Stripo guest post guidelines

Hello there,
Thank you for your interest in our blog. We’re glad to see you here. Do you have the expertise, unique hacks, and ways to run/boost your email marketing that you would like to share with a large audience of email marketers, email designers, email marketing agencies, and business owners? Great! We’d love to hear from you.

What do we look for?

  • Expert content: A deep understanding of the subject, with proven yet nontrivial ways to overcome the challenges marketers/agencies face.
  • Experiment/Analysis: Recent experiments, investigations, studies, your own and your customers’ data analysis, etc. These posts should include data, actionable takeaways, and thorough explanations of each step and the results of such experiments.

Essentials of the posts we publish

  • The content should be focused on a certain target audience (email designers, email coders, business owners, email marketing agencies, etc.), and all the tips and recommendations are meant for the particular target audience.
  • Unique content with recommendations that have never been published anywhere else.
  • Articles should reflect the writing style/tone of our blog. We aim to be casual yet helpful.
  • All the stats shared in the article should be backed up with links to the original sources. The stats should be dated back to the current year or the previous year. Sources older than one year are not accepted.
  • The ideal length is 1,500–2,500 words.
  • One do-follow link to your company’s website in the body of the post.
  • Links to 2–3 relevant Stripo blog posts in your piece.

Things we do not publish

  1. Overly promotional content: Articles are not a place to promote people, companies, or services. Our readers come to Stripo for advice and tips on how to better run their email marketing channel.
  2. Previously published material: We cannot accept articles that were previously published, even if you’ve made some changes to them. We accept only 100% new pieces of writing.
  3. ChatGPT/AI-generated articles: We do not accept articles that feature AI-generated text. Articles are run through an AI detector to identify such content.
  4. Topics that have been covered on our blog. Before submitting your ideas, be sure to browse our blog.
  5. Plagiarism or copyright infringement: Including a third party’s original or copyrighted material is not allowed. Be sure to use your own materials and share your own insights, tips, stats, etc. Before you submit your piece, be sure to check it with a plagiarism detector (plagiarismdetector, contentyoda). The minimal score accepted is 95%.


  • We stick to the sentence case
  • Use H2s, H3s, and H4s.
  • Keep paragraphs short, 2–3 sentences.
  • Add bulleted and numbered lists whenever possible.
  • All the images should be of the best quality and sharp and attached as a separate file.
  • We prefer custom images/charts/diagrams drawn by you/your team. However, if you use snippets of emails to present them as an example in the article, be sure to cite the image source as (Image source) and hyperlink to the image source.
  • Run a spellcheck with Grammarly.

How does the process work?


  1. Please suggest 2–3 article topics you are ready to write about. Add a short 3–4- sentence introduction to each.
  2. Once we agree on the subject, we expect an outline, so we know we’re on the same page. Once approved, please proceed to writing your piece.
  3. Once we receive the final draft of your article, we will get back to you with feedback within seven business days. We keep the right not to publish your article if the content is of poor quality or it does not meet our guidelines (learn about the guidelines in the sections “Essentials of the posts we publish,” “Things we do not publish,” and “Formatting”). If we decide to publish your article, we will need your photo, bio, position, and links to your own or your company’s LinkedIn (the latter is optional)—we will request this data in the feedback email.
  4. Once we agree on the final version, it could take us three weeks to publish it. We will notify you about the exact date.
  5. When the article goes live, we will send you a notification with the link.

Our principles

  • You may not republish the content from the Stripo blog on your company’s or personal site.
  • If we see the post published anywhere else, we have the right to remove it from the Stripo blog.
  • We reserve the right to edit and adapt your guest blog content to make it fit our audience’s interests and update it in the future for comprehensiveness if you do not provide us with the updated content.

If you are ready to share your ideas with us, please submit them in the form below.

Thank you for adhering to all of the above, and we’re excited to hear from you!

Click or drop files here

It can be PSD, EPS, AI, PDF, PNG, JPG, GIF, DOC, DOCX, TXT, ZIP or RAR file.The total size should not exceed 20Mb.

Thank you for your request!

We will get to know with information you have sent us and will reply to you within up to 5 business days.

Stripo editor
Simplify email production process.
Stripo plugin
Integrate Stripo drag-n-drop editor to your web application.
Order a Custom Template
Our team can design and code it for you. Just fill in the brief and we'll get back to you shortly.

Stripo editor

For email marketing teams and solo email creators.

Stripo plugin

For products that could benefit from an integrated white-label email builder.