01 August 2023

Pawsitively purrfect: Nailing your International Cat Day email marketing campaign

Liubov Zhovtonizhko
Liubov Zhovtonizhko Copywriter at Stripo
Table of contents
  1. Defining your International Cat Day campaign objectives
  2. Crafting compelling International Cat Day email content
  3. International Cat Day design and layout
  4. Integrating social media and user engagement
  5. Encouraging subscribers to donate to animal welfare on International Cat Day
  6. Wrapping up
Defining your International Cat Day campaign objectives

Every year on August 8th, people all over the globe come together to honor the unique bond between cats and their human friends by celebrating International Cat Day. It's a great opportunity to connect with customers for businesses that cater to cat owners or sell cat-themed goods.

During this time, businesses may drive consumer engagement and brand loyalty through email marketing campaigns by connecting with customers more personally. In this article, we will help you launch a successful International Cat Day email marketing campaign by using Stripo — from beautiful design to engaging email content.

Defining your International Cat Day campaign objectives

It is critical to define your advertising objectives before diving into the details. A clear direction allows you to maximize your resources, adjust your content, and assess the performance of your International Cat Day campaign.

1. Identifying your target audience and segmenting the email list

Identifying your target audience is the first step in creating a successful email marketing campaign. Understand their demographics, psychographics, and behavior to craft messages that resonate. Segment your email list accordingly. For example, differentiate between cat owners and general cat enthusiasts, as their needs and interests might vary: some may need pet care tips and options for cat food, and some may need only cute pictures of kittens.

Email campaign for pet food brand to pet owners

(Source: ReallyGoodEmails)

2. Setting specific and measurable goals for the campaign

To assess your campaign's effectiveness, set specific, measurable goals. They can range from increasing website traffic, boosting product sales, or growing your subscriber list. For example, aim to increase product sales by 20% or attract 100 new email subscribers by the end of the second quarter, or raise awareness to rescue shelters.

Email example for pet owners with advice on treats and tips for pets

(Source: ReallyGoodEmails)

3. Aligning the campaign objectives with your brand values

Ensure your campaign aligns with your brand's mission and values. For instance, if your brand prioritizes animal welfare, your campaign could promote responsible cat ownership and showcase your products.

4. Driving traffic to your website or online store

Use your emails to direct traffic to your website or online store. Include links to your newest products, blog posts, or any other relevant pages that interest your audience.

Promote your products on International Cat Day

(Source: Email from Vetsend)

Crafting compelling International Cat Day email content

Content is king in any email marketing campaign. Well-crafted content engages your audience, builds connections, and drives action.

1. Subject lines that capture attention and curiosity

Subject lines are the first thing your audience sees, and they can determine whether an email is opened or ignored. Capture your audience's attention with witty, cat-related puns, or spark curiosity with a teasing subject line.


  1. "🐱 It's International Cat Day! Celebrate with Our Purr-fect Deals!"
  2. "Get Your Paws on These Exclusive Cat Day Offers!"
  3. "Feline Lucky? It's International Cat Day — Discover What's Inside!"
  4. "Your Cat Will Thank You — Open for International Cat Day Surprises!"
  5. "International Cat Day Bonanza: Treats, Toys, and Tons of Love!"
  6. "A Special Day for Cat Lovers — Exclusive Discounts Inside!"
  7. "Celebrate International Cat Day with Free Shipping Today Only!"
  8. "Whisker Away Some Great Deals This International Cat Day!"
  9. "Purr-fect Treats for a Purr-fect Cat Day!"
  10. "It's Raining Cat Toys! Celebrate International Cat Day with Us!"
  11. "Cats Rule the World Today — Exclusive Cat Day Gifts Inside!"
  12. "You've Got To Be 'Kitten' Me — Incredible Discounts for International Cat Day!"
  13. "Get Your Paws on This — 20% Off Everything for International Cat Day!"
  14. "Score a Meow-velous Deal This International Cat Day!"
  15. "Make Their Purr Day Extra Special — International Cat Day Exclusives!"

Cat email idea for eCommerce

(Source: Email from Sojos Vision)

2. Amazing cat facts and statistics for your email marketing campaign

Besides promoting your products, it’s also crucial to provide educational content for your subscribers. On International Cat Day, you can offer them some amazing facts about our feline friends or shelter statistics to motivate people to donate and help animals.

Amazing cat facts examples:

  1. Whiskers, also known as vibrissae, are highly sensitive tactile hairs that help cats navigate in the dark. 
  2. Cats have a specialized collarbone that allows them to squeeze through small spaces, which is why they can fit into tight spots and seem to defy the laws of physics.
  3. Unlike most mammals, cats have a grooming claw on their front paws, located next to their regular claws.
  4. Contrary to popular belief, cats aren't true nocturnal animals; they are crepuscular, meaning they are most active during dawn and dusk.
  5. The world record for the most kittens born to a single cat is held by a Texas cat named Dusty. She gave birth to an astounding total of 420 kittens during her lifetime.

Make your cat happy _ Email example

(Source: Email from Leo’s Paw)

Cat shelter statistics examples:

  • you can find over 3 500 animal shelters in the US with animals waiting for their forever homes;
  • 3.2 million cats enter animal shelters in the US annually; 
  • only 31% of cats find their homes through animal shelters;
  • about 100 000 cats placed in shelters as strays are returned to their owners;
  • 30% of pets are abandoned by their owners and left to live in shelters.
3.2 million cats

enter animal shelters in the US annually.

3. Content ideas: cat-related questionnaires, email personalization, interactive cat content, and more

Offer value beyond your products or services. Share interesting cat facts, heartwarming rescue stories, or fun DIY cat toy ideas. You can also feature user-generated content, like customer photos or videos of their cats enjoying your products. This boosts engagement and builds community among your cat-lover subscribers.

Email example for cat owner on animal welfare to celebrate pets

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We also asked our email marketer Oleksandr to suggest some email content ideas to help you impress your subscribers on International Cat Day. Here are his ideas:

  • Email personalization

Pet stores could gather various data about their users, including the type of pet and their names. Utilizing this information, you can send emails to the cat's owners and even address the pets by their names.

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personalization-in-email-marketing-bannerPersonalization in email marketing
  • "Guess the cat breed — get a discount" questionnaire 

Here you can display pictures of different cats, and if the user guesses the breed correctly, they receive a promo code. By the way, Stripo now offers you a new feature — an interactive module generator. By using it, you can create questionnaires for such campaigns fast and without code hassle.

  • Interactive cat content

As a simple interactive email content, we could use a rollover effect on images. Create an email with your team’s cats. When hovering the mouse over the cat's photo, it would change to another picture. Thus, you can create an entire gallery of your team’s cats without taking up too much space in the email.

Interactive email content with cats

(Source: Email from Bond Vet)

  • Educational cat-related questionnaires

Besides promotional purposes from the previous example, you can also use questionnaires to educate your subscribers. For example, as users go through the quiz, share tips on how to feed and care for cats.

  • Cat photo in your email signature

Replace employees’ photos with pictures of cats just for this day. On August 8th, people will receive emails from marketers, salespersons, or support managers with cats’ photos in their email signatures. I am sure that your subscribers won’t mind! :)

Did you know you can generate a signature with Stripo in a few clicks? Check out our email signature generator manual.

International Cat Day design and layout

The design of your email is just as important as the content when it comes to email marketing. It improves the overall user experience and has the potential to impact how the receiver engages with your email.

1. Mobile responsiveness for a seamless user experience

Now more than ever, email is accessed via mobile devices rather than desktop computers, making responsive email design more important. This ensures that your emails will display properly and operate normally regardless of the device used to read them.

2. Clean and visually appealing email templates with cat photos and videos

Visual elements are the key to attracting and retaining the reader's attention. Use clean and visually pleasing templates to make your email content easy to digest. Incorporate high-quality cat photos or videos to bring joy to your audience and engage them further.

Creative email with marketing materials on kittens and other animals

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3. Irresistible CTAs that encourage clicks and engagement

Strong calls-to-action (CTAs) can significantly increase your click-through rates. Use action-oriented language that creates urgency or FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). Examples include "Shop Now for Purrfect Discounts!" or "Claim Your Free Cat Toy Today!"

Email template example for every cat person

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Integrating social media and user engagement

Email and social media marketing work well together since they allow you to reach more people and get them more involved with your brand.

1. Encourage subscribers to share content on social platforms

Encourage subscribers to share your content or their cat stories on social media. This not only amplifies your reach but also promotes engagement within your community.

Use emails to inspire cat owners

(Source: Email from International Cat Care)

2. Leverage user-generated content for authenticity

Campaigns with user-generated content, such as reviews and images, tend to be more trustworthy. Including examples of UGC in your emails can boost credibility and get more people to forward emails.

3. Run a cat photo contest or giveaways to boost engagement

Running activities like the "cutest cat pictures" photo contest can incentivize your subscribers to interact with your brand and share your content, ultimately boosting engagement and visibility.

Email template example to celebrate cats

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Encouraging subscribers to donate to animal welfare on International Cat Day

As we celebrate International Cat Day, remember the felines that aren't as fortunate to have a loving home. Animal shelters worldwide work tirelessly to provide a haven for cats in need. In these shelters, cats are cared for, loved, and prepared for adoption into their forever homes.

During these challenging times, your donations can make a huge difference. A small contribution can help provide these wonderful creatures with food, medical care, and essential supplies.

Raising awareness on national cat day to support shelter

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Today, we'd like to draw your attention to a cat shelter in Ukraine, currently experiencing hardship due to a full-scale Russian invasion. These brave caregivers are not only working to safeguard the lives of countless cats but also to maintain a sense of normalcy and comfort for these animals amidst the surrounding turmoil.

Remember, no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Let's make this International Cat Day meaningful by extending our love and support to those who most need it. Thank you for your generosity and compassion.

Donate to animal welfare to help our furry friends

Visit the page to learn more and donate
Donate to the Cat Shelter

Wrapping up

A well-planned International Cat Day email marketing campaign can increase engagement, conversions, and brand image. Now that you have the understanding and ideas, start developing your pawesome International Cat Day email marketing campaign.

A purrfect International Cat Day! Tell us about your cute cats. Share your cat's quirks, favorite toys, and how you met them in the comments. Every cat has a story, and we're all ears.

Create amazing Internation Cat Day emails with Stripo
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