AMP Emails Builder

AMP for emails is the last word in email marketing. Today, we are glad to introduce new tools that you can use for creating AMP-powered dynamic emails.

AMP Emails Builder

ESPs and email clients that already support AMP for Email

Previously, with Stripo, you could build diverse elements for interactive emails. Those were image rollover effect, CSS-animated buttons, countdown timer. From now, we support all AMP formats!

How to create AMP email with Stripo

Drag our ready-to-use carousel block in your template. Add your pictures and edit the design. Image carousel allows showcasing a few products in one screen, or displaying a single product item from different angles. It provides prospects with more details about your product’s features in a totally new way.

Build AMP emails for Gmail and other email clients in no time! Generate AMP elements either with Google playground and then insert them in Stripo due to open HTML code editor, or build them with Stripo by using AMP templates or even by using drag-n-drop AMP blocks that require no coding skills.

Create your dynamic emails with Stripo and export it to any ESP you want

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Para productos que podrían beneficiarse de un creador de correo electrónico de marca blanca integrado.