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RichiediNote di rilascio di Stripo
Pubblicazione 4.33
- The ability to export emails and templates to the «Constant Contact» email service provider has been added. Please note due to external API limitations it’s only allowed to export email templates in which the 8-bit code characters are present only.
- While export of email templates the line-height values impressed in % are converted to px ones for an even more accurate display of your email templates in «Outlook» email client.
- IN:034182. Editor. If the “#” is present in the links, then while exporting of the email template, the UTM parameters are added before it and not after as previously;
- IN:034009. Editor. The selection of blocks, structures and stripes is not removed when you hover over other elements inside the editor;
- IN:034162. Editor. The menu items of blocks, containers, structures and stripes cease to open when dragging blocks inside the email template.
Pubblicazione 4.32
- The item «Special links» has been added to the project settings, which allows you to customize the design of your own links in the email/template;
- The ability to export emails and templates to the «Braze» email service provider has been added.
- IN:034103. Editor. The aspect ratio error does not disappear or does not appear when using the «Rollover» effect in the «Image» basic block;
- IN:033986. Editor. When replacing text of a different style, two different tags appear in the «Text» basic block;
- IN:034102. Editor. It is impossible to add a block from the «Library» to the strip that has already been selected;
- IN:034123. Editor. The code editor button is active in the selected «Version history» mode;
- IN:034088. Cabinet. When you refresh the page in the profile settings, it flips to the previous selected project.
Pubblicazione 4.31
- The ability to manage merge-tags in the project settings has been added.
- IN:034116. Editor. The HTML code validation has been adjusted.
Pubblicazione 4.30
- The functionality of the «Version history» feature has been expanded with additional options.
- IN:034067. Editor. The image is not restored in the background of the stripe after reactivation of the control;
- IN:033991. Editor. The bold text style can not be reset through formatting panel of the «Text» basic block;
- IN:034082. Editor. After adding a new container to the email, the menu for interaction with the container can not be opened;
- IN:034084. Editor. The calendar is shifted in the «Timer» basic block;
- IN:034031. Editor. Error in HTML markup when interacting with the code editor in the «head» of the email template;
- IN:034026. Cabinet. When the organization’s settings page is refreshed, an empty browser page is displayed.
Pubblicazione 4.29
- The ability to add UTM tags to the links within email template is implemented in the settings of the editor.
- An issue where the formatting panel was not displayed in the basic “Text” block has been fixed;
- IN:034022. Cabinet. Re-authorization in Gmail is required when exporting email templates to already connected Gmail accounts with Stripo.
Pubblicazione 4.28
- The ability to export emails and templates to the «SendGrid» mailing service is added;
- The ability to export emails and templates to the PDF file is added;
- IN:033985. Editor. The style «width: 100%» is removed from the HTML code when replacing the image;
- IN:034001. Editor. A white background is displayed in the drop-down list with icon styles in the «Social networks» basic block;
- IN:033975. Cabinet. Project folders are not displayed in the pop-up window when moving emails within a project;
- IN:032564. Cabinet. Cannot delete emails and templates in Internet Explorer browser;
- IN:033984. Cabinet. The cells with statistics are not aligned on the organization settings page;
- IN:034013. Cabinet. There are no email notifications when the display limit of the «Timer» basic block is ending;
- IN:033990. Cabinet. Emails are selected instead of opening in Safari;
- IN:034016. Cabinet. The parameter «height» is not set for some images when exporting as an OFT file.
Pubblicazione 4.27
- The ability to restore deleted blocks in the «Library» has been added.
- IN:033989. Editor. The reason for adding the empty < tr > tags to the stripes added from a «Library» of blocks has been fixed;
- IN:033972. Editor. When you enter not a valid color in the palette of colors the white color is added;
- IN:033876. Editor. When a modifier value contains the «>» or «<» characters in a smart-element, the smart-element breaks down;
- IN:033966. Editor. It is not possible to set the transparent color of the «Border» control of the «Button» basic block and «Separator» control of the «Menu» basic block.
Pubblicazione 4.26
- The «Timer» basic block now supports the Italian language;
- All «tbody» tags are cut when exporting an email to reduce the email template size in bytes.
- IN:033976. Editor. Cannot paste copied text into the text field of the «Banner» basic block;
- IN:033968. Editor. The text formatting panel in the «Text» basic block is duplicated and shifted;
- IN:033894. Editor. The color palette is not hidden when you click on the selected strip;
- IN:033896. Editor. The selected text style is deleted by double clicking on the Backspace key in the «Text» basic block.
Pubblicazione 4.25
- A new basic “Timer” block, by using which you can create animated images with countdown timers right in the editor, has been added;
- Personal account and editor have been translated into Italian, too;
- Size of the preview images of email templates are optimized to let them load faster;
- The ability to remember the user’s colors in the palette has been implemented;
- The editor and personal account’s working speed has been optimized;
- To the plugin settings page (“UI Settings” Tab), a new basic “Timer” block has been added;
- To the plugin settings page (“Server Settings” Tab), a new function “History of changes” has been added.
- IN:033787. Editor. Line break in links does not turn off after preview email/template option has been activated;
- IN:033868. Editor. When setting a color to the underlined text, the color is not applied to the underscore;
- IN:033891. Editor. A background image, set for a container, is overlapped by the container’s background color;
- IN:033895. Editor. When turning off custom thumbnail image in the basic “Video” block, the information about the image is not removed from the HTML code;
- IN:033881. Editor. Work of the library of blocks has been optimized (the reason why the editor could get frozen are removed);
- IN:033748. Editor. The set position for a container background image is being reset;
- IN:033665. Editor. It is impossible to remove a menu tab in the basic “Menu” block when resizing the browser window width;
- IN:033801. Editor. It is impossible to save changes to CSS when previewing or exporting an email/template;
- IN:033790. Editor. The font size is increased when replacing copy in the basic “Text” block;
- IN:033802. Editor. The inscription “Drop here” is not displayed when hiding elements of an email/template;
- IN:033805. Editor. The dynamic divider properties are broken when editing its HTML code;
- IN:033822. Editor. Images, set as a background, are not exported to the “Images” folder when downloading the email as HTML archive;
- IN:033820. Editor. The list with tags in the library does not fit the screen size if there are more than 20 of them on the list;
- IN:033604. Editor. Labels and icons of the blocks saved to the library are displayed disproportionately;
- IN:031833. Editor. “href” is removed from the basic “Image” block if the link was not inserted;
- IN:033850. Editor. When replacing copy in the basic “Text” block the new copy does not inherit styles of the previous one;
- IN:033809. Editor. The option to replace images in the basic “My HTML” block is not displayed;
- IN:033882. Editor. When inserting containers, the indents between them are calculated incorrectly;
- IN:033797. Plugin. On the plugin configuration page, in the statistics section, the current billing period is specified incorrectly.
Pubblicazione 4.24
- The display of statistics regarding the plugin usage has been added;
- The «switch to hide elements on mobile or web version» control has been added;
- Tracking Email Template Versioning. This feature will allow you to track all changes made in created email template so it will be possible to revert its state to a few changes back.
- IN:033543. Editor. The spaces for user-specified custom styles are removed;
- IN:033682. Editor. Your own templates are not displayed when creating a new email from the folder;
- IN:033674. Editor. The name of the added image is replaced with the standard one when you exit the «Image» basic block;
- IN:033642. Editor. All text in the block is removed when inserting text with two paragraphs captured;
- IN:033663. Editor. If you quickly switch between the «Replace» and «Edit» buttons in the «Image» basic block, the Aviary editor freezes;
- IN:033735. Editor. The «Link» field disappears when deleting the «a» tag from the code;
- IN:033652. Editor. The style «!important» was cut off” from CSS code;
- IN:033647. Editor. The 10px indents after the last icon in the «Soc. networks» basic block have been removed;
- IN:033668. Editor. The code editor displays indents in the «Dynamic separator» block;
- IN:033641. Editor. The «Special» tab in the «Library» of blocks does not appear in the templates created via the «Demo Editor»;
- IN:033659. Cabinet. The ability to enter special characters in the email name is prohibited.
Pubblicazione 4.23
- The style of displaying own templates when creating a new email has been changed;
- The quantity of available email/template exports is now being displayed;
- The «Rollover Effect» control has been added to the basic «Image» block, which replaces images with one another by placing a cursor over them.
- IN:033557. Editor. Custom styles in HTML/CSS are being removed;
- IN:033555. Editor. The button style does not change when words go to another line;
- IN:033607. Editor. It is impossible to change image size in a custom email layout;
- IN:033610. Editor. The background color, set in a conditional comment on email in MS Outlook, is not displayed correctly;
- IN:033631. Editor. All CSS styles are not combined in the tag «style» when exporting email/template;
- IN:033626. Editor. Added accounts are not displayed when exporting emails to the chosen ESP;
- IN:033561. Editor. Question marks are being shown when there is no set subject line in the exported OFT file;
- IN:033548. Editor. The collaboration ability between email elements and user’s role «View» is shown;
- IN:033584. Cabinet. The button for moving email/template inside the folder is not shown;
- IN:033552. Cabinet. When you use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+A, emails/templates are highlighted when you change the folder name.
Pubblicazione 4.22
- The opportunity to send test emails from the editor to the specified email addresses is implemented;
- The «Interface appearance configuration» section has been added to plugin configuration page that allows customizing the UI of embed editor into customer’s web application;
- The «Position» control is added to «Background image» feature;
- The specified email template subject automatically appears in the MS Outlook when the exported OFT file is opened on customer’s PC.
- IN:033502. Editor. The structure becomes broken when adding into it a block with an image from the «Library»;
- IN:033593. Editor. The bgcolor attribute is not changed after changing the email area of the stripe;
- IN:033519. Editor. The time for grouping blocks by tags in the «Library» has been optimized;
- IN:033554. Editor. When you insert the copied text into a line with a heading, it does not appear as a heading;
- IN:033422. Editor. All tabs in the «Library» blocks should be displayed when you open a template in the editor;
- IN:033470. Editor. After editing the background image via Aviary, its repetition and alignment are reset;
- IN:033559. Cabinet. The application performance has been optimized for the projects with a large quantity of created emails, templates, and folders.
Pubblicazione 4.21
- The ability to replace default preview image with a personal one for a «Video» basic block has been implemented;
- On the formatting panel of the «Text» basic block, a new icon that enables to cancel words breaking into another line has been added;
- The special symbol «SM» has been added to the «Text» basic block;
- Autodetection of the highlighted text in order to give it a correct property that is appropriate to a certain link type has been implemented;
- The ability to write own attributes in email/template tags has been implemented.
- IN:033484. Editor. The name of the last tab in the «Library» is not reduced if the browser window is reduced;
- IN:033541. Editor. The entire text block background changes if a new color for the text background is applied;
- IN:033428. Editor. The name of entire stripe changes if the stripe’s «Smart-properties» are turned off;
- IN:033475. Cabinet. A contact phone number is added in profile settings when logging into account;
- IN:033424. Cabinet. When the height of the browser window is reduced, then social network icons are superimposed over the menu;
- IN:033416. Cabinet. The link to the «Designed templates» does not work in the «Template» menu;
- IN:033396. Cabinet. The pop-up of a template/email that is being moved is opened under the screen which makes it invisible;
- IN:033339. Cabinet. On mobile screens, there is no ability to scroll pop-up windows to confirm use of personal information;
- IN:033486. Cabinet. It is impossible to close the functionality for moving emails/templates when double-clicking the «Move» button;
- IN:032852. Cabinet. The «move email/template» button is shown when there are no folders/projects to be moved;
- IN:033479. Cabinet. If the browser screen size is reduced, the «profile» icon is moved aside;
- IN:031884. Cabinet. When account localization is changed, the localization of text in the toaster is wrong.
Pubblicazione 4.20
- The Console to manage Stripo Plugin integrations, by using which you can easily configure Stripo editor’s appearance in your own web-application has been implemented;
- The Ability to sort saved blocks by tags in the «Library» has been implemented;
- A new information field for entering email/template subject line in the basic «Text» block when selecting the type link «Email» has been added.
- IN:033442. Editor. When clicking the Stripo Logo in demo-editor, the system does not take to the website main page.
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