Apology Email Templates

If you are willing to save relationships with your customers whatever happens, you should look through our apology newsletter templates, find what’s best for you and your brand, customize it and make sure you predict any worst case scenario.

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Sometimes things may go wrong, it happens. Nobody can avoid mistakes, and both businesses and clients are suffering from it. But it won’t be that bad if you acknowledge a failure and send a proper email to a customer to let them know you’re keeping it under the radar. Luckily for you, you have plenty of time to formulate the apology in the best way. Stripo provides lots of apology email templates to make your life easier.

Main features of Stripo platform for your assistance

Let’s have a brief look at some useful features you may use:

1. The Autosave option

Everyone had a time in their life when they created something and forgot to save which led to losing all the information. To prevent such disappointing situations and make sure your effort was not useless, we added this function and it autosaves the progress after every action you take with Stripo. And you receive a notification when it’s saved!

2. Image carousel

While creating an email, you often need to add some colorful pictures to attract customers’ attention. And to make their experience more comfortable, we came up with an image carousel. This option allows you to group several photos into one “box” and prevent your followers from annoying scrolling. The best thing about it is the fact that you don’t need any coding skills to use it — just replace pictures in a template with your own ones and enjoy!

3. Anchor links in emails

Anchor links help you with navigation within an email. You can create a list of contents and let customers choose quickly what they need to read about. It will save them plenty of time and help you to provide full information and avoid unnecessary questions.

4. Brand Guidelines

It’s essential to keep your emails according to the style of your brand. This feature analyzes the templates you use and suggests hints for your future campaigns. It helps you with fonts, colors, text sizes. And you can even create separate guidelines for different projects of yours.

5. VML button

You’ve probably seen that a lot of emails usually have buttons instead of unattractive links. Sometimes these buttons may look differently from what you expected. But with VML it’s not a problem anymore. All you need is to click the “Support for Outlook” button and voila — it’s displayed as you wanted.

Apology newsletter templates

Now, we’ll show you an example of our apology responsive email templates. In this template we explain that we are aware of a problem that appeared, assure a customer that we’re in process of fixing it and ask for their help regarding what we can do better in the future. There is a form to give a quick response (you can see that we used an option of VML button here) right in the apology email template.

This email is also responsive, in case a customer wants to share more that the form can accommodate. In addition, we share the phone number of a support center and links which might be useful.

Example apology newsletter template

Here is another one of Stripo’s apology HTML email templates. It may be sent after you fix the problem — to remind a customer that everything is fine now and to encourage them to make another order, but with a discount. The offer can also be time limited to make people buy something sooner.

Apart from saying “Whoops!”, this apology email template design contains buttons which lead you to different sections of the website to learn about other services a customer might not have had any experience with. 

Overall, it’s just as simple as that: admit your mistakes, suggest a solution and provide some useful ideas. And your customer is satisfied again!

Example apology newsletter template

To sum up

Taking the blame is not something people are used to. But you should definitely consider it and you will see how it increases the loyalty and trust of your clients. If we inevitably make a mistake, it’s crucial for the reputation to own it and apologize. However, saying “Whoops!” or “I am sorry” might not be enough to compensate for moral damage.

First, you should express your most sincere apologies and not get defensive, it will only make things worse. You have to admit that you were wrong. Then, explain what happened and what you are going to do to avoid this in the future. You can also show your customers how they may benefit from this incident: provide some discounts, present a gift or suggest other solutions to choose what’s best for them. Finally, let the clients give you additional feedback to make sure you’ve done your best and they are still satisfied with your service.

As you can see, any apology HTML email template from Stripo is easy to use and has all of the features you have ever needed. You can send a managerial apology email to show customers they are valuable, or a personal one to demonstrate that it’s only a human who is responsible for the failure.

Regardless of the problem that came up, if you use our templates and follow guidelines, you don’t need to worry about such things.

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