Rolenko Liubov

Web Designer/HTML Coder at Stripo

I have a 10-year experience in UX/UI design. For the last three years, I’ve been also designing and coding emails. I consider my job as my hobby which enables me to express myself and be helpful to other people. When working on design, I long to make it user-friendly first of all. “Simple and beautiful” — is my motto.

Rolenko Liubov
Stripo editor
Simplify email production process.
Stripo plugin
Integrate Stripo drag-n-drop editor to your web application.
Order a Custom Template
Our team can design and code it for you. Just fill in the brief and we'll get back to you shortly.

Stripo editor

For email marketing teams and solo email creators.

Stripo plugin

For products that could benefit from an integrated white-label email builder.