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Liberar 3.07
- The preloader is added for the «Sign In» and «Sign Up» buttons when they are clicked.
Liberar 3.06
- The Billing now is added in the settings section, in which you can manage the pricing plans: FREE, BUSINESS, AGENCIES for
Liberar 3.05
- Settings pages were redesigned, so now they have new fresh look;
- The selector for switching between projects is separated from User profile menu. The possibility to search for projects is added, if the user has more than 10 projects;
- Added support for French and Spanish in the cabinet and editor;
- A page of project participants has been added, in which the feature of user invitations will be added shortly;
- Resolved issue with automatic session continuation in the user’s cabinet;
- The «Other» tab is added to the «Social Network» icon selection box, which contains new icons (such as a site, email, RSS, etc.);
- Added control for the ability to set the background image for structures and containers;
- It is allowed to enter custom classes for the «Text» basic block now;
- New fields («Id» and «Tags») were added to blocks that can be saved in the «Library of Blocks»;
- The target = «_blank» attribute has been added to all links, which allows to open them in a new window after clicking.
Liberar 3.04
- A warning message to close a window is displayed in case you are closing a browser window with an open editor;
- The CSS to all basic and public templates have been updated;
- The input value is increased to «99» in the field for entering Internal paddings to the «Button» basic block;
- An <a> tag should be cut off from the «Picture» basic block when exporting an email/template if URL value is empty;
- Now it’s possible to open «Prepared templates» in the Demo Editor with saved blocks to the «Library of Blocks»;
- Fixed tabs in the «Gallery» images when scrolling.
Liberar 3.03
- The button for opening links in a new tab is added to the «Video» and «Social networks»basic blocks;
- The «Alignment on mobile» control is added to the «Separator», «Social networks», «Text» and «Button» basic blocks;
- The «Picture in Picture» control is added to the «Banner» basic block;
- Minor changes have been made to the «Adapt for Gmail App» feature code;
Liberar 3.02
- Finally, we made it! Now an opportunity to automate the work with content units is available right in our editor. Just imagine, all that you need to do are: 1) configure the appearance of the basic blocks (for example, a Picture, a Texts with a short description, a Texts with a price and a «Buy» button), 2) configure at once the variables with the rules for their use (using our simple visual designer). In result, you will get a smart block that can be filled automatically with content from any external resource by one click. Specify a link to the product from the site and receive ready product card for the email! Get rid of routine operations, reduce the time for creating similar emails! ?
- The controls for setting the Alt text and the image link have been added to the «Banner» block.
Liberar 3.01
- The new basic block “Banner” is added, which may help you quickly create a banner for your emails right in the editor. Now you do not need to use image editors like Photoshop to overlay text and apply different filters. This is only the first version of the block, we continue working on adding new controls, which will add even more opportunities for working with the block!
- The style of button for disabling the smart property for «Smart-elements» is changed
- If industry of project is specified in the project settings, it will be selected as default one in the section «Prepared templates»;
- Screening of special characters in the JSON object of «Smart-elements».
Liberar 3.0
- The “Smart Blocks” feature is added, which allows you to automate the process of creating product cards for an even faster process of creating emails.
Liberar 2.29
- Removing of service classes in the email/template when exporting it;
- Added a new «Bank» tab in the «Picture Gallery», which will allow you to easily find the pictures you need to create your email/template;
- The «Chats» tab is added to the selector of Social networks icons.
Liberar 2.28
- The «Public templates» section is added in the user’s cabinet.
Liberar 2.27
- Fonts with the spaces in the name are taken in single quotes when creating, saving and exporting a letter.
Liberar 2.26
- To each base block of the email and template that are exported to MailChimp, the MC: EDITOR tag is added for more convenient editing inside the MailChimp editor;
- The ability to sort messages in the user’s office is added.
Liberar 2.25
- The font family is added automatically to HTML / CSS of email when the user selects any font inside the editor;
- The new basic block «Menu» is added which will allow you to reduce the time to create the menu structure in your email/template.
Liberar 2.24
- The controls «Headings», «Text font», «Full-width buttons», «Background image» were added on the appearance tab;
- Now you may edit the blocks that you have saved to library;
- The redesign of the image gallery was made;
- Now the pictures with the extension «image/x-png» are supported;
- It’s possible to shut down the email preview with Esc button now;
- The labels for stripes, structures and blocks are added;
- The visible zones are displayed while you add structures or blocks.
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