and HTML email template builder

  • For code and no-code email creators
  • Worryless export to 80+ ESPs
  • In-built testing tools
  • Bulk actions, modules and other time savers
  • Interactive builder for games and surveys
Loved by the greatest companies around the world
Designs & Layouts
Integrations & Export
Time Saving & Automation
Testing & Validation
Share & Collaboration

Design emails your way

Drag & drop email builder

Build and customize every element of your email message intuitively. No code email development. Helpful pre-built modules and content blocks to streamline the process.

HTML & CSS code editor

Code emails from scratch or start in the Drag-n-Drop builder and then add custom HTML elements. You can use both D-n-D email template builder and HTML email editor simultaneously with no switching.

Get Started Free
html email generator

Say goodbye to boring emails

Send mini-games, quizzes, feedback forms and surveys to engage your readers. No coding headache involved.

Try Game Generator

AI assistant

A handy helper that designs emails writes catchy copy and maps out your entire email campaign — scheduling and topics included.

Generate emails 10x faster

Stripo plugin

The plugin can be easily customized to your requirements and integrated into any product.

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companies already use our email editor in their products

html email generator

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