Email marketing performance
The joint work of Stripo and GetResponse will give you insights into the performance of emails in 2022. Learn everything about email Open Rate marketing metrics and what influences them in this white paper to gain a competitive edge.
What’s covered in this white paper
overall email marketing analytics, success statistics and its place in modern business
when it’s the best time to send your emails
how your emails perform depending on the time you send them
email open rates depending on regions, countries, and how they correlate
how many emails you send to achieve top marketing performance
phrases and words in the subject line that can boost your email open rate
email personalization: Do you need to stick with it or not?
and many more...
The puprose of this white paper
This marketing white paper aims to shed light on the state of the email marketing industry and email performance regarding open rates. This metric is the cornerstone of any email, as any email is a failure if it is not opened. Increasing OR is the top priority for every marketer, and we work with GetResponse to help make it happen. We provide the knowledge to help hone your email marketing campaigns, as knowledge is the engine of progress and allows you to adjust your strategies to the constantly changing situation in the industry. We hope the insights from this email marketing review will help you reach new heights for your email campaigns and dashboard metrics.