The journey and evolution of email marketing: Insights from Kath Pay. Part I

The journey and evolution of email marketing: Insights from Kath Pay. Part I

Webinar Info

Platform: Youtube

Date and time: 2:00 PM (UTC), TUESDAY, MAY 28

Kath Pay, CEO of Holistic Email Marketing, is a luminary in the email marketing realm with over 23 years of expertise. Kath, a celebrated author and the thought leader behind the revolutionary concept of Holistic Email Marketing, invites you to dive deep into the world of email marketing. This session is an invaluable opportunity for marketers, strategists, and enthusiasts keen on exploring the evolving landscape of email.


In this first session, Dmytro Kudrenko, the Founder and CEO of Stripo, will talk with Kath about her journey in the email marketing world, highlighting her transition from web design to becoming a stalwart in email marketing.


Additionally, they’ll talk about:

  1. Email marketing personalization.
  2. Email marketing metrics.
  3. The role of women in email marketing and the importance of the Women of Email movement.
  4. Future perspectives on email marketing, addressing predictions and potential changes in the industry.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to learn from Kath Pay, whose work has not only shaped the industry but also empowered countless professionals and brands to achieve remarkable success with their email marketing strategies. Reserve your spot today and be part of a discussion that could redefine your approach to holistic email marketing.


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