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Liberar 2.25
- The font family is added automatically to HTML / CSS of email when the user selects any font inside the editor;
- The new basic block «Menu» is added which will allow you to reduce the time to create the menu structure in your email/template.
Liberar 2.24
- The controls «Headings», «Text font», «Full-width buttons», «Background image» were added on the appearance tab;
- Now you may edit the blocks that you have saved to library;
- The redesign of the image gallery was made;
- Now the pictures with the extension «image/x-png» are supported;
- It’s possible to shut down the email preview with Esc button now;
- The labels for stripes, structures and blocks are added;
- The visible zones are displayed while you add structures or blocks.
Liberar 2.23
- The control «Button color» was added to the section «Button» on the «Appearance» tab;
- The tips appear when you choose non standard font for email in the editor.
- IN:030930. Editor. The paddings will be deleted if you change the template’s width;
- IN:030940. Editor. The container’s menu doesn’t open on its hover;
- IN:030900. Editor. The line interval breaks when you increase the font size;
- IN:030919. Editor. There is no possibility to change the font and the font size for links. The link will be underlined with a separate assignment.
Liberar 2.22
- The beta version of «Appearance» tab was released where were added the first part of controls to create email templates faster and conveniently
- The size limit for uploaded images was increased from 1 MB to 2 MB;
- The control which allows to hide containers, structures and stripes on mobile devices was added.
Liberar 2.21
- The attribute link for the block «Image» will be deleted automatically while exporting or saving the HTML email if the value of this attribute is empty;
- The prompts were added for some controls in the editor;
- The uploaded images to the section «Common» of the gallery are available for all users.
Liberar 2.20
- The work with uploaded to gallery media files was adjusted. Now the images will be copied to the email gallery from the source template while copying or creating an email;
- The ability to set up the comments in a HTML code editor was added.
Liberar 2.19
- We have added a new section with a blog on a website where you may read the most compelling articles on email marketing topics;
- The button «Restore actual image size» was added to «Image» block;
- The layout for proper email view in Yahoo! Mail was fixed;
- The option of marking and deleting of an empty structure with 0 margins was added;
- The ability to save blocks without names to the library was added;
- The «Undo» option was added for text editing in an appropriate «Text» block;
- The option to input any numbers in a «Button» block for «Internal paddings» field was added.
Liberar 2.18
- Automated saving of all the changes added to an email or a template while editing;
- Email blocks at the library are now separated into private and public template blocks;
- The editor’s workflow speed was optimized while switching between basic blocks in the email template;
- The amount of styles for social media icons was increased;
- The preview page for email or template layout testing for desktop browsers and mobile devices was developed.
- An attribute target="_blank" was added to all links for opening in a new tab.
Liberar 2.17
- Export emails and templates to eSputnik;
- Export emails and templates to GetResponse360;
- Export emails and templates to GMail;
- Increased the number of font sizes that can be selected in the editor when creating emails and templates.
Liberar 2.16
- IN:030082. Editor. The allocation of containers disappears when adding a structure to the library;
- IN:030159. Editor. The usual HTML is not saved if there are special characters in the name of the email / template;
- IN:030083. Editor. The button styles disappear when saving a structure to the library;
- IN:029841. Editor. The buttons to delete a structure or strip must be inactive if they are the last;
- IN:030154. Editor. When you change the color of the text through the CKEditor, paragraphs disappear;
- IN:029890. Cabinet. During updating and moving between pages inside the cabinet, errors are displayed in the console;
- IN:029895. Cabinet. When you open the drop-down list with languages, the default is English;
- IN:029943. Editor. Do not select a structure when the container menu is open;
- IN:029873. Editor. The name of the template / email is superimposed on the text of the field’s placeholder in the Safari browser;
- IN:030261. Cabinet. When you login through facebook, it is not possible to change the password from your account;
- IN:030259. Editor. If there is no email name, you can not view it in preview mode;
- IN:030268. Cabinet. A hint is not displayed on the buttons for copying and viewing the email in the popover;
- IN:030277. Cabinet. Do not lose the message about the need to confirm the email address after its confirmation;
- IN:030267. Cabinet. The preview picture of the copied email does not open.
Liberar 2.15
- IN:029830. Editor. A misprint in the name of social networks «Odnoklassniki» and «Google+»;
- IN:030152. Editor. Email / template is not exported to MailChimp if its name is longer than 35 characters;
- IN:030122. Cabinet. In the preview picture of the email / template, social network icons are not displayed.
Liberar 2.14
- Support for German in the cabinet and in the editor;
- Optimize the speed of generation of preview pictures of emails and saved blocks, thereby reducing the time of saving the email.
Liberar 2.13
- IN:029953. Cabinet. Incorrect error message is displayed when you enter an email address that is too long on the registration form;
- IN:029954. Cabinet. It goes beyond the allotted space for a long user name in the welcome message when you enter the cabinet;
- IN:029993. Cabinet. The name and surname are not displayed in the user profile settings;
- IN:029997. Cabinet. The name of the project does not fit into the allotted place, while breaking the layout of the cabinet;
- IN:030002. Cabinet. Incorrect error message when changing email address to an existing email address;
- IN:030008. Cabinet. If the password is not successfully changed, the client logs out of the cabinet;
- IN:030000. Cabinet. Surname and Name can be filled with spaces;
- IN:029916. Cabinet. When saving the project logo, you can select files of any resolution;
- IN:030037. Cabinet. When opening an email by a user who has not verified the email address, a white bar appears in the middle of the screen;
- IN:029974. Editor. The downloading of the image via the external link does not work.
Liberar 2.12
- Ability to delete and restore your own templates after deletion;
- Validation of downloaded images (up to 1 MB, formats: PNG, JPG, GIF).
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