Types of Emails for SaaS Businesses_Cover Image
12 October 2022

Types of Emails for SaaS Businesses

Use pre-built email templates for SaaS products
Table of contents
  1. Tips on SaaS email marketing strategy
  2. Types of SaaS emails
  3. Wrapping up
Tips on SaaS email marketing strategy

Software as a service (SaaS) email marketing is based on providing customers with a more in-depth understanding of the product. Also, it serves as a communication channel. These email messages should be brief, attractive, and informative.

We've prepared a bunch of ready-to-use templates to make your SaaS email marketing easier

Tips on SaaS email marketing strategy

  • prepare a thoughtful welcome email marketing campaign to start communication right — onboarding is crucial for SaaS businesses;

  • be unique and intriguing; diversify your official-writing manner with some relevant jokes but only if it's appropriate;

  • use clear subject lines to deliver the main value of your emails;

  • consider the advantages of staying with you and using pro new features; 

  • show that you can handle even more than it’s needed;

  • show that unsubscription is also possible, but provide steps for rejoining;

  • don't neglect email marketing automation; create drip campaigns to ease a customer journey and convert free users.

Types of SaaS emails

There are different types of emails for SaaS companies; want to learn more about them? Let's go!

1. Account confirmation/verification email

This type of email is your opening for further communication with a new user. 

Upon clicking "Sign up", future users of your SaaS product expect you to continue the conversation they've begun.

Inform them there is a need for account verification.

SaaS Email Marketing _ Confirmation Email

 (Source: Email from Slack)

2. Welcome SaaS email marketing strategies

A welcome email is another line of interaction between a company and a new user. Hereby, clients receive immediate follow-up after their interaction with your company. It can serve various functions, such as introducing your service to consumers, stimulating next actions, or merely assuring the customer of their decision.

The power of these SaaS email messages to increase your value and consumer loyalty should not be underrated. According to studies, welcome emails have a 14.4% click-through rate compared to 2.7% for other emails, and users who receive a welcome email are 33 percent more engaged with the company. Also, considering that only 57.7% of software companies send out a welcome email, you might have a really good chance to win new loyal clients by being more thoughtful than your competitors.

Welcome email example for a SaaS company

(Source: Email from Serpstat)

You can add such information:

  • a step-to-step guide on how to work with your product;

  • elements of a free trial and advantages of new features for freemium users;

  • specified offers based on customer data.

3. Milestone email

Businesses may get their customers engaged through a correct SaaS email marketing strategy.

You can express your gratitude for the user relationships you've built here or share a review. For example, the amount of time a person spent with your company or the quantity of product usage based on a specific period.

Encouraging users to interact with a SaaS company via milestone email

(Source: Email from Grammarly)

Transform customer experience with your SaaS company into a fun message and enable customers to share these fun facts with their friends.

4. Free trial ending reminder

These email messages remind your subscribers to select a pro plan for further usage before a free trial ends. Start with a straightforward subject line; as you see, a subject line is the basis of any email marketing tips.

Sending emails to remind people that their free trial period is ending is just good service. It's a simple trial if you don't require a credit card upfront, but if you do, the end of the trial signals the start of charging their credit card. You should notify your user ahead of time in either case to avoid any misunderstanding. 

Email marketing campaigns to notify about the end of a free trial

(Source: Email from Email on Acid)

Of course, you do not need to manually monitor users and send such emails. Your ESP does it for you once you set up a workflow.

5. Reactivation/retention email for inactive users (paying customers)

Follow up on the loss! With reactivation/retention emails, you can arouse the interest of inactive users again after their "silence". Customer statistics such as last purchase date, user activity, and profiling trigger the best emails that re-engage subscribers.

Customer retention email example for SaaS business support team

(Source: Really Good Emails)

These emails remind the recipient why they joined up, evoke their interest, or demonstrate new ways for them to interact with your product. Here you should use customer data and the info from your customer success manager (they usually have useful insights) to make a successful email marketing strategy for SaaS business needs.

Email marketing campaigns based on customer data for retention

(Source: Really Good Emails)

6. Digest email

A digest email is a summary email sent regularly, usually daily, weekly, or monthly. 

A good digest email summarizes important information in a way that makes it very easy for a reader to gain value, and it is delivered directly to their inbox :). Such a simple and convenient option for an email marketing strategy to keep your subscribers posted on your platform news.

For all your users (new users, paying customers, freemium users), these can be really important email campaigns: add an extract from your recent blog post, tips on how to achieve more with your product, video tutorials, and video interviews on experts opinion — the more relevant useful information, the better your users will engage.

Example of a digest Email SaaS companies send

(Source: Email from Slack)

7. Referral program email

Sharing is caring! Every human in the world is connected to a couple more, so why not use it for your growth? Once you launch referral campaigns, you need to simply notify your users about its advantages — invite a friend and get a present.

Referral email marketing campaign example

(Source: Really Good Emails)

State it in a clear subject line so your users won't miss their chance.

8. Updates announcement email

A product update email is one of the best ways to demonstrate that you're paying attention to your consumers' feedback, working hard to meet their requirements, and reminding them of the value of your SaaS product. Such emails can also re-engage users who are about to abandon your service. Every upgrade can please your subscribers. Thus, don't be shy to share it.

Email strategy for saas business _ Update announcement email

(Source: Email from Litmus)

9. Discount and promotional emails

When you have users who’re truly interested in your product but have an itsy-bitsy uncertainty, you might try to present a little surprise like a discount or special offer that might motivate them to make the final step and purchase the product.  

Email campaign example for inactive users

(Source: Really Good Emails)

10. Survey emails

You must first understand your customer's demands to provide a good service. Asking the client to rate you is the best way to get their feedback and analyze what they like and dislike.

Make the survey short and good-looking, so it will be convenient to submit or organize a short and well-thought call so you won't disturb clients.

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Wrapping up

Hopefully, this article helped you to get a handle on the types of SaaS email examples. Remember that your clients shall be your mates. And we are glad to be your small guideline on this friendly journey!

Use our pre-built email templates for SaaS products or build one from scratch
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