26 September 2024

From concept to inbox: A step-by-step guide to role assignments when creating email campaigns

Create professional email templates
Table of contents
  1. Why email-building specialists are afraid to give email editing access to other team members
  2. How emails are created using role assignments
  3. How Custom Roles can boost your email production 
  4. Tips and tricks for role distribution and workflow
  5. Wrapping up
Why email-building specialists are afraid to give email editing access to other team members

This article is about the teamwork side of email production: assigning roles and permissions to different team members who work together on one project in an email editor. You will learn why this feature is needed and how it speeds up email production.

Assigning roles in an email builder is a fairly straightforward feature that facilitates teamwork in email production. It can increase team productivity because each team member gains access to the email and performs their task. However, not all teams use it, preferring to work in the “old-fashioned way.” 

Let’s figure out how email marketing teams can effectively collaborate on projects, why roles are needed, how they reduce time, how to invite and assign team members depending on responsibilities, and how to distribute roles in a project.

Why email-building specialists are afraid to give email editing access to other team members

When we were preparing the guide on teamwork in email production, we noticed the following key efficiency stopper in the answers of our respondents: to prevent errors in the email layout, most teams use different tools, constantly sharing their work with each other in separate files.

Here are the fears that email-building specialists told us about: If all team members gain access to edit in the email builder, there is a high probability that, for example, a copywriter making edits to the text will delete something important — a piece of code or a design element. This is why email marketing specialists try not to give access to the editor to other team members — the copywriter works on the text in Google Docs and the designer in Figma.

However, this complicates and delays email production, especially in the process of making changes and obtaining approvals. Edits can be made to different files on different platforms, and then errors, confusion, and time delays arise due to the need to compile them. This fear makes email editor role assignment an undervalued feature when collaborating on emails. 

In this article, we’ve put together some tips on how to speed up email production with email editor role assignment and how Stripo’s new Custom Roles and Permissions feature makes it more accessible.

How emails are created using role assignments

The number of participants working on an email in different teams may differ, as may their roles. The flow is simple and clear when one or two people work on an email. However, the more people you involve at different stages of production and approval, the more problems may arise.

In our previous article, you can read who participates in the teamwork during production and what the flow looks like.

Roles were created to simplify communication during email production to allow team members to access the project in the editor with different permission levels.

What roles are there in Stripo?

For collaboration in the Stripo editor, different roles give different permissions to work on emails:

  1. The Owner has full access to all account and editor features.
  2. The Admin has access to all account and editor features but cannot change the owner role.
  3. The Designer gets full access to all editor features and can change all email elements.
  4. The Writer can only edit the content of emails, edit message images, use the code editor, and run tests or export data.
  5. The Proofreader can only edit the content of images and text data in emails, edit message images, and run tests or export data.
  6. The Viewer has view-only access to the content of emails or templates, without the ability to make edits.

Speed ​​up every stage of email production with role assignment

Now look at how role assignment reduces time and effort across all stages of work for different team members and contributes to the success of a project from initial concept to export:

  1. The team lead (strategist, CMO) establishes the purpose of an email campaign, its target audience, and the email’s messaging. They create the task and pass it on to the email-building specialist. This specialist then monitors the implementation of the campaign concept in the text and design by approving and commenting on various files in Google Docs, mockups in Figma, etc., spending a lot of time gaining access to them and tracking changes.

    How to speed it up: The Viewer role is enough for a team lead who is not involved in email development. In this way, they will be able to monitor the idea’s implementation in the builder immediately, ensure that the email complies with all brand guidelines, and leave comments.
  2. The copywriter creates the text using Google Docs. Later, when the text is approved and transferred to the email design, adding something or changing a few sentences or words may be necessary. Returning to Google Docs is long and inconvenient for all team members.

    How to speed it up: The copywriter gets access to the builder with the Writer role and makes all the edits right there. They can see how much space is available for the text, how the text fits within the design, and any comments from the designer and team lead on what needs to be improved.  
  3. The designer prepares the email layout in the drag-n-drop editor or another tool, such as Figma. After transferring the design to the builder, replacing or correcting some elements using the platform’s functionality is often necessary.

    How to speed it up: Grant the specialist access in the Designer role so that they can immediately make all the necessary edits to the email layout and quickly see the final result.
  4. The final version of the email needs to be shown to the proofreader. Typically, this is done by converting from the editor to PDF or JPG or sending a test email. Proofreading and commenting on the text in this version is inconvenient, as is making edits later. 

    How to speed it up: Provide access as a Proofreader so that the specialist can only edit the text without “spoiling” anything in the design or code.
  5. In agencies, customers typically participate in the final approval of the email. In large enterprises, these can be “internal customers” (activity holders) — representatives of other departments that have nothing to do with email marketing. Like proofreaders, they are usually sent a PDF or JPG version of the email, which is inconvenient to work with. They then collect comments from different messaging platforms and pass them along. In addition, the technical complexity can cause delays in reviewing and approving the email.

    How to speed it up: It is enough to give such persons Viewer access with the ability to comment (comments coming soon), which will significantly simplify and speed up receiving feedback.

How it works in the Stripo editor

To make it work, just follow these steps:

  1. The Owner or Admin creates an email layout using a new project, saved template, or prebuilt template from Stripo.
  2. The Owner or Admin invites other team members and gives them access according to their roles in the project.

    How to invite team members in Stripo
  3. Streamlining email production is in progress. Everything — text, design, proofreading, all stages of approval, and changes — is now in one place, without leaving the editor.
  4. The admin tests the final version and exports it to an ESP.

This approach to teamwork simplifies communication between team members and speeds up all processes.

The benefits of assigning roles are the following:

  • clear responsibilities and accountability;
  • a faster, more organized email production process;
  • reduced back-and-forth and confusion during edits, as everything is being done in one place;
  • reduced technical mistakes due to the clear distribution of permissions.

How Custom Roles can boost your email production 

In the updated version of the Stripo editor, we’ve improved the management of roles and permissions.

With Custom Roles and Permissions, you can fully customize roles with unique names and descriptions, giving you complete control over who has access to what features. This increased flexibility allows you to create customized member roles that fit your team’s needs perfectly.

To explore these features, go to the Settings → Team → Roles tab:

How to choose a role in the Stripo editor

Then, you can customize each role:

How to customize roles and permissions in Stripo

See detailed instructions on customizing roles and permissions here.

How will this benefit the production team? Team members gain access only to the part of the work they are competent and responsible for. Depending on the specific specialist, you can expand or narrow the functions.

The more control over the project, the fewer errors and delays in processes.

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Tips and tricks for role distribution and workflow

How to approach assigning roles in the email editor if you have not used this functionality before:

  1. Assign a main person to create projects and invite other specialists. It is most practical to entrust the role of email-building Admin to a specialist or senior email marketer, since they cover the most significant number of tasks in email production. This can also be a team lead if, in your flow, they are directly involved in email building.
  2. Define roles and permissions according to your flow — only you know what tasks in production your employee is responsible for.
  3. Don’t be afraid to adjust and modify your flow slightly to consider the new capabilities of the tools. Even if your company already creates and coordinates email campaigns, small changes can speed up and simplify the process.
  4. Do not give extended permissions “as a sign of respect.” For example, do not make the CMO or the customer an admin. They don’t have the time or desire to go into the full version of the editor and fix something in the email, as their focus is on general management or email approval.

Wrapping up

Using roles in email production is not just another convenient feature. It is a tool that significantly increases teamwork efficiency. Instead of working on different platforms and trying to synchronize the results, each team can focus on their task and edit one project without worrying about something important being accidentally deleted or changed. In addition, using the Co-editing and Version History features becomes even more convenient when you correctly assign roles to performers.

Stripo solves a key problem with the Custom Roles and Permissions feature, allowing you to distribute tasks between designers, copywriters, proofreaders, and all team members. This speeds up email creation, minimizes the risk of errors, and simplifies the approval process. Now, team members can be sure that they work on the final product, not disparate parts.

By implementing role assignments and using Stripo to collaboratively edit emails in real time, you can take teamwork to the next level. Try role assignments in Stripo to see how much easier and faster the process of creating perfect emails from concept to sending will be!

Use Stripo’s new feature to speed up email production
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