06 luglio 2018

Hanna Kuznietsova

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4 commenti
Koenraad Moreau 3 anni fa
Thank you for this article. Is it possible to add an i-frame of a Spotify song ? Thanks in advance.
Hanna Kuznietsova 3 anni fa
Koenraad Moreau, Hello. Thank you for your comment and for the question. Unfortunately, email clients do not allow i-frame in emails. They just remove it from emails, or else just don't show the entire email to recipients. Currently, you may only add in emails the shared link to a Spotify song.
Denis Kalinichenko 5 anni fa
Nice article!
Hanna Kuznietsova 5 anni fa
Denis, Thank you very much :) We're glad you liked this blog post.
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