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Our books, guides, and videos have helped thousands of your peers get better at their jobs. No fluff or sales pitches. Just quality information and insights.
Ultimate guide to email gamification

Ultimate guide to email gamification

Everything you need to start utilizing gamification in email marketing today, including unbelievable examples for inspiration.

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Teamwork inspiration guide

Teamwork inspiration guide

This guide provides best practices and insights for building effective email marketing teams, finding out how processes work in other teams, and speeding up email production workflow for enterprises, SaaS projects, product companies, and agencies.

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Email content and design trends for 2024

Email content and design trends for 2024

This guide provides insights from industry experts along with practical recommendations designed to empower you to develop effective and engaging email campaigns for 2024 and beyond.

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Resources to learn email marketing: Stripo’s choice

Resources to learn email marketing: Stripo’s choice

We asked our team members to recommend some email marketing resources, and here are the results.

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Email marketing performance. 2022 in numbers

Email marketing performance. 2022 in numbers

The joint work of Stripo and GetResponse will give you insights into the performance of emails in 2022.

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Effective multilingual email marketing

Effective multilingual email marketing

Get helpful insights, easy-to-follow tips, and useful resources to manage client communication in multiple languages successfully.

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Stripo editor
Simplify email production process.
Stripo plugin
Integrate Stripo drag-n-drop editor to your web application.
Order a Custom Template
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Stripo editor

For email marketing teams and solo email creators.

Stripo plugin

For products that could benefit from an integrated white-label email builder.