Email QR code generator

Easily generate customizable email QR codes in no time.


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What is an email QR code?

An email QR code is a new way to easily send emails. These codes include your email address, subject line, and message content. Users can use the code to open their email client with these fields pre-filled, allowing them to send emails to you effortlessly with a single scan.

Why should you use email QR codes?

Sharing email addresses or sending emails using traditional methods is often tedious and slow. QR codes offer a straightforward solution to this problem. Email communication can utilize QR codes to become more streamlined, efficient, and user-friendly—the codes automate and shorten the routine process of sending emails down to a simple QR code scan.

Benefits of using a QR code generator for emails

Cuts down on human error

Sending an email typically involves opening an email client, manually typing the recipient’s email address, adding a subject line, and composing a message. This manual process can lead to mistakes, such as typos in the email address, resulting in undelivered emails or emails being sent to the wrong recipient. However, with an email QR code, it is enough for users to simply scan the code and hit the “Send” button to ensure the email is correctly addressed and sent to the intended recipient with ease.

Enhances customer interaction

For service providers and product manufacturers, the email QR code is an excellent way to instantly receive customer feedback. Place the QR code directly on your packaging or include it as a part of your marketing material to allow customers to contact you effortlessly without having to navigate your website to find your email address.

Straightforward and timeless

Our email QR code generator is completely free to use. There are absolutely no costs involved in generating and downloading the QR codes created with our tool. On top of that, the QR codes never expire! You’ll continue to receive emails sent via this QR code so long as your email address remains valid.

Download QR Code

Stripo editor
Simplify email production process.
Stripo plugin
Integrate Stripo drag-n-drop editor to your web application.
Order a Custom Template
Our team can design and code it for you. Just fill in the brief and we'll get back to you shortly.

Stripo editor

For email marketing teams and solo email creators.

Stripo plugin

For products that could benefit from an integrated white-label email builder.