Stripo_Testing Emails with Email on Acid Featured Image
30 April 2019

Stripo Integration with Email on Acid: How to Use Our Email Testing Tool

Hanna Kuznietsova
Table of contents
  1. Why would you even test emails?
  2. So how does our email testing tool work
  3. How to use our email testing tool
  4. Final thoughts
Why would you even test emails?

Prior to sending an email out to recipients, you need to see it with their eyes to make sure everything looks and works just like you wanted. This is called email testing.

Email testing takes an email marketer 2.1 hours on average. We know how to reduce this time significantly.

Stripo email editor just integrated with Email on Acid.

Watch our short video tutorial on how to use our email testing tool.

How to test emails with Email on Acid in Stripo

As from today, you can build and test emails with one tool, in no time and with no extra moves!

Why would you even test emails?

Indeed, why would you test emails?

Probably, to avoid issues like this:

Stripo Testing Emails Broken Layout

This is a sample of an email that does not render correctly in Gmail, Windows 10. Quite a popular combination. Say, about a quarter of a company’s users saw this, too.

Of course, this is not the end of the world. But… Most recipients felt rather indifferent to the email content for it was not so appealing due to the broken layout.

Important to note:

Stats, provided by Litmus: brands who run email preview tests report that their email campaigns generate an average ROI of 44:1, while those brands who do not run such tests state their ROI is only 38:1.

Quite often, when building a new email campaign, we completely forget about the necessity to optimize emails for mobile devices. Yes, the template may be fully responsive. But still, the email can be completely eligible for small fonts.

And email testing tool will show you that, consequently will prevent you from sending emails like this one:

Stripo Testing Emails Eligible Fonts on Mobile Devices

On desktop devices, their emails look fabulous.

So, now we are well aware of the necessity to test emails across devices. Yet! due to the lack of time, 50% of brands do not do it. They just send a test email to themselves (which is also crucial, of course) to check if it works well in their email client — but this is not enough. We do hope that if our email worked well in, say, AOL, it is gonna work well everywhere.

But we should remember that there are about 80 email clients, hundreds of devices, a number of operating systems — we dare not to forget about their multiple combinations.

So how does our email testing tool work

When testing emails with Stripo, prior to reaching out to recipients, you may rest assured — they will see exactly what you want them to.

Static emails

If you are testing an email with static content, you see it exactly how your recipients will.

This allows you to see and then fix mistakes in email layout. For instance, you notice that the background image, that you’ve added to an email template, does not render in Outlook and you realize that you did not bother to set background color and now your email looks incomplete. Or you forgot to enable the “full width-button” option for mobile devices to make the CTA button more noticeable and more clickable.

Stripo Testing Emails Full-Width Button

Interactive emails

The situation with interactive emails and emails with dynamic content differs. Of course, no testing tool will show if your GIFs or interactive elements work in emails, BUT they will certainly show if this element is still present and has not been blocked or removed by a particular email client.

This is how my CSS-animated email looked on iPhone 6, Gmail, iOS 10.

Stripo Testing Emails Menu on iPhone6 Gmail iOS 10

And here’s how it looked on iPhone 10, iOS 12:

Stripo Testing Emails Broken Menu on iPhone X

This is just one single email client, Gmail, and two different smartphones of the same company, Apple… and we already notice this discrepancy in email rendering. If you do not have all versions of iPhones at hand, with, what is very important, different operating systems, the chances you’d notice such troubles are very slim. Of course, the same concerns all possible devices and email clients.

Email on Acid, our partner, that’s been integrated into Stripo, has about 1,600 physical devices to test and preview your emails. They are likely to have any possible combination.

Due to this integration, you do not need to copy your email code, paste it in Email on Acid, then get back to the editor to make some corrections, if necessary. Do it all just in Stripo!

You can preview your email across various devices right with us — and we will provide you with conforming screenshots.

How to use our email testing tool

Step 1. Previewing email

Prior to testing your polished email with our testing tool, we strongly recommend that you preview it. This option shows how your email is going to render on mobile and desktop devices on average. No devices and email clients combination.

Step 2. Testing email with the email testing tool    

  • at top, in the settings panel, click the test button;

Stripo Testing Emails with Email on Acid the Testing Button

  • in the dropdown menu, in the “preview email in multiple email clients and on different devices” section, you will have to hit the “run email test” button;

Stripo Testing Emails the Run Email Test Button

  • once you’ve clicked it, the test will get started;

  • in a new window, you will see a set of screenshots of your email in multiple email clients;

Stripo Email Testing Tool Set of Screenshots

For your convenience, screenshots here are divided into three groups:

a. Mobile;

b. Applications;

c. Web.

  • to zoom in a screen with trouble, just double-tap it;

  • in the top right corner, click the “esc” button to get back to your template;

  • you can also view the results of your previous tests. Just click the arrow to the right of the “Run email test” button.

Stripo Testing Emails Viewing Previous Tests

Who has access to our email testing tool?

We provide some of our users with the ability to preview their emails in multiple email clients:

  1. Those with the “Basic” and "Medium" pricing plans have 2 attempts for free.
  2. Those with the “Pro” pricing plan have 3 attempts for free.

No tests available?

Once you run out of the attempts, or you are using our Free pricing plan, you can acquire more attempts in your account:

  • click the “Organization settings” in your account;

Stripo Testing Emails Getting More Tests

  • then in the “General information” tab, find the Extra Email Client Tests;

  • click the “change” icon.

Stripo Testing Emails Acquiring More Tests

Testing emails with our testing tool, you may rest assured — your recipients will see exactly what you want them to!

Final thoughts

Email testing is an important step in email production. But it used to take a whole lot of time. Well, not anymore! and not with us! Now, with the Stripo email testing tool, you do it with just two clicks!

Try it out right now in the editor!

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