Features to Look for in Bulk Email Service_Cover Image
28 березня 2022

Anton Diduh
Anton Diduh Content writer & Video content creator у Stripo
4 коментарів
blind balance 1 рік тому
I use Mailtrap tool to check the technical parameters, it's pretty good
Anton Diduh 1 рік тому
Hi! It's great that you've found the tool that best suits your flow.
Karl ber Drindl 1 рік тому
I've heard a lot about eSputnik, is it actually a reliable tool for real-time analytics? The reviews are quite positive for this marketing automation software
Anton Diduh 1 рік тому
Hi Karl! Yes, eSputnik includes real-time analytics like number of opened emails and clicks-through, number of unsubscribes and much more.
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