24 May 2024

Updated module generator, Optimove CRM integration, real-time co-editing testing, and more

Create amazing emails
Table of contents
  1. Interactive module generator upgrade
  2. Redesign of the “Home” page in the Account 
  3. New integration with Optimove
  4. Near-future plans, or what we are working on now
  5. Wrapping up
Interactive module generator upgrade

April has passed, and we are eager to inform you of Stripo's most important achievements this month and entice you with something interesting that awaits. Without further ado, let’s dive right in.

Interactive module generator upgrade

We have been working hard on updating our interactive module generator. The main goal of this update was to improve the fallback versions that our generator provides and to enable marketers to track the performance of those fallback versions.

Thus far, the Questionnaire module generator has been updated, and we will continue to do so for each new game and redesign the current games in such a way that the automatically generated fallback version is also interactive for each mechanic.

What does it affect?

Such a fallback version is visually similar to the interactive HTML version, and a click on the answer leads the player to the web version of the email.

As a result, we provide automatic opening of the web version of the email for the fallback version in case the user interacts with it via mailboxes that do not support AMP or interactive HTML.

In addition, updated game fallbacks are now compatible with all email clients, including Outlook.

What is it for? Previously, we covered 87.5% of recipients with email interactive content. And due to the poor interactive support of some email clients, 12.5% of users saw a static fallback. Thanks to this upgrade, this share of users will now be able to see the interactive content in its full glory. 

Another problem was that if subscribers used Gmail or Apple Mail, which support AMP and HTML5 (the cornerstone of creating interactive content), but the ESP did not support AMP or HTML5, then the recipients would see only a static fallback. Since the upgrade, users can experience interactivity regardless of whether the ESP supports it.

But that's not all. Upgraded fallback is a great addition. However, previously, there was a problem with tracking various user actions, which we considered because we understand the importance of tracking the performance of email campaigns.

How, exactly, you ask? You will now be able to add a personalization tag to your game and a link to Stripo’s Data Service so we can gather all crucial marketing data in one place. As a result, you will immediately see how many of your recipients filled out the form, who left a review, who moved on from the fallback and purchased something on the website, and who performed another action.

Currently, the feature of adding such tags and links to the Data Service will be implemented in the Questionnaire generator, after which this feature will gradually appear for all existing and future games.

All these changes are aimed at providing marketers with the opportunity to track customers’ activity both inside the email and across the web version, regardless of the CAP used. This is an extremely important step to expand the audience of marketers who want to use interactive elements in their emails but cannot due to the limitations of the ESP used.

We discussed this problem and its solution in more detail in our special article. We recommend that you read it for a complete picture of what the interactive module generator update provides.

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Redesign of the “Home” page in the Account 

If you thought that after a complete redesign of the Account, we would stop improving it, then we are pleased to prove you wrong. We've updated the design of your account dashboard, making it more intuitive and transparent. In addition, we have added a convenient side navigation bar for projects to make working with multiple projects seamless and convenient.

Updated design of your account dashboard

Besides that, we changed the label of the “Users” tab to “Members”.

Convenient side navigation bar

New integration with Optimove

We continue to expand our list of integrations for the seamless export of emails created in Stripo. This time, we have fully integrated with Optimove — a real-time CDP to conduct personalized multichannel campaigns.

Near-future plans, or what we are working on now

We are actively working on improvements to Stripo, and very soon, you will be able to try what many of you have been anxiously waiting for.

Internal testing of real-time co-editing

The development of long-awaited real-time co-editing is in full swing, and we have moved on to the stage of testing this feature internally.

The real-time co-editing feature will be similar to the one available in Google Docs. Several users will be able to edit different elements of the email at the same time, and all changes will be saved.

The Stripo team is working hard to identify and clean up all possible errors that may occur during the operation of such a complex feature so that you can experience a bug-free product to boost your workflow productivity.

Most importantly, this feature will be available within a month. We can't wait to get this functionality into your hands and get your feedback. Stay tuned for an update announcement and be the first to test this functionality.

Along with real-time co-editing, a history of changes will go live, which will also work similarly to Google Docs. This feature is currently in the final stages of testing; it will allow you to see which user made what changes to the template and when. Here’s what this feature looks like during internal testing. Keep in mind that the look is subject to change, and the final version may look a bit different.

Wrapping up

It's been a productive month full of important updates and improvements to Stripo. The updated interactive module generator with improved fallbacks now allows even more marketers to benefit from the power of email gamification. The improved Stripo dashboard makes the workflow even smoother, and integration with Optimove opens up the possibility of more convenient export of emails to this tool. At the same time, design of the real-time email co-editing feature is approaching the finish line.

Stay tuned for more updates to keep abreast of all the improvements and achievements of Stripo.

Create amazing emails with Stripo
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