CPO Calculator

Cost Per Order

On this page, we define the cost per order (CPO) metric and show you how to use the Stripo CPO calculator. Of course, the manual will be accompanied with a CPO calculation example to show you how to use our calculator properly.

What is CPO?

CPO means cost per order. As the name suggests, this metric reflects the accurate amount of expenses to convince a customer to place an order on your website. In other words, it’s the cost of the customer’s target action: a purchase. By determining this index, marketers can easily estimate whether their activities are profitable.

The CPO marketing value

CPO is not meant to measure the effectiveness of promotional campaigns. It rather helps to measure the performance of an entire marketing channel.

CPO typically fits best the following sectors:

  • eCommerce — i.e., sales in online stores;
  • banking services and financial and insurance companies;
  • real estate agencies and construction companies;
  • delivery services.

This metric also applies to the activities of webmasters with trusted sites or social media groups.

CPO is an excellent metric that shows if your value offer is effective enough. We have certain facts of sale and income, so our results are accurate.

How to calculate CPO?

To find the result, we need to use the following CPO formula: total cost promotion divided by the number of completed orders/purchases.
An example: a SaaS product invested $23 000 in a promotional campaign. As a result, 50 orders were made. Let’s calculate the cost of one order:
$23 000/50 = $460.
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