01 décembre 2018

Hanna Kuznietsova

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2 commentaires
Eric Crawford il y a 5 ans
How do I do this using Stripo.email?
Hanna Kuznietsova il y a 5 ans
Eric, Hello. Thank you for your question. I have just added this paragraph to the blog post and, for your convenience, duplicate it here: To add emojis to subject lines, you need to: click the "settings" button above the template you are working with, then copy an image you like and paste it in the "Email subject" field. Hope that helps! Thank you for your interest in our tool and in our blog!
Éditeur Stripo
Simplifier le processus de production des e-mails.
Plugin Stripo
Intégrez l'éditeur drag-n-drop de Stripo à votre application web.
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