Benchmark Email email builder from Stripo

Stripo enables you to

  • save a significant amount of time on email production with our Benchmark email template editor;
  • design fully responsive emails by using any template of your choice from our extensive collection;
  • build fully custom emails for the ability to set your own width/height for images that our Benchmark Email template editor offers;
  • apply hover effect to buttons and even add images in them to your CTA buttons to make them more noticeable;
  • use countdown timers in your emails to make your campaigns more effective — as we know timers in emails increase CTOR by 9%;
  • design banners of any complexity with no third-party tools for the banner generator;
  • run a screenshot testing directly in our advanced email template editor for Benchmark Email to make sure your emails will look correct in users’ inboxes;
  • export your emails to Benchmark Email with just 1 click.
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at least 6 characters, letters and numbers

Stripo — Flexible email template builder for Benchmark Email

Exporting emails to Benchmark Email


Build emails of any complexity by using any template of your choice from our extensive collection — there are nearly 1000 fully responsive templates in it.

Work with teams

Invite proofreaders, designers, email coders, and copywriters to make email building more productive. Give each of your teammates a different role and a specific access level.

Test emails

There are 7 ways to check your emails with our Benchmark Email HTML editor. And at least 3 ways for sharing your emails to get approval from your clients and colleagues.

Export to Benchmark Email

Stripo allows you to seamlessly export your emails to Benchmark Email in just 1 click.

Create by using the Benchmark Email template editor

  • embed custom code of dynamic elements into your templates that you build with our alternate HTML editor for Benchmark Email due to the basic HTML block — no need to code email from scratch;
  • share the public preview link to your template with your colleagues or clients for their approval;
  • store the modules that you use quite often in your campaigns to the Modules Storage — all you’ll have to do next time is just drag this module into your new template you’ll be working with. It saves time on email building;
  • stop worrying about the changes you make to your templates — you will not lose them for our Autosave option;
  • undo/redo the recent changes you’ve made to your template;
  • design interactive emails with little to no coding skills for the techniques that our Benchmark Email HTML editor offers.

Work with your team in our Benchmark Email email template creator

  • invite around 100 teammates to your account for a joint effort; give a different role and access level to each colleague;
  • watch over multiple projects in your account — the number is unlimited;
  • be sure to spread a public link to any template of yours for approval within your team;
  • download emails as PDF-files for spreading among your clients;
  • be well aware of the changes to the emails and projects of yours;
  • rollback any version of your templates with our Version History option.

The 7 ways to preview and validate your emails in the template builder

Prior to pushing emails to your ESP, you definitely should preview them

Email clients check

Use our integration with EoA and check out how your email will work on most devices and in the most popular email clients.

Preview email screen

See your final draft both on desktop and mobile devices. Hit the «Preview» button above the email. Done!

Send test email

To see what your email will look like in your recipients' Inboxes, please send out test emails. Click the «plane» icon above the email, enter your email address. Done — check your Inbox!

Team Collaboration

Wanna be able to leave comments to your colleagues right in email template? (Coming soon)

Shareable link

If you want to get shareable link, click the «Preview button». Then hit the «Copy» button at top of the preview panel. Done!

Export to PDF file

To download your email as PDF to print it out, or attach to your reports, click the «Export button», then select «PDF». Considering your current needs, select the file-type. Done!

Export to HTML file

If you are an agency that provides clients with email HTML code, then you may download email as HTML archive. Done!

Export to Benchmark Email and Send

Export your email with 1 click
Preview in Benchmark Email
Send with Benchmark Email
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Our Actual Benchmark Email Email Templates