Works on bigger screens only
Please, open it on a screen with a resolution over 991 px to use the product! We're waiting to see you there.

Text Quest

Pixel Art

Puzzle with a Hero

Word Search

Word Search V2

Zodiac match
Display questions’ numbers
Merge Tags
Generate a fallback message automatically
Color schemes
Label color
Question text color
Background color
Text color
Background color
Border radius
Border color
Text color
Background color
Border radius
Border color
Text color
Background color
Border radius
Border color
Try Again button
Text color
Background color
Border radius
Works in Gmail, Yahoo Mail, FairEmail.
Works in Apple Mail, Samsung Mail.
Email clients that don’t have support for interactivity.
Upload custom code
Save to Stripo as a module
If you don’t have a Stripo account, you need to register first. It’s FREE. No credit card required.
Send the module to my email