30 April

Top courses for email marketers

Olena Zinkovska
Olena Zinkovska Blog editor
Table of contents
  1. Introduction to Email Production by Stripo (Udemy)
  2. Email marketing course: Get Certified in Email Marketing (Hubspot Academy)
  3. Email Marketing Full Course in 2 Hours (Simplilearn)
  4. Writing Emails People Want to Read (LinkedIn Learning)
  5. Small Business Lead Generation & Cold Email | B2B & B2C (Udemy)
  6. Think outside the Inbox: Email Marketing (Google)
  7. Email marketing course (ClickMinded)
  8. Email Marketing Training Series (YouTube)
  9. Wrapping up
Introduction to Email Production by Stripo (Udemy)

According to a report by Statista, there are 4 billion daily email users, and this number is expected to climb to 4.6 billion by 2025. In email marketing, it's not always clear what you can do to help your company develop and gain visibility. Email marketing may seem confusing at first, but there are email marketing courses that may make things easier for you. You don't have to be an email marketing or design expert, but understanding some fundamentals can help you become a better company owner. In this article, we examine the skills necessary for email marketers and the best courses for learning those skills.

Essential skills for email marketers

To improve their effectiveness, email marketers should focus on developing seven skills:

  1. Writing skills: Essential for crafting engaging content that captures attention with compelling subject lines, persuasive messaging, and effective calls to action.
  2. Data analysis: Important for understanding campaign performance metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversions, allowing marketers to use data-driven insights to optimize future campaigns.
  3. Networking and adaptability: Important for building relationships within the industry, adapting to changes, and staying current with email marketing trends.
  4. Automation: Useful for streamlining repetitive tasks such as scheduling drip campaigns and follow-ups, which saves time and enhances consistency across communications.
  5. A/B testing: This enables marketers to experiment with different elements of their emails to determine what best resonates with their audience, thereby improving the effectiveness of their campaigns.
  6. Campaign management: Involves planning, executing, and monitoring email campaigns, ensuring proper coordination of timing, segmentation, and messaging.
  7. Segmentation, targeting, and positioning: Critical for personalizing emails to meet the specific needs and preferences of different audience segments, thereby improving engagement and conversion rates.

These skills collectively contribute to more strategic and efficient email marketing efforts, ultimately driving better results and higher ROI.

We've selected six types of training groups and institutions, focusing on their specific offerings and reputations in the field of email marketing:

  1. HubSpot Academy: Known for comprehensive inbound marketing training, it offers certification that is well-regarded in the industry.
  2. Simplilearn: Provides concise, intensive courses that are ideal for beginners looking to grasp email marketing basics quickly.
  3. LinkedIn Learning: Offers expert-led courses that are great for professionals looking to enhance specific skills like email copywriting.
  4. Udemy: Known for its wide range of courses, Udemy provides flexibility in learning topics ranging from cold email strategies to comprehensive lead generation.
  5. ClickMinded: Specializes in high-level strategies and advanced tactics, making it suitable for seasoned marketers who want to deepen their expertise.
  6. H-EDUCATE on YouTube: Covers the technical aspects of email marketing extensively and is ideal for those looking to manage and optimize email systems.

Here's a list of the courses and their pros and cons:

Introduction to Email Production by Stripo (Udemy)

If you are a beginner in email marketing without any HTML skills and want to learn how to design amazing emails and amaze your subscribers, the Introduction to Email Production course is for you.

Introduction to email production by Stripo _ Udemy

You will learn:

  1. How to design amazing emails without any coding skills.
  2. How to get the most out of Stripo.
  3. How to export emails to different platforms, like ESPs and CRMs.
  4. How to test and preview emails across different email clients.
  5. How to work with modules, aka modular email design.
  6. How to use saved templates.
  7. How to implement email design best practices.
  8. How to create email templates.


  1. Free 1.5-hour course. 
  2. Fourteen lectures about email design. 
  3. Expert lecturers (CEO of Stripo, email and direct marketing expert and chief knowledge officer at Yespo, and head of customer support at Stripo).
  4. A perfect way to save time and learn Stripo basics in 1.5 hours.


  1. More advanced Stripo users may already know some of this information.

If you are looking for more inspiration to hone your email marketing skills, check out our white paper with 94 resources our team members recommend to learn email marketing.

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Resources to learn email marketing: Stripo’s choice

Email marketing course: Get Certified in Email Marketing (Hubspot Academy)

The HubSpot Academy course Get Certified in Email Marketing includes a free certificate. HubSpot is one of the top providers and advertisers of inbound marketing services. This certification will enhance the credibility of your portfolio and provide you with an excellent foundation for learning email marketing from these professionals.

Email marketing course _ Get certified in email marketing _ Hubspot Academy

This email marketing course will show you how to create a successful email marketing plan. 

You will learn:

  1. How to develop a contact management and segmentation strategy.
  2. How to recognize trends in your email deliverability data.
  3. Best way to create value-adding emails.
  4. The types of testing you can do with marketing emails.
  5. Lead development principles and how to apply them.


  1. Helps develop an email marketing strategy, optimize content, and analyze performance metrics.
  2. Offers guidance on crafting high-performing emails that increase engagement.
  3. Features concise sections and videos, keeping the content engaging.


  1. It may be too basic for those with advanced knowledge of email marketing.
  2. Some learners prefer more interactive or hands-on learning experiences.

Email Marketing Full Course in 2 Hours (Simplilearn)

This email marketing tutorial for beginners is a free course offered by Simplilearn that is accessible on YouTube. It covers all the key email marketing concepts in just 2 hours and devotes a significant portion to email marketing theory. You can start email marketing immediately and for free with this course.

Email marketing full course in 2 hours _ Simplilearn

You will learn:

  1. Why email marketing is important for businesses.
  2. How to prepare your email marketing environment.
  3. Advantages of email marketing.
  4. Methods for optimizing email content.
  5. A/B testing.
  6. Types and uses of email marketing.
  7. User interaction methods for newly subscribed users.
  8. Email marketing with Mailchimp.


  1. Comprehensively addresses email marketing, including topics like list building, email automation, and persuasive copywriting.
  2. Features practical demonstrations using the Mailchimp tool, enhancing learning through hands-on experience.
  3. Concludes with a segment on crucial interview questions, preparing participants for job opportunities.
  4. Participants receive a certificate upon completion, which can be showcased to prospective employers or added to LinkedIn profiles.


  1. A limited duration of only 2 hours may not delve deeply into all topics of email marketing.
  2. Being a YouTube course, it offers restricted personal feedback or direct interaction with instructors.

Writing Emails People Want to Read (LinkedIn Learning)

Writing Emails People Want to Read is a short course that teaches you how to write effective email copy. In less than an hour, you can learn to create personal and direct emails that convert prospects into clients.

Writing emails people want to read _ LinkedIn Learning

It’s presented under the guidance of Sam Bennett, the bestselling author of Get it Done and Start Right Where You Are. She is an actress, speaker, educator, and creativity-productivity specialist.

You will learn:

  1. How to create effective interpersonal emails.
  2. Effective writing for three types of emails.
  3. How to convey clarity and confidence without appearing demanding or complaining.
  4. Writing captivating emails to improve value and personality.
  5. How to compose messages that sell to your clients.
  6. Creative approaches to email marketing.


  1. Prepares you for certification assessments or CEUs for certification maintenance.
  2. Offers courses in different languages.
  3. You earn a certificate after completing the course.


  1. Content may seem “overproduced,” and some content needs updating.
  2. Not accredited by any institute.
  3. Covers limited topics.

Small Business Lead Generation & Cold Email | B2B & B2C (Udemy)

Evan Kimbrel and Zach Valenti's Udemy course, Small Business Lead Generating & Cold Email | B2B & B2C, teaches you how to create a lead-generation system, create successful cold emails, and outsource your work.

Small business lead generation and cold email _ Udemy

You will learn:

  1. Lead generation: How to develop an ideal customer profile, construct personas, and identify your target demographic.
  2. Cold email: Developing high-converting body text, subject lines, and calls to action.
  3. Outsourcing: How to identify virtual assistants and contractors, develop job postings, and run trials before hiring.


  1. Provides extensive content with over 118 lectures, totaling more than 6 hours of instructional material and 3 hours of practice lectures.
  2. Includes three case studies and a comprehensive live campaign, offering valuable practical insights and real-world applications.
  3. Covers both B2B and B2C sales, enhancing its applicability across various business scenarios.


  1. The extensive duration, over 6 hours of instruction, may be demanding for some learners.
  2. Success depends on real-world application of the techniques, which may vary.
  3. Cold emailing, a focus of the course, typically has low response rates, which could be discouraging for participants.

Think outside the Inbox: Email Marketing (Google)

Google offers Think outside the Inbox: Email Marketing as a free verified course. This course will prepare you for a new profession in email marketing. You will gain practical experience, knowledge from subject-matter experts, and the ability to apply for entry-level positions. This email marketing course will teach you how to start and run profitable email marketing campaigns.

Think outside the inbox _ Email marketing _ Google

 You will learn:

  1. What email marketing is and how it may assist you in achieving your company objectives.
  2. How to create SMART email marketing objectives using the PESTLE and SWOT frameworks.
  3. Most popular formats of email marketing campaigns.
  4. How to draft subject lines, preview content, and email copy.
  5. How to use Mailchimp and HubSpot as email marketing tools.
  6. How to organize and divide email lists.
  7. How to prepare a report for an email marketing campaign.


  1. Comprehensive coverage on topics such as strategy creation, campaign execution, result measurement, mailing list utilization, and automation workflows.
  2. Offers practical skills in email analytics, writing, contact management, strategy development, and list segmentation.
  3. Courses are delivered by Google employees and feature hands-on activities and real-world digital marketing simulations.


  1. Some quizzes may contain incorrect answers or confusing options, which could mislead learners.
  2. Concerns over privacy due to the requirement to import personal contacts.
  3. Criticized for being overly basic and not providing in-depth knowledge beyond what is freely available online.

Email marketing course (ClickMinded)

This complete email marketing course covers fundamental concepts and more advanced techniques. You will learn how to segment your list, create global email campaigns, automate campaign setup, design a life cycle strategy, and monitor and optimize results.

Email marketing course _ ClickMinded

You will learn:

  1. Overview of email marketing.
  2. Developing a life cycle approach.
  3. Analyzing subscriber data and segmenting it.
  4. Development of email campaigns of the highest quality.
  5. Automating email marketing operations.
  6. Monitoring and improving your outcomes.
  7. Walkthroughs of high-level strategies and tactics.
  8. How to build eight effective automated campaigns from scratch.

The ClickMinded email marketing course includes an additional module containing ClickMinded's most popular email marketing tools.


  1. Modules are taught by industry experts, offering practical and actionable advice.
  2. Completion of modules comes with certifications that enhance professional credibility.
  3. A 14-day money-back guarantee provides a risk-free opportunity to evaluate the modules.


  1. Lack of a private community for students to network and share experiences.
  2. No guaranteed success; outcomes depend on the individual's effort and application of the learned strategies.

Email Marketing Training Series (YouTube)

H-EDUCATE's free Email Marketing Training Series on YouTube is an extensive course that addresses every aspect of technical email marketing, from external mailing tools to email marketing fundamentals.

Email marketing training series _ YouTube

You will learn:

  1. Create and verify email databases.
  2. Install and configure SendBlaster, Mailwizz, and Mailster.
  3. Implement Amazon SES as the SMTP service.
  4. Use complimentary email verification services.
  5. Warm your Gmail account in G Suite.
  6. Configure a Bounce server with a Gmail account for Mailwizz/Mailster.
  7. Employ an SMTP server of your choosing with SendBlaster.
  8. Verify emails and determine the reason they are routed to spam.
  9. Build a basic link Cloaker.
  10. Develop knowledge of DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) and SPF (Sender Policy Framework).
  11. Extract emails.
  12. Establish a cold outreach system utilizing Mautic and Postal SMTP.
  13. Configure DMARC and Office 365 Cold email.
  14. Send cold emails in quantity without spamming.


  1. It covers a broad range of email marketing topics, including strategies and practical applications.
  2. Offers diverse learning methods such as tutorials, case studies, and hands-on demonstrations.
  3. Suitable for both seasoned experts and those who want to become an email marketing specialist.
  4. Extensive syllabus ranging from basic to advanced topics.


  1. The extensive content may overwhelm beginners.
  2. Some technical subjects like SMTP setup and email validation require prior technical understanding.
  3. Teaching effectiveness varies with individual learning preferences.
  4. Advanced technical topics may be too challenging for some participants.

Wrapping up

This article provides a comprehensive overview of essential email marketing courses for beginners and advanced users. It highlights the importance of developing key skills such as drafting engaging copy, precise data analysis, and effective campaign management. Each course is tailored to provide learners with practical skills for creating targeted campaigns, understanding analytics, and using advanced tools for customer engagement.

Marketing professionals can choose from a wide range of courses from reputable platforms that will prepare them for the demands of modern email marketing. These courses can benefit you regardless of your marketing background, whether you are a novice or an experienced marketer who wants to refine your tactics. However, email marketers must choose the right VPN service when sending bulk emails and managing sensitive customer data.

Hone your email marketing skills with Stripo!
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