Elastic Email email builder from Stripo

By using our editor, you:

  • build high-quality emails of any complexity with little to no coding skills for 13 basic Drag-n-Drop blocks;
  • design eye-catchy banners for your promo emails with the embedded banner generator that our Elastic Email editor offers;
  • build video emails which btw increase conversion by 65%;
  • set mobile styles for your emails to make sure they are fully legible and render perfectly well on mobiles and tablets;
  • connect promo emails to Google Spreadsheet to provide recipients with only fresh and always actual information;
  • use certain email Modules that you build with our HTML editor for Elastic Email across numerous campaigns;
  • generate Brand Guidelines files for your projects to onboard new designers faster and to always stay on-brand no matter what;
  • push emails to Elastic Email with 1 click.
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Stripo — Advanced email builder for Elastic Email

The benefits that freelancers, teams of designers, and email coders, agencies get from Stripo and Elastic Email integration

Revolutionary design

Stripo allows building emails with AMP, dynamic/realtime, and interactive content with literally no coding skills to gamify emails and WOW your customers.


You invite your team members — designers, coders, copywriters — to work on emails with you. While working on emails, you may also share them to get clients or boss’s approval.

Email testing

There are 7 ways of sending emails. One of them is running a screenshot test to see how your emails will display across 90+ environments.

Direct export

You push emails when they are ready from Stripo to Elastic Email just 1 click.

Create by using the Elastic Email template editor

  • survey emails with dynamic/AMP forms, which allows users to share their opinion and submit their feedback directly in emails. This increases the survey response rate by 5.2 times;
  • Innovative emails with real-time content to provide users with the freshest information in promo emails;
  • CSS-animated buttons, image rollover effect to spice up your newsletters with just a few clicks;
  • games for your emails for our AMP blocks;
  • set mobile styles for your emails so that your users experience the highest level of mobile-friendly email design.

Work with your team in our Elastic Email email template creator

  • invite around 100 teammates to work with you on multiple email projects;
  • set required roles with respective access levels to each of them. Manage those roles when necessary;
  • be in the know which member of your team and when made certain changes to a template;
  • roll back to any previous version of your email templates if necessary.

The 7 ways to preview and validate your emails in the template builder

Prior to pushing emails to your ESP, you definitely should preview them

Email clients check

Use our integration with EoA and check out how your email will work on most devices and in the most popular email clients.

Preview email screen

See your final draft both on desktop and mobile devices. Hit the «Preview» button above the email. Done!

Send test email

To see what your email will look like in your recipients' Inboxes, please send out test emails. Click the «plane» icon above the email, enter your email address. Done — check your Inbox!

Team Collaboration

Wanna be able to leave comments to your colleagues right in email template? (Coming soon)

Shareable link

If you want to get shareable link, click the «Preview button». Then hit the «Copy» button at top of the preview panel. Done!

Export to PDF file

To download your email as PDF to print it out, or attach to your reports, click the «Export button», then select «PDF». Considering your current needs, select the file-type. Done!

Export to HTML file

If you are an agency that provides clients with email HTML code, then you may download email as HTML archive. Done!

Export to Elastic Email and Send

Export your email with 1 click
Preview in Elastic Email
Send with Elastic Email
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Our Actual Elastic Email Email Templates