holiday, you can scratch any length you like. 

Or you may even send a series of emails, like an intriguing message about something huge, an announcement of promotion, and a good reminder.


Given that football is a competitive game, we are convinced so are the fans.

Let them prove to you and others they are the most staunch fans. And as a reward, they will get the biggest discount.

Add short quizzes in your Super Bowl email templates. “What was the score in Super Bowl 2020?”, “Who was the most resulting player in 2021?”, etc. 

Let the fans have some fun before the season starts.  

Or let users solve some riddles, like in the Super Bowl email template given below.

Interactivity in Super Bowl Party Email Templates

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This template is interactive. What does it mean? It means that your recipients can solve the riddles right in their inboxes. Also, you can use and customize it in line with your company brand to create an effective Super Bowl campaign.

Super Bowl subject line and annotation 

How can you increase Super Bowl email open rates? You can spark interest through informative subject lines and annotations (in Gmail). Specify your generous discounts in users' inboxes to make their game days even better. Let them know you are offering nice deals even before they open their emails.

These annotations work in Gmail on mobile devices only. But we know that 29.4% of email users worldwide prefer Gmail over other email clients.

Gmail Annotations for Mobile Devices _ Super Bowl Email Templates

Wanna do the same for your Super Bowl email campaign?

Refer to our short video to learn how to build these annotations.

How to Use Gmail Promotion Annotations Builder

Build exceptional Super Bowl emails with Stripo
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3. Best time to send emails to football fans

Exporting emails to your ESP

To send out your emails, you first need to export your Super Bowl email templates to your ESP. Happy to announce that Stripo is integrated with over 75 ESPs. Export your emails to a necessary one with just one click.

Now that you’ve pushed your HTML email templates for Super Bowl to your marketing automation system, you may schedule your campaigns.

Best send time for ticket sellers

If you sell tickets, you should start your campaigns on Black Friday.

Best send time for grocery shops

Selling groceries and ready-made food for football fans? Start sending out your emails a few days before Day X. 

Let friends gather to watch a big game and enjoy your meals and drinks.

Best time for cafes and bars

Let users know a few days before Day X that you are willing to invite guests to attend your bar, and remind them on Day X that you still have some tables available.

Use Stripo's prebuilt Super Bowl email templates to create holiday emails faster

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