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RequestStripo Release Notes
Release 4.113
- DEV-275. Editor. The color selection controls are displayed incorrectly in the editor after they have been used in a user’s account.
- S25-2498. Editor. The width and height values set for the preview slides are not saved for the “Carousel” basic block.
- S25-2541. Editor. It is impossible to paste a text that has been copied from an external source for the “Button” basic block.
- DEV-276. Editor. The email content disappears if the text for the email has been copied from Google Docs.
- S25-498. Editor. The border in the emails is not rendered in a new version of Google Chrome.
- S25-2641. Cabinet. The email/template preview doesn't work via the share link in the Internet Explorer browser.
Release 1.3
- Added the Social block along with its controls to the new editor.
- NE-314. Editor. The "Restore current image size" control does not work from the first time.
- NE-323. Editor. Errors are displayed in the console when switching from block to block.
- NE-324. Editor. Bottom margin for the link type list disappears on small screens.
- NE-329. Editor. The "Include In" control must be in the Settings menu.
- NE-346. Editor. The Size control does not work in the Image block.
- NE-356. Editor. Font Family control fixes.
- NE-366. Editor. The Paragraph Style controls are displayed in the wrong order.
- NE-375. Editor. Wrong width for Font Family list.
- Updated custom scrolling in the editor — now everything works correctly.
Release 4.112
- New icons have been added to the “Social” basic block.
- Added new email template categories. For the Type section: “Transactional”. For the Season section: “Women's Equality Day”, “Octoberfest”.
- S25-2553. Editor. The value of the “Preview Alignment” control set for the “Carousel” basic block is not applied.
- S25-2617. Editor. Styles get removed from code when custom merge tags are used.
- DEV-269. Editor. The email saving process gets hung when an email banner is being generated in the “Banner” basic block.
Release 4.111
- The ability to search by merge tags in the "Text" basic block.
- The ability to export a single email message/template from the cabinet has been added.
- DEV-243. Editor. The chosen View Mode, aka View Settings, is not remembered for the "Modules" section.
- S25-2370. Editor. The "Mobile Alignment" text gets clipped in the basic blocks.
- S25-485. Editor. The ability to export email messages/templates to the "ActiveCampaign" email service provider has been fixed for new users.
- D610.Editor. The way the buttons are displayed in "" and "Outlook Apps" with the Dark Mode ON has been fixed.
- S25-2623. Cabinet. The reason why users would periodically get logged out of their accounts has been eliminated.
Release 1.2
- Added the Text block along with its controls to the new editor .
- Added more components of Counter, Text Style, Radius, Mime Type (Include In) and Border.
- NE-238. Editor. Basic blocks are not displayed, the editor height is broken.
- NE-272. Editor. The height of the drop-down list for the Link type changes.
- NE-273. Editor. The link gets shifted to the next line in the Link type drop-down list.
- NE-276. Editor. The checkmark of the selected Font Size should be opposite the Size value.
- NE-277. Editor. The color does not change when you enter a value in the input color field.
- NE-306. Editor. Margins are getting broken when being edited.
- NE-312. Editor. Add Button style names to the Play button of the Video block.
- Improved the Drag-n-Drop feature logic.
Release 4.110
- The ability to edit links in the "Text" basic block has been added for those users who were invited with the "Proofreader" role.
- S25-2594. Editor. The "Add an anchor link" control has been removed for the basic blocks that were put inside AMP blocks.
- S25-2586. Editor. A color that was manually set as the block color gets converted into an incorrect one.
- S25-470. Editor. It is impossible to export email messages/templates to the Mailwizz email service provider.
- S25-399. Cabinet. A white area is displayed instead of a font icon when custom fonts in the Project settings are being sorted.
- DEV-246. Cabinet. There are no translations on the Pricing page in the FAQ section.
- S25-2616. Cabinet. There is no translation for the “Changed” status in the Brand Guidelines menu.
Release 4.109
- The ability to choose where exactly to deliver emails to the "SendGrid" email service provider has been added.
- DEV-227. Cabinet. When saving an email template from the Demo Editor, two email templates get saved instead of one.
- S25-415. Cabinet. When copying email messages/templates to another project, modules that were used in each copied email message/template get duplicated.
Release 4.108
- S07-682. The ability to share Modules with other projects has been added.
- S25-398. The ability to upload the Postman collection to the “Organization Settings” in the “Image Server” menu has been added.
- DEV-220. The logic of work for the “Premium” filter in the “Email templates” section has been changed.
- DEV-229. The logic of the “Export as Image” option has been changed.
- S25-2556. The fields “Reply to email”, “Select Sender domain”, and “From name” have been added to the “SparkPost” exporting option.
- S25-433. Editor. The “Divider” basic block gets broken if you give it an anchor link and re-enter the email.
- S25-440. Editor. The target = "_blank" attribute is added in the anchor link in the "Menu" basic block.
- S25-2607. Editor. AMP emails are displayed incorrectly after being exported as an Image, in the .png format.
- S25-2599. Editor. The drop-down menu with a list of links is not displayed properly if it contains long special links.
- S25-457. Editor. It is impossible to add a video through the link in the “Video” basic block in the Demo editor.
- S25-2595. Cabinet. The controls for adding folders and templates are now displayed in the “Create a new email” pop-up window in the “Templates” tab.
- S25-2601. Cabinet. The screenshot of the template, that is being exported, is not displayed in the “Export” menu.
- S25-2538. Cabinet. Part of the email is clipped off when the "Enable social sharing" option is on.
- S25-2611. Cabinet. Data does not get recorded in the “Data Service” if the amp-selector component has been used in the “AMP Form” basic block.
- S25-2505. Cabinet. You can bypass the limit on the Folder quantity when doing multiple actions with folders.
Release 4.107
- S25-2400. Editor. The image in the “Image” basic block gets stretched to the full width of the container when being moved.
- S25-2523. Editor. Icons are not displayed in the “Social” basic block if a link contains an invalid character.
- S25-2571. Editor. There is no translation for the “Failed to add a member” pop-up window.
- DEV-216. Cabinet. It is impossible to complete registration if you change the page localization during the registration process.
- S25-2562. Cabinet. It is impossible to change the width of the "Show Source Code" field in the email/template preview mode.
Release 4.106
- Added new email template categories. For the Type section: “Retargeting”, “Surveys/Quizzes'', “Signature”. For the Season section: “April Fools’ Day”, “Diwali”, “Ramadan”, “Earth Day”.
- Improved the quality of the “JPG” images when exporting emails as “Image”.
- The ability to transfer UTM-tags from Stripo to the “Sendy” email service provider via the Query String has been added.
- The ability to copy email/template code when exporting emails/templates as “HTML” and “AMP HTML” without the need to download the files.
- A new control “Add an anchor link” has been added to all basic blocks.
- S25-2459. Editor. New spaces appear before/after a URL for an uploaded image in the “Banner” basic block in email that has been copied.
- S25-2425. Editor. It is impossible to deselect/disable filters after an image has been edited in the “Image” basic block.
- S25-2545. Editor. A text that goes after a link gets shifted to the next line when clicking the “Enter” button in the “Text” basic block.
- S25-2476. Editor. A space that goes between the specified shadow values for text in the Text basic block gets removed.
- DEV-207. Editor. It is impossible to save an image with a name that contains over 100 characters after editing images in the Photo editor.
- S25-2540. Editor. A notification message about an incorrect error appears when entering an invalid link for the “Oracle Eloqua” email service provider.
- DEV-172. Editor. The “Copy module” pop-up window opens outside the editor for long modules.
- S24-2307. Cabinet. It is impossible to sort emails/templates in the cabinet.
- S25-2582. Cabinet. When clicking a certain spot in the folder, a “Bulk actions” option appears instead of opening the folder.
- S25-2547. Cabinet. It is impossible to open a folder with a name that contains more than 100 characters when moving emails/templates to another project.
Release 1.1
- Finished the design of Tab Bar components.
- Added basic "Image", "Video", "Spacer", "Countdown Timer", and "HTML" blocks along with their controls to the new editor.
- Successfully completed the Input, Link, Tab Bar, and Button Group components.
- NE-99. Editor. The tooltip is displayed incorrectly when hovering a button.
- NE-109. Editor. Changes are not applying to the Button Text.
- NE-127. Editor. Scrolling is missing in drop-down lists.
- NE-120. Editor. Controls' drop-down lists open on the opposite side of the screen.
- NE-124. Editor. Spaces appear in the title of the Button Text.
- NE-116. Editor. The "Drop Here" area is displayed incorrectly.
- NE-161. Editor. The Content of Email Messages is disabled when the blocks are being moved.
- NE-154. Editor. Dropdown lists open below the selectors.
- Refined the Colorpicker logic — now everything works correctly.
Release 4.105
- The ability to export email messages/templates to the “MoonMail” email service provider has been added.
- The ability to export email messages/templates to the “Acumbamail” email service provider has been added.
- The ability to update previously exported email templates right in the “Unisender” email service provider.
- The ability to enable the “Allow copying and editing” option in the “Share” menu for users with FREE tariff plan.
- DEV-190. Editor. Some parameters of the images added to the gallery are not displayed.
- DEV-193. Editor. The path to images is not replaced with a relative path in conditional comments.
- DEV-187. Editor. When configuring an email that was created through the Stripo API, the last value is not applied.
- S25-2538. Cabinet. A part of the email gets clipped in the preview mode by the link when the "Enable social sharing" option is enabled in the "Share" menu.
- S25-2543. Cabinet. A user, invited to the organization, can work in the Project without confirming his/her email address.
Release 4.104
- The ability to sort custom fonts in project settings has been added.
- S25-2537. Editor. It is impossible to remove indents for mobile when moving or copying containers.
- DEV-202. Editor. It is impossible to edit timers that have been created earlier.
- S25-2372. Editor. The font size does not fit in the dropdown list for the “Timer” basic block in the Mozilla Firefox browser.
- S25-2379. Editor. An indent appears in the “Merge-tags” dropdown list in the text editing toolbar.
Release 4.103
- The Cantonese, Thai and Arabic languages have been added to the “Timer” basic block.
- The ability to set width and height to email images when exporting emails to the “HubSpot” email service provider has been added.
- A simplified version of the editor has been added for editing a copy of an email/template shared by a user.
- The “Preview” mode via the “Share” link has been improved.
- S25-2474. Editor. When moving an email/template to a new organization, the old subdomain remains for the images from the AMP block “Carousel”.
- S25-2452. Editor. The side-bar does not work for a particular premium template.
- DEV-170. Editor. "NaN" displays for the hover highlight color in the "Button" basic block when a transparent color is used.
- DEV-135. Editor. Validation AMP errors do not display in the “Preview mode” for the demo editor.
- S25-2508. Editor. The background color of the email/template overlaps the background image if the email has been exported to Outlook OFT.
- S25-2500. Editor. A pop-up window does not appear when exporting the same AMP email template again to the Constant Contact email service provider.
- S25-2534. Editor. The indents in the "Appearance/General settings" menu get reset when they have the same values.
- S25-2394. Edit. Toaster shows an incorrect link if an error occurs when exporting email/templates to the SendLoop email service provider.
- S25-2529. Editor. An email/template code from the display conditions gets incorrectly converted when exporting an email/template to the "Klaviyo" email service provider.
- S25-2439. Cabinet. A pop-up window “Save or just leave” does not appear when closing the “Data Source” — “Google Sheets” menu after making changes.
- S25-298. Cabinet. An incorrect selection of objects through multiple actions if the objects are located in a folder.
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