14 February

Email marketing calendar for important and special holidays

Olha Onykiienko
Olha Onykiienko Head of content
Table of contents
  1. 1. Bubble Bath Day (January 8)
  2. 2. Blue Monday (third Monday of January)
  3. 3. Walk to Work Day (April 5)
  4. 4. World Emoji Day (July 17)
  5. Wrapping up
1. Bubble Bath Day (January 8)

On February 8, I almost burst after consuming five doughnuts, but I couldn't stop myself. The reason was Fat Thursday, which Catholics in Poland celebrate close to the eve of Lent. This day holds great significance here, as people indulge in doughnuts until they can eat no more. Most importantly, they believe that they will gain no extra weight or inches around the waist no matter how many doughnuts they consume.

Because, indeed, these are "special doughnuts." Needless to say, the variety of doughnuts across the country is simply incredible. Doughnuts are sold everywhere, in any format, and with an incredible variety of fillings.

Fat Thursday Holiday

So, there I was, contemplating all the different varieties while stuffing another doughnut into my mouth, yet my marketer's brain was thinking: hmm, why don't all the related industries have any activities on such a significant day?

For instance, the gym where I train could have sent me an email offering a personalized discount for the period "after Fat Thursday," my favorite clothing brands could have emailed me a selection of outfits in my size, and a medical center could have reminded me of nutrition and the importance of physical check-ups after such "fat" days. And they could all have started their emails with the question: which doughnut did you like the most?

Yes, I understand that this is a local holiday, but your target audience in this country would appreciate your offers and, most importantly, your attention. By the way, if you have a global audience, local holidays should not be ruled out: they are also important and can be linked to specific segments.

Well, any holiday or just a special day is a reason for promotional activity, particularly via email — and especially with our editor and templates, which we have already prepared for you. Plus, of course, we’re constantly creating new ones.

As it turns out, every day is special because every day has its holiday. Can you imagine how many promotional activities you could plan? Of course, it all depends on the industry. So, for IT and service companies, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception is unlikely to help increase sales or orders (although, in Spain, everyone officially rests for three days on this holiday), but there are plenty of other interesting occasions.

We have gathered the holidays for every day of the month in our email marketing calendar. Like our templates, we constantly update this calendar so that you will have many reasons for promotions, which will undoubtedly help you achieve comprehensive results.

Let's go over a few atypical holidays and reasons for emails about them:

1. Bubble Bath Day (January 8)

Of course, this offers a promotional reason for all representatives of the cosmetics industry, as Bubble Bath Day ends with self-care rituals:

  • spa businesses can introduce special discounts on this day and send out limited offers;
  • home decor sellers can offer everything for bathrooms;
  • those who sell cozy clothing can also make special offers on, for example, pajamas or robes.

2. Blue Monday (third Monday of January)

On the most depressing Monday of the year, which is officially recognized after the New Year holidays, almost everyone can offer something to their customers to cheer them up a bit or just surprise them. Interesting interactive content or a game in an email may lift their spirits.

Blue Monday Holiday

3. Walk to Work Day (April 5)

But let's focus on spring and, for example, Walk to Work Day, which is celebrated on April 5.

National Walk to Work Day

Offers from absolutely all companies that sell sports clothing, footwear, and accessories would be most attractive:

  • those that sell gadgets can promote them;
  • sports apps can offer a special game for this day;
  • representatives of the restaurant business — healthy menus and drinks;
  • representatives of educational projects — podcasts for this day (while walking to and from work);
  • eyewear traders — discounts on UV protection glasses;
  • and many other options; the main thing is to understand the needs of your target audience well.

4. World Emoji Day (July 17)

On World Emoji Day, July 17, you can not only create gorgeous emails but also a lot of activity on social networks. In emails:

  • you can create a "Guess the Emoji" game for a product or offer with a promotion based on the guessed emoji;

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  • discount — emoji;
  • gift — emoji;
  • emoji of your mood for the day with your special offers in it.

Stripo would be happy to help you create your emails — with templates, interactive modules, or games.

As I said, in our calendar, you will find an occasion for creative promotions for every day to suit your audience.

If you use Stripo, want to try to create something unusual for one of the holidays together with us, and participate in our project "Webinar with the Client," be sure to reach out to Together, we will create a beautiful email for you and share your case with our audience.

Wrapping up

Finally, my marketing soul would like to remind you that women spend significantly more money than men, and their purchases are more impulsive. Also, various generations approach shopping completely differently. Always consider this in your email marketing when segmenting your audience and forming offers.

And use Stripo! We help make your emails functional so that you can optimize your time and focus on strategic marketing.

Create unique emails for any holiday with Stripo
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