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DemandeNotes de mise à jour de Stripo
Libérer 4.72
- The ability to edit an email template previously exported to «SharpSpring» has been added.
- S12-1072. Editor. Active accounts are not displayed for the «ActiveCampaign» email service provider.
- S12-1063. Editor. The demo editor does not generate banners when working with the «Banner» basic block.
- S10-999. Editor. The custom font does not get displayed in the preview image of a saved module.
- S12-1060. Editor. When working with the «HTML» basic block, classes get removed.
- IN:035454. Editor. Bulleted lists lose their formatting if the enter button is double-clicked.
- IN:035455. Editor. Texts do not get wrapped in the «p» tag when breaking text to a new line.
- S10-1026. Cabinet. The input field in the folder’s name disappears when folders are being moved in the Firefox browser.
- S10-1029. Cabinet. It is impossible to change a project’s logo and preview image in the Firefox browser.
Libérer 4.71
- The way of giving names to emails/templates that are being exported to Salesforce MC has been changed.
- The display of AMP elements has been added to the Brand Guidelines Archive.
- IN:035486. Editor. Internal paddings disappear in the «Button» basic block.
- IN:035566. Editor. Custom AMP styles get removed from the CSS code of emails/templates.
- IN:035583. Editor. The “Image in the background” control appears when the «background» class is being used.
- IN:035548. Editor. The synchronized module requires a double-update.
- S10-1014. Editor. It is impossible to set the height to the «Image» basic block.
- S10-996. Editor. An error occurs when an OFT-file is being exported;
- S10-1020. Cabinet. The preview link does not work in the «Safari» browser.
- IN:035586. Cabinet. It is impossible to change a project logo in the «Firefox» browser.
Libérer 4.70
- The performance of the accounts with a large number of folders has been optimized.
- The ability to edit email templates, that were previously exported to the «Mautic» email service provider, has been added.
- The ability to export AMP emails to the «Tripolis» email service provider has been added.
- IN:35524. Editor. The whitespace below images is absent with icons being searched for in «Iconfinder» in the «Image Gallery».
- IN:35561. Editor. The «amp-mustache» code elements are not added in an email at the Preview mode for the web version of the email/template.
- IN:35515. Editor. When copying only one container, a few other containers get copied too.
- IN:35482. Editor. The encoding character for «&» is displayed in the preheader in the Preview mode.
- IN:35563. Editor. The «es-p» class does not get removed in the «Menu» basic block for the AMP version of email/templates.
- IN:35574. Editor. The elements within the «Banner» basic block cannot be moved.
- IN:35572. Editor. It is impossible to enter text into the input fields in the AMP forms.
- IN:35568. Cabinet. The Profile icon cannot be removed.
- IN:35462. Cabinet. Data does not get changed in the «Plugin» menu after the payment is made.
- IN:35553. Cabinet. There’s not enough room for the button of a chosen subscription plan on the pricing list for the Plugin «ENTERPRISE» subscription.
- IN:35511. Cabinet. Templates that were created in the demo-editor cannot be saved to the cabinet.
- IN:35569. Cabinet. When clicking the Enter button in the «Template Kits Settings» menu, the «Upload image» window pops up.
- IN:35562. Cabinet. The dropdown lists get clipped if there’s not enough space on the screen.
Libérer 4.69
- IN:035531. Editor. The content, which is hidden for mobile devices, is not displayed when synchronized modules are used.
- IN:035542. Editor. The width of the images is not recalculated if the synchronized modules are used.
- IN:035513. Editor. It is impossible to add the basic «Banner» block in the Mozilla browser.
- IN:035550. Editor. The width of structures is not recalculated if the rollover effect has been applied to content in the synchronized modules.
Libérer 4.68
- A brand new Template Kits option has been added.
It helps you get everything you need for your future email campaigns in one place. Detailed template guidelines, code of email elements, PDF files of your templates — generated specifically for your brand to make all your future email campaigns consistent. Build one for your company takes you less than a minute; - The ability to export emails and templates to the «Benchmark Email» email service provider has been added;
- The ability to update/replace an email template previously exported to «Braze» and «Amazon SES» has been added.
- IN:035514. Editor. A module long name does not fit the module name area;
- IN:035510. Editor. The Modules library is not displayed when the grouping type gets changed;
- IN:035489. Editor. The NaN value is shown in the width attribute for the basic Button block.
Libérer 4.67
- The ability to export emails and templates to the «Mailganer» email service provider has been added;
- The ability to export emails and templates to the «FreshMail» email service provider has been added;
- The ability to export emails and templates to the «Mautic» email service provider has been added;
- The maximum size of uploaded images has been increased to 3 MB;
- The ability to update/replace an email template previously exported to «eSputnik» and «ActiveCampaign» has been added.
- IN:035488. Editor. When working with the basic «Menu» block in the code editor, the menu gets extra classes;
- IN:035503. Editor. The «http» protocol gets altered to the «https» protocol when a link with the «:» character is used;
- IN:035504. Editor. The link type gets altered from «Skype» to «Site» when the former type is used;
- IN:035495. Editor. It is impossible to add images with a specific type of content to the «Gallery»;
- IN:035476. Editor. The email width was not recalculated in the code when the «Responsive email» option was turned off;
- IN:035479. Editor. Icons in buttons are not displayed correctly in the AMP version of emails;
- IN:035487. Editor. Width of images in the Menu expands in the AMP version of emails;
- IN:035469. Editor. Containers get copied when you want to copy blocks;
- IN:035470. Editor. The pane that indicates collaboration with a certain stripe changes its color when the stripe is being copied;
- IN:035464. Editor. The «Conditions» icon disappears;
- IN:035484. Editor. When saving a new module to the Library, data of a previously saved module is displayed;
- IN:035483. Editor. Images from the «Stock» tab do not appear in the «Gallery» tab;
- IN:355053. Editor. AMP emails do not get validated when a new account is added to the eSputnik email service provider and when an email gets exported to this ESP;
- IN:035496. Editor. The CSS styles are out of order in the AMP version of emails;
- IN:035474. Cabinet. An error message pops up by mistake when a new user gets registered;
- IN:035459. Cabinet. It is impossible to preview emails in the Internet Explorer browser;
- IN:035490. Cabinet. It is impossible to sort emails/templates by the date of creation/modification.
Libérer 4.66
- The ability to export emails and templates to the «Zoho Campaigns» email service provider has been added;
- New languages — Swedish, Finnish, Estonian, and Latvian — have been added to the basic «Timer» block;
- The ability to update/replace an email template previously exported to «Zeta» has been added;
- The ability to set an icon in the basic «Button» block has been added;
- The new control «Set paddings around email» for the mobile version has been added to the «Appearance» — «Mobile view».
- IN:035389. Editor. It takes a while to load the screenshots of emails tested with Email on Acid;
- IN:035439. Editor. The appearance of the «Image Gallery» does not change when the last image gets removed;
- IN:035428. Editor. It is impossible to move a structure within email once it’s been copied;
- IN:035444. Editor. Double reloading required for a synchronized module in case display conditions have been applied to it;
- IN:035419. Editor. A structure gets wider when the basic «Image» block is added to it;
- IN:035388. Editor. The basic «Timer» block is not displayed if the template is downloaded as an AMP file;
- IN:035417. Editor. The inscription «Drop the content here» is not shown when a new stripe is being added;
- IN:035442. Cabinet. It is impossible to undo the «Delete folder/email/template» action if its name is long;
- IN:035411. Cabinet. The next payment date is not shown if a promo code has been used;
- IN:035446. Cabinet. An email part is being cut off when the email is exported as a one-page PDF file;
- IN:035440. Cabinet. It is impossible to export/push email to «Sendinblue».
Libérer 4.65
- The display of a browser’s name has been added next to the name of email clients in the «Testing email in email clients» menu;
- The layout of emails and templates get optimized before export; it affects the reduction of their size.
- IN:035407. Editor. The «Export» button does not work if special characters are indicated in the profile name;
- IN:035418. Editor. The saved modules are not displayed in the library of modules;
- IN:035396. Editor. The table of emoticons is not displayed if the text table has been removed;
- IN:035413. Editor. It is impossible to use merge tags that contain special characters;
- IN:035345. Editor. The modules saved from the demo-editor are not displayed;
- IN:035358. Editor. The HTTP protocol is automatically added to the «Link» field when smart elements are being configured;
- IN:035381. Editor. The spinner does not appear when switching between screenshots of EoA tests in the Mozilla Firefox browser;
- IN:035371. Editor. The code of the Hide elements icon is displayed in the code of the «My HTML» basic block;
- IN:035387. Editor. The shadow appears under the «Search» field in the «Image gallery» tab;
- IN:035243. Editor. The elements that get dragged inside an email freeze in the Microsoft Edge browser.
- IN:035395. Cabinet. There are no translations of tooltips in the Organization settings;
- IN:035416. Cabinet. The copy of email or template is not displayed;
- IN:035386. Cabinet. The icon for deleting an active subscription in the Billing menu does not fit in the designated place;
- IN:035422. Cabinet. Users periodically get logged out logs out of their cabinet (profile)/editor;
- IN:035421. Cabinet. It is impossible to update the project settings.
Libérer 4.64
- The ability to export emails and templates to the «Moosend» email service provider has been added;
- The ability to export emails and templates to the «Zeta» email service provider has been added;
- The functionality «Synchronized modules» has been added; it allows you to apply changes, made to this module, across all emails/templates at once where this module is used;
- The functionality «Content display conditions» has been added; it will allow you to apply code of any template engine (liquid, twig, velocity, etc.) to the email/template elements in your ESP the moment the email is being sent out;
- The new «IconFinder» service has been added to the «Gallery» of images in the «Stock» tab, which allows you to search for and use free icons when building emails/templates;
- The styles of icons «Hide» elements in an email/template have been changed;
- The ability to select domains when exporting emails/templates to «Mailgun» has been added;
- In the HTML code of all emails/templates that get exported, the attribute «role = presentation» has been added to all tables inside the code to give them semantic information for people with disabilities;
- The entered link values are remembered when switching between link types;
- The ability to interact with images to users with the role of «Corrector» has been added.
- IN:035377. Editor. It is impossible to edit smart items through the module library;
- IN:035369. Editor. The highlighting of texts get lost when you are selecting elements on the settings panel;
- IN:035372. Editor. The context menu of Tables does not in the «Text» basic block;
- IN:034983. Editor. The script «application / ld + json» is cut off;
- IN:035368. Editor. The interval is not displayed in bulleted and numbered lists;
- IN:035289. Editor. The preview of the module that is being moved to email freezes;
- IN:035150. Editor. Images taken from the image Stock are applied without confirmation in the Mozilla Firefox browser;
- IN:035353. Editor. Active custom fonts affect the display of the cabinet/editor;
- IN:035314. Editor. The outline of the basic «Accordion» block is not displayed when this block is being picked.
- IN:035392. Cabinet. The testing function of the Azure custom storage does not work;
- IN:035384. Cabinet. A blank space appears at the bottom of the page when an email/template is being previewed in the Preview mode;
- IN:035360. Cabinet. An error occurs when long emails are being copied;
- IN:035349. Cabinet. The favicon is not displayed in preview mode when custom storage is used;
- IN:035380. Cabinet. The profile icon shifts aside when the size of the browser window is being reduced.
Libérer 4.63
- The ability to export emails and templates to the «SharpSpring» email service provider has been added;
- The ability to export emails and templates to the «Iterable» email service provider has been added;
- The ability to create a folder inside a folder has been implemented;
- The display of the editor sections in the Appearance tab has been changed;
- The display of icons on the settings panel for the «Text» basic block has been optimized;
- The name of the connected account shows up when you mouseover an icon of necessary ESP/email client in the «Export» menu;
- Descriptions of controls have been added to the «Organization Settings» menu.
- IN:035331. Editor. UTM tags are not transmitted when an email is being exported to the «eSputnik» service provider;
- IN:035194. Editor. The HTML code in the editor does not get updated once an email is restored from the «Version History» menu;
- IN:035277. Editor. The HTTP / HTTPS protocol is not removed when a link that already contains one of the protocols is being inserted;
- IN:035152. Editor. The settings panel blinks when you are switching between the links in the different text blocks;
- IN:035214. Editor. It is impossible to add a block to a hidden structure;
- IN:035316. Editor. The timer «End date» is not displayed correctly when a page gets refreshed.
- IN:035319. Cabinet. The number of «Timer displays» does not get updated when a new period starts;
- IN:035229. Cabinet. It is impossible to specify a social network several times in the project settings;
- IN:035274. Cabinet. The pop-up that notifies that a subscription plan has been downgraded, is not displayed when a user logs in via a social network.
Libérer 4.62
- The ability to export emails and templates to the «Marketo» email service provider has been added;
- The ability to export emails and templates to the «dotdigital» email service provider has been added;
- The «Fleeped» icon in the «Social. network» has been added;
- The new styles for the Play button in the «Video» basic block have been added;
- The HTML code of email templates with hidden blocks on the desktop has been improved while exporting to MS Outlook (OFT files).
- IN:035180. Editor. The style «background-position: left top» should not be displayed if there is no background image;
- IN:035116. Editor. A duplicated image gallery is displayed when interrupting image loading;
- IN:035233. Editor. The «Timer» basic block does not work when moving an email/template to another organization;
- IN:035163. Editor. The selection of objects in the editor doesn't work if the email template is saved «As new one»;
- IN:035219. Editor. The table of special characters does not work on the text formatting panel if the customer set the Portuguese local;
- IN:035178. Editor. Scroll is not displayed in the module library when opening the settings of smart elements;
- IN:035195. Editor. Adding images to the Image Gallery stops working;
- IN:035215. Editor. The default padding can not be changed in the «Menu» basic block;
- IN:035216. Editor. Recalculation of the width of the containers does not work when dropping a saved module to the email/template;
- IN:035188. Editor. AMP-validator error icon is not displayed in the code editor;
- IN:035207. Editor. The text within buttons is truncated when exporting to MS Outlook;
- IN:035206. Editor. The «Highlight hovered buttons» option can not be changed for the «Button» basic block with incorrect CSS button styles;
- IN:035185. Editor. Service classes are displayed in the code editor for the «Social. network» basic block;
- IN:035179. Editor. The edited module is not displayed in the Modules library if «#» symbol is included in the module name;
- IN:035222. Cabinet. The incorrect icon is displayed when the custom storage testing is failed.
Libérer 4.61
- The ability to export emails and templates to the «Mandrill» email service provider has been added;
- The ability to export emails and templates to the «Postmark» email service provider has been added;
- The ability to export emails and templates to the «IBM Acoustic Campaign» email service provider has been added;
- The ability to export emails and templates to the «Act-On» email service provider has been added;
- The height of the images gets additionally set when emails are exported to the «AWeber» email service provider.
- IN:035149. Editor. Styles set in the «Appearance» tab are not applied to the stripe that has been added from the «Library» of modules;
- IN:035126. Editor. The «Save as new module» button has been shifted in the Safari browser;
- IN:035132. Editor. The scroll is not displayed in the «Library» of modules when a module is being edited and when a «Gallery» of images gets open;
- IN:035153. Editor. When large font size is used, a part of the text gets cut off in the basic «Button» block in the «Outlook» email client;
- IN:035160. Editor. The email preview mode does not work after saving the email manually;
- IN:035110. Cabinet. The site logo specified in the project settings is not applied;
- IN:035170. Cabinet. When clicking on the link for entering a promo code, the system throws into the «Emails» section.
Libérer 4.60
- The ability to export emails and templates to the «Pepipost» email service provider has been added;
- The ability to export emails and templates to the «AWeber» email service provider has been added;
- The ability to export emails and templates to the «MailClickConvert» email service provider has been added;
- The dialogue window that allows choosing the export method — as a new email/template or to replace a current one (which has been exported earlier) — when exporting emails to «Mailgun» and «SendGrid» has been added;
- Changes have been made to the inline styles for AMP HTML emails/templates;
- The ability to re-subscribe to the current subscription plan with the remote payment method has been added;
- The button for testing connected own storage has been added to the plugin settings ;
- The «Line spacing» control which allows setting the line spacing for all headings in the email/template has been added to the «Appearance» — «Headings» menu;
- The Norwegian language has been added to the «Timer» basic block.
- IN:035113. Editor. When emails are generated via the Stripo, recalculation of width/height of the saved modules does not work;
- IN:035123. Editor. An incorrect font is displayed when custom fonts with similar initial names are used;
- IN:035112. Editor. Two buttons are displayed instead of one when an email that contains VML code from MS Outlook is forwarded to other email clients;
- IN:035111. Editor. Links to VML buttons get removed in MS Outlook;
- IN:035076. Editor. The «Link Type» control has been added to the «Social» basic block;
- IN:035118. Editor. The unique module identifier is not saved when a module is saved «As new»;
- IN:035124. Editor. The scroll is not fully displayed in the «Library of modules»;
- IN:035125. Editor. The input fields of the smart element settings in the «Library of modules» are not aligned;
- IN:035045. Editor. The email gets scrolled below the visible content when an existing module is moved.
- IN:035131. Cabinet. When a promo code is entered, the content in the payment pop-up window gets moved.
Libérer 4.59
- Automatic VML Code Generation For Buttons. The new control «Support of Outlook» has been added to the «Appearance» tab — the «Button» section. While creating buttons in the editor, special VML code will be automatically generated and used to ensure the exact appearance of your buttons in MS Outlook email clients;
- The new type of links — «Social Sharing» — has been added.
- IN:035086. Editor. By default, the link must contain the «https://» protocol instead of «http://» one;
- IN:035039. Editor. The subdomain of the icons of the «Social» basic block is not replaced if a template is being moved to another project;
- IN:035106. Editor. The «Advanced» modules tab is not displayed in the demo editor;
- IN:035022. Editor. The smart property of elements is removed when a template is exported to «eSputnik»;
- IN:035022. Editor. The control «size of icons» is not displayed in the «Social» basic block;
- IN:035015. Editor. An email is not displayed in the «Version history» menu if the HTML code of email is invalid;
- IN:035077. Editor. When time on Timer expires, the labels are displayed in Russian;
- IN:035101. Editor. The «Library» of modules stops working when an email/template is moved to another project;
- IN:034658. Editor. The set styles of custom fonts are not displayed in the drop-down lists of fonts in the settings panel and in the text editing panel;
- IN:034693. Editor. The alignment of the «Separator» basic block does not work on the mobile version of the email/template;
- IN:035088. Editor. The search field does not get cleared when switching between tabs of the «Library» after editing the module;
- IN:035072. Editor. The notification that AMP HTML files are being exported freezes when there is an error in the email/template code;
- IN:035096. Editor. The font control disappears when the font is disabled in the project settings;
- IN:035080. Editor. The selected region gets unset when setting up custom storage;
- IN:035029. Editor. The preview images are not displayed when multiple images are uploaded to the «Gallery»;
- IN:035082. Editor. The scroll disappears in the «Library» of modules;
- IN:034944. Cabinet. The pop-up restriction notifications in «Free» and «Business» subscription plans are not displayed until an attempt to invite a new user to the organization is made;
- IN:034872. Cabinet. An email address of a profile is not shown when the password is getting reset.
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