MessageBird email templates

Looking for a proper MessageBird email template? Pick any from our compilation, customize it down according to your current campaign’s needs and export to MessageBird with 1 click. Indulge recipients with beautiful responsive emails.

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MessageBird is a great solution for bulk emails. Yet, it may be even more performing if combined with Stripo email template builder. With our unique features, you can save a great amount of time on email production and use the full set of advanced options to keep up with the times.

1. Drag-n-drop editor for designing MessageBird newsletter templates

With our drag-n-drop email editor, you can build MessageBird email templates two times faster. We offer 11 blocks that enable you to add and content easily, with no coding skills. You can even build Interactive emails with no coding skills just by using respective blocks.

2. Building AMP MessageBird email templates

Speaking about interactivity… Stripo offers the easiest ways to build AMP elements for your emails:

For your convenience, we’ve combined our drag-n-drop and HTML editors. You do changes to the code, you see the changes right away in the WYSIWYG mode.

3. Images and banners for professional MessageBird newsletter templates

MessageBird email design matters a lot! Visual elements and banners define the performance of your campaign. That’s why we took care about wider design options for you:

  • we offer a bank of 100,000 free images available for your MessageBird newsletter templates;
  • our embedded photo editor allows you to work on the images right with us. You can crop them, you apply additional images, etc.;
  • you can build email banners right in under 10 minutes with our banner generator option.

You do not need to worry about complex banners and appealing copy wrapped in custom fonts over them — everything will be displayed correctly as copy in banners become an integral part of banner.

4. Embedded videos to create engaging MessageBird email templates

This is one of the hottest email marketing trends — so be up-to-date! Inserting videos into free MessageBird newsletter templates and adding custom thumbnail images has never been easier. Whether you embed videos or add Youtube/Vimeo links in emails, it all will work correctly across all devices and any email client!

5. Personal content library to store numerous MessageBird newsletter templates

Last but not least is our personal storage for saving elements of your MessageBird email templates for further use. No need to craft similar samples again — build them once for unlimited use! Stripo saves your time on crafting email campaigns by 60%!

Final words

We hope that symbiosis of these tools — MessageBird and — will really boost your business. Please be advised that you can export your MessageBird newsletter templates to the featured ESP in just two clicks — and it remains 100% editable after export!

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