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RequestStripo Release Notes
Release 1.91
We've got a small update for you with this new change:
- Added a Warning and Restore icon to the settings panel for controls that have been changed using the Override function in the code editor.
And this bug fix:
- Fixed errors related to the translation of the new editor.
Release 1.90
New bug fixes have arrived at Stripo. Check them out:
- Fixed errors when adding blocks in the editor on the tablet.
- The HTML label is outside the HTML block.
- Incorrect size of the media selector when opening an email created in the old editor.
- Fixed Master CSS in letters that do not have AMP rollover.
Release 1.89
A small update is now live with this change:
- Removed empty selectors from Master CSS.
Also, bug fix included:
- Fixed the difference in the display of the adaptive image in the preview and the tests.
Release 4.192
New features are on their way with a new Stripo release:
- Added the "Adaptive menu" control to the "Menu" block.
New bug fix is out now. Check out this change:
- Style in the "Button" block is cut out when changing color and rounding/indentation.
Release 1.88
New release bring new change. Check it out:
- Added separate color settings for bulleted and numbered lists to the Custom List Styles control.
Bug fixes included:
- The toaster message "Please note that all the modifications/changes you've done so far to this email will remain and be available in the old version" appears after clicking the deactivated block in Custom Html.
- The background is not added to the settings and block panels after selecting a color in General Settings for a Custom HTML email.
- The modules are not aligned according to the template alignment in the general settings.
Release 1.87
We've brought to you some bug fixes to smooth your email creation process:
- The module can be shared several times.
- Unable to click the tooltip link in the settings panel.
- Shift + Left Arrow causes the editor to freeze when using the Text block.
Release 4.191
New Stripo release is on its way. Check this out:
- Added an AI generation option in the hidden preheader based on the subject of the email.
- Added a separate icon for the Refund transaction status in the Billing menu.
- Improved export to Salesforce Marketing Cloud ESP.
We've also fixed these bugs:
- When translating an email, the button's name in the comments is not translated.
- Fixed an error that appeared when loading the vendor translation.
- Fixed incorrectly displayed elements in the structure when Responsive structure control is enabled.
Release 1.86
The new changes in the new release are here:
- Added a notification for updating the status of changes in the Smart element in the Link field.
- Added the option to select an element in the email when clicking on Focus mode, if the cursor is set in the code editor.
Several bugs have also been removed:
- A tooltip is displayed after removing a label from a Text block.
- An error appears in the console when adding a Text block.
Release 4.190
New release with needed changes is out now:
- Replaced SparkPost name and icon with MessageBird.
- Increased the maximum number of characters for Display Conditions (3000 characters).
Fixed bugs are also included:
- The display of custom merge-tags Value with the symbols "< >" is broken.
- The code from the Display Conditions is displayed in the conditional comments of the email after the email is translated and the browser refreshes the page.
- Removed scroll jumps when trying to scroll emails in the cabinet to the bottom.
- The symbol “&” in the template display conditions is replaced by “&” after reopening the template.
- When you change the translations of the email, the Display Conditions disappear when you export the letter to HTML.
Release 1.85
Check out this change that came with the new Stripo release:
- Added the Text Align on Desktop/Mobile: Indent control in the Text block
We also fixed these bugs:
- After creating or updating a module, no preview of the module is displayed.
- Text height applies to the entire block, not just the selected text.
- Display conditions do not work.
Release 4.189
There is no limit to perfection. A new release with internal improvements to Stripo for greater stability is now available for everyone.
Release 1.84
We've got a new release for you with few additions:
- Added a new "Fixed height" control for the Button block.
- Added a new "Fixed height" control for the Text block.
We've also fixed these bugs:
- The default CSS of the new editor has a selector with incorrect styles for responsive images.
- Missing text translation when inserting a Text block.
- Structure content is deleted when interacting with structure adaptability control.
- Line wrapping does not work when the text direction is left to right.
- Deletion of additional text and images on the banner does not work when pressing DELETE.
- Incorrect style of the floating table settings panel.
- Unable to undo the deletion of all email code in the code editor with Ctrl+Z.
- Title and text tags are not saving when pasting copied text.
- After pressing Enter, an extra space is added in the new paragraph.
Release 4.188
New release with a needed change is out now:
- Changed the name and icon of the Sendinblue mail service to Brevo.
Fixed bugs are also included:
- Images of the email are displayed incorrectly when exporting to HTML with the option "Replace Image Path in HTML file" enabled.
- Incorrect direction of Hebrew and Arabic text during translation.
- A message about the monthly fee is displayed when signing up for a year.
- The thickness of the line in the Spacer block is not displayed correctly.
Release 1.83.0
A new release with lots of features is out now:
- Added display of the AMP mark on the modules preview.
- Added the display of the hidden element icon if the hidden element is higher in the hierarchy.
- Added the option to delete modules.
- Added the option to share the module with other projects.
- Added a button to format the code in the code editor.
We've also got a new pack of fixed bugs for you:
- The text in the button is not displayed correctly when Outlook support is enabled.
- The editor freezes when working with text color controls in the strip settings in the Firefox browser on Windows OS.
- You can choose a transparent color for the link and text in the general bar settings.
- The Override button in the code editor does not work correctly.
- New structures are added with alignment in the middle of the email when there is a different value in the general settings.
- The cmd-Z key combination does not work.
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